new overlay?
Thank you very much, going to deal with functions, and then in version 2, missing manabars in Vengeful and MK, and do not show a Roshan timer
Большое спасибо, пойду разбираться с функциями, а то во 2 версии, пропадали манабары на венге и МК, и не показывался таймер рошана
Never use that, I use 'P' to open shop. When that assembly is enabled, 'P' won't open shop. Couldn't find in settings how to change that, so I just removed it.
Never use that, I use 'P' to open shop. When that assembly is enabled, 'P' won't open shop. Couldn't find in settings how to change that, so I just removed it.
That's because P is a default toggle key for snatcher.
You can solve that by going to Generalsetting and turn off "Block player input"
Hello J-God, thank you for all your effort to this amazing assembly and there are some tiny problems that hope you can fix/update it.
The first one is the resolution problem. Since I am using a 21:9 2560x1080, the hero overlay (mp bar, spell icons) will kinda block the hp bar. I guess the reason is if the horizontal resolution is 2560, the assembly will put the hero overlay on 1440 pixels vertically, to fit the 2560x1440 16:9 resolution, could you fix this please? I think more and more people use 21:9 screen will face the same problem.
And other problems is my personal request and hope there would be switches to turn them on/off,
- hp value in digits on hero overlay, like the mana one, will be easy to use axe ulti.
- disable hero overlay on my own hero
- customize hero overlay position, like the item and networth panel.
- customize font
Hello J-God, thank you for all your effort to this amazing assembly and there are some tiny problems that hope you can fix/update it.
The first one is the resolution problem. Since I am using a 21:9 2560x1080, the hero overlay (mp bar, spell icons) will kinda block the hp bar. I guess the reason is if the horizontal resolution is 2560, the assembly will put the hero overlay on 1440 pixels vertically, to fit the 2560x1440 16:9 resolution, could you fix this please? I think more and more people use 21:9 screen will face the same problem.
And other problems is my personal request and hope there would be switches to turn them on/off,
- hp value in digits on hero overlay, like the mana one, will be easy to use axe ulti.
- disable hero overlay on my own hero
- customize hero overlay position, like the item and networth panel.
- customize font
before first creeps you can see this panel with info
also you can check ur console for some info too
At me in general such does not appear. I do not even have anything to show off in your console, just like yours for an Opendot, a feeling like it's not there at all.
@mrSharp said:
At me in general such does not appear. I do not even have anything to show off in your console, just like yours for an Opendot, a feeling like it's not there at all.
@mrSharp said:
At me in general such does not appear. I do not even have anything to show off in your console, just like yours for an Opendot, a feeling like it's not there at all.
in v2 opendota is working for u?
Worked a long time, like i said during the hero's selection. But now she's not showing up anymore. Well, that's okay. It's not such a big deal anyway.
I wanted to know if you add buyback enemy heroes? It'il probably be more useful.
This happens to me. But mostly it only shows 4 heroes items and not 5. Is there a way to solve this without F5?
Never got this before. Any errors in console?
114275| 4| Bootstrapper| RaiseUnhandledException| System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at OverlayInformation.HeroContainer.UpdateInfo()
at OverlayInformation.HeroContainer..ctor(Hero hero, Boolean isAlly, OverlayInformation main)
at OverlayInformation.Updater.<>c__DisplayClass28_0.<OnNewHero>b__0()
at Ensage.Common.DelayAction.<>c.<Add>b__4_0(Object sender, RaisedArgs args)
at Ensage.Common.Signals.Signal.TriggerSignal(Object sender, String reason)
at Ensage.Common.Signals.SignalManager.Game_OnUpdate(EventArgs args)
at Ensage.Drawing.OnDrawNative()
Any of that help? Only showing 4 now and that's red in console.
This happens to me. But mostly it only shows 4 heroes items and not 5. Is there a way to solve this without F5?
Never got this before. Any errors in console?
114275| 4| Bootstrapper| RaiseUnhandledException| System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at OverlayInformation.HeroContainer.UpdateInfo()
at OverlayInformation.HeroContainer..ctor(Hero hero, Boolean isAlly, OverlayInformation main)
at OverlayInformation.Updater.<>c__DisplayClass28_0.<OnNewHero>b__0()
at Ensage.Common.DelayAction.<>c.<Add>b__4_0(Object sender, RaisedArgs args)
at Ensage.Common.Signals.Signal.TriggerSignal(Object sender, String reason)
at Ensage.Common.Signals.SignalManager.Game_OnUpdate(EventArgs args)
at Ensage.Drawing.OnDrawNative()
Any of that help? Only showing 4 now and that's red in console.
now overlay can draw icon on minimap for last position(prediction) tracker
Life bars in top panel is shown with position mistake in 2560x1080(21:9) resolution, and it is not adjustable like in hero overlay. Could you please fix it or make it positional adjustable?
