@anonymouse said:
Bro @Jumpering can you add limit tp when tempest is already wearing off? Like if its about to end it wont tp anymore even if I set auto push on? Thanks bro! Cant wait for arc pro/crappahilation in paid assembly!
done in paid version
paid version already on fixing/testing stage
Thank you so much bro @Jumpering ! I hope it comes with the separate combo key for main and tempest plus main+tempest! Sure to be worth buying!
Also maybe you can add escape when in low health for tempest (good for early pushing) but I am also thinking about it when its in team fight might not be really useful. Also you can add evader mechanics for tempest, it would be very useful.
yes, its already done
i think it will useless, but i can also add this for you if u want
@myzone said:
Hey @Jumpering in paid version i think a mode for strictly pushing would be good. For example in late game sometime im trying to push t3 and not want to try and kill anyone, i mode where it would focus the towers only/creeps. Just an idea i think would be very helpful to me.
will add this too
Woaaah! Surely is exciting to see it will finally happen! Great to let tempest kill support then I can focus on their core! Thank you bro @Jumpering also here are things I think might help your assembly be really imbalanced.
Have another auto push setting for jungle farming, since in different scenario where team is so far ahead its great to focus on jungle farm rather than sending it and be killed by enemy.
You can add a toggle or a hold key to focus on more on structures/summoned creeps(necro,golem etc) warlock golems, nimbus, jugger healing ward etc. Since everyone wants to counter arc with nimbus, juggernaut, lycan, sometimes it would help if tempest focus on their creeps/wards/nimbus.
Add a time limit when to use tempest teleport, if its about to end it should not waste travels anymore.
You can also add a function for tempest to auto travels even if there are creeps nearby or jungle creeps nearby. As of the moment if you want to push for example bot, and you are on top lane with enemy creeps, it will try to finish that lane first before teleporting thus wasting time on travels. Same goes to when your jungling, I have to move away from the creeps and hit auto push, rather than I can maximize jungle farm and let tempest immediately teleport.
Auto escape option for tempest, but this is optional since you dont want tempest to escape during a teamfight, but this would be good to add if auto push is set to on since most of the time you dont set auto push on when in team fight, so just for pushing to let it not be farmed by enemies, but you should do this with health percentage, since at full health even with half timer remaining, tempest can still kill or harrass enemy.
All my request are optional bro @Jumpering and I just like to help your assembly be even better. The current one now I do not have a problem and its an excellent work already. But if you would like to add this request, it would be really helpful and useful! Thank you so much for your support on users, ill be sure to pay your assembly even if its 100usd. Thank You for all your hard work!
Most of these seem good ideas.
Anyone else having trouble getting it to use BOT? It keeps trying to run to the lane instead of TP, no settings change it just only tps like 10% of the time
Tempest's Nullfier is updated on the target, while it's still under the effect "mute" of main hero
Despite the availability of a paid script, fix, please...
I think it's easy, because orchid and hex work fine.
Thank you in advance and thanks for the excellent script!
@cs75369 said:
Tempest's Nullfier is updated on the target, while it's still under the effect "mute" of main hero
Despite the availability of a paid script, fix, please...
I think it's easy, because orchid and hex work fine.
Thank you in advance and thanks for the excellent script!
@cs75369 said:
Against a hero with Linken's Sphere of Tempest after a blink using in the first place the Orchid and then Flux.
But for some reason in the lobby, often everything works perfectly.
This problem is in the paid version of the script.
Maybe you have orchid/bloodthorn enabled to break linken in item manager, disable that, and just use combo from the script. Or change it that disable items doesnt break linken, just use onsight.
@cs75369 said:
Against a hero with Linken's Sphere of Tempest after a blink using in the first place the Orchid and then Flux.
But for some reason in the lobby, often everything works perfectly.
This problem is in the paid version of the script.
Maybe you have orchid/bloodthorn enabled to break linken in item manager or autousage, disable that, and just use combo from the script. Or change it that disable items doesnt break linken, just use onsight.
i m not winning games with him .I m always the top net worth guy in the game but i cant seems to win.My average gpm is 650gpm.I been trying many builds .I even tried necro book push build or mjol and hex .But once i make a wrong positioning move its GG.The death cooldown on this hero if fuking insane.
@furywind said:
i m not winning games with him .I m always the top net worth guy in the game but i cant seems to win.My average gpm is 650gpm.I been trying many builds .I even tried necro book push build or mjol and hex .But once i make a wrong positioning move its GG.The death cooldown on this hero if fuking insane.
let's try OG. Topson build ( OG VS PSG.LGD), i have 90% winrate with this style
@furywind said:
i m not winning games with him .I m always the top net worth guy in the game but i cant seems to win.My average gpm is 650gpm.I been trying many builds .I even tried necro book push build or mjol and hex .But once i make a wrong positioning move its GG.The death cooldown on this hero if fuking insane.
let's try OG. Topson build ( OG VS PSG.LGD), i have 90% winrate with this style![]
Thanks for sharing! Will try!
Travel boots before maestrom? never thought it could work
@furywind said:
i m not winning games with him .I m always the top net worth guy in the game but i cant seems to win.My average gpm is 650gpm.I been trying many builds .I even tried necro book push build or mjol and hex .But once i make a wrong positioning move its GG.The death cooldown on this hero if fuking insane.
let's try OG. Topson build ( OG VS PSG.LGD), i have 90% winrate with this style![]
Thanks for sharing! Will try!
Travel boots before maestrom? never thought it could work
@cs75369 said:
Against a hero with Linken's Sphere of Tempest after a blink using in the first place the Orchid and then Flux.
But for some reason in the lobby, often everything works perfectly.
This problem is in the paid version of the script.
Maybe you have orchid/bloodthorn enabled to break linken in item manager, disable that, and just use combo from the script. Or change it that disable items doesnt break linken, just use onsight.
@cs75369 said:
Against a hero with Linken's Sphere of Tempest after a blink using in the first place the Orchid and then Flux.
But for some reason in the lobby, often everything works perfectly.
This problem is in the paid version of the script.
Maybe you have orchid/bloodthorn enabled to break linken in item manager, disable that, and just use combo from the script. Or change it that disable items doesnt break linken, just use onsight.
Guys why when i make hurricane pike to get away from enemies like ursa , sven this guy jumps into them with hurricane pike. And guys .. i m not having sucess with this hero but hes fun to play in a frustrating way if u know what i mean. I always win mid lanes have good farm but for aome reason i cant win! I tried many builds i even follow topsom build like kinkinraiso20 mentioned but no avail. I m currently 2600 mmr :(
@furywind said:
Guys why when i make hurricane pike to get away from enemies like ursa , sven this guy jumps into them with hurricane pike. And guys .. i m not having sucess with this hero but hes fun to play in a frustrating way if u know what i mean. I always win mid lanes have good farm but for aome reason i cant win! I tried many builds i even follow topsom build like kinkinraiso20 mentioned but no avail. I m currently 2600 mmr :(
For users that has a problem winning with this assembly I made a couple of tips that can help, I play most of my time with this assembly and I manage to have a 80% success rate with what I am doing, note that it depends on your playstyle, this may or may not help but I just had the time to make tips for new users.
I am having success with the paid one and I am not sure about the free assembly, but here are my tips:
Try to use your main hero and not rely on the assembly, the assembly is good for the tempest since you can just lock and it does everything, but your main hero should be your focus, know when to come in or when to fight.
You should use your combo key when you are sure you can kill a enemy, adjust the settings with the assembly that it matches your playstyle, example for me I turn off spark wraith on early levels and have only flux so it can continue to orbwalk and not focus on wasting mana on spark since its not 100% accourate. You use spark manually on early levels. Then turn it on once you have your level 6 or you can sustain the mana for spark.
Adjust your settings, make sure your orbwalk matches your playstyle, if you want your hero and tempest to be close to the enemy or far from it then set your range that suits you.
Buy dagger, since it easily disrupts the enemy since it blink to them and harras them nonstop. Or shadowblade but the tempest needs to be close enough to land the buff on the enemy before it actually does the combo, so for me I recommend blink or you can buy both.
Let your tempest push lanes, and let your main farm safely, engage on an enemy or help your team when you know you can help them otherwise just farm since arc warden has a very slow pace when it comes to impact on team fights on early stage when you dont have enough items.
Build correct items, try to know the enemy, if they have escape try building disables, if they are right clickers then try to build disables plus damage. Try matching your items to them, remember that the assembly can use itmes like blademail, lotus orb etc.
Dont lose hope, arc warden needs a really good game to be successful, if your having a bad game, try your best not to feed and help team to get kills. Or farm jungle and try to maximize midas whenever its available.
Thats so far it, but it takes practice to use this assembly remember that the assembly doesnt play your game, just play your game and always remember that the assembly only helps you to win and not actually win it for you 100% of the time.
@furywind said:
Guys why when i make hurricane pike to get away from enemies like ursa , sven this guy jumps into them with hurricane pike. And guys .. i m not having sucess with this hero but hes fun to play in a frustrating way if u know what i mean. I always win mid lanes have good farm but for aome reason i cant win! I tried many builds i even follow topsom build like kinkinraiso20 mentioned but no avail. I m currently 2600 mmr :(
For users that has a problem winning with this assembly I made a couple of tips that can help, I play most of my time with this assembly and I manage to have a 80% success rate with what I am doing, note that it depends on your playstyle, this may or may not help but I just had the time to make tips for new users.
I am having success with the paid one and I am not sure about the free assembly, but here are my tips:
Try to use your main hero and not rely on the assembly, the assembly is good for the tempest since you can just lock and it does everything