Meanwhile, the TP position in minimap is also incorrect, I dont know if it is because of the resolution as well.
now overlay can draw icon on minimap for last position(prediction) tracker
Life bars in top panel is shown with position mistake in 2560x1080(21:9) resolution, and it is not adjustable like in hero overlay. Could you please fix it or make it positional adjustable?
Meanwhile, the TP position in minimap is also incorrect, I dont know if it is because of the resolution as well.
Hey Jumpering, do you need to turn on Alpha Loader Update channel if you're playing on dx11 with OverlayInformationV3? Because I've been experiencing crashes after I turned it onto Alpha.
now overlay can draw icon on minimap for last position(prediction) tracker
Life bars in top panel is shown with position mistake in 2560x1080(21:9) resolution, and it is not adjustable like in hero overlay. Could you please fix it or make it positional adjustable?
Meanwhile, the TP position in minimap is also incorrect, I dont know if it is because of the resolution as well.
new overlay?
Thank you very much, going to deal with functions, and then in version 2, missing manabars in Vengeful and MK, and do not show a Roshan timer
Большое спасибо, пойду разбираться с функциями, а то во 2 версии, пропадали манабары на венге и МК, и не показывался таймер рошана
V2 had auto phase boots. V3, doesn't seem to have this feature. Is it possible to add this?
I have a few questions. Is it possible to implement the old method of skills, where the point? And what does "cour overlay"?
Never use that, I use 'P' to open shop. When that assembly is enabled, 'P' won't open shop. Couldn't find in settings how to change that, so I just removed it.
That's because P is a default toggle key for snatcher.
You can solve that by going to Generalsetting and turn off "Block player input"
Okay, thanks I will try that.
Well I went and changed the snatcher key.
Hello J-God, thank you for all your effort to this amazing assembly and there are some tiny problems that hope you can fix/update it.
The first one is the resolution problem. Since I am using a 21:9 2560x1080, the hero overlay (mp bar, spell icons) will kinda block the hp bar. I guess the reason is if the horizontal resolution is 2560, the assembly will put the hero overlay on 1440 pixels vertically, to fit the 2560x1440 16:9 resolution, could you fix this please? I think more and more people use 21:9 screen will face the same problem.
And other problems is my personal request and hope there would be switches to turn them on/off,
- hp value in digits on hero overlay, like the mana one, will be easy to use axe ulti.
- disable hero overlay on my own hero
- customize hero overlay position, like the item and networth panel.
- customize font
Thank you so much~
I wanted to know if everybody's not working OpenDota or if it just didn't work?
Hey guys,> @hmxxhmzxesg said:
for me its working fine
Is it just me or does this sometimes not show the 5th enemies items? I find I have to press 'F5' in game to get it to work.
Can you show me how it should be shown in the game?
He was supposed to be here on the parameters.
open dota is not working for local player, u need a real player for test
Thank you so much! You are awesome!
Yes, I used witch real players. But nothing comes up anyway.
It's just that all the scripts work, which is what OpenDota doesn't work.
I off all the the scripts, but still the same thing.
Should she show during the game or during the selection of heroes? As old version.
using 21:9 screen, can't see the hp bar
try to experemental with size/position settings
Same problem with mrSharp, dont know where to see opendota info. Have tried to adjust opendota position but nothing changed in screen.
before first creeps you can see this panel with info
also you can check ur console for some info too

This happens to me. But mostly it only shows 4 heroes items and not 5. Is there a way to solve this without F5?
Never got this before. Any errors in console?
At me in general such does not appear. I do not even have anything to show off in your console, just like yours for an Opendot, a feeling like it's not there at all.
in v2 opendota is working for u?
Worked a long time, like i said during the hero's selection. But now she's not showing up anymore. Well, that's okay. It's not such a big deal anyway.
I wanted to know if you add buyback enemy heroes? It'il probably be more useful.
why is not a deactivation ability and item for allies?
Any of that help? Only showing 4 now and that's red in console.
added function to menu for this
this exception from another error
Is this working for Dx11 already?
yes, since v3 was released
Is it only me or this feezes a lot the computer ?
Overlayinfo v3 Need fixes. 3 days ago, everything worked, now nothing works . It didnt appear ingame mod menu too... :((
Thanks, can Top Panel work with 2560 × 1440 screen res ?
Life bars in top panel is shown with position mistake in 2560x1080(21:9) resolution, and it is not adjustable like in hero overlay. Could you please fix it or make it positional adjustable?
Meanwhile, the TP position in minimap is also incorrect, I dont know if it is because of the resolution as well.
Thank you so much~
are u still here? or we shouldnt w8 new update for overlay?

Hey Jumpering, do you need to turn on Alpha Loader Update channel if you're playing on dx11 with OverlayInformationV3? Because I've been experiencing crashes after I turned it onto Alpha.
Thank you sir, you are the best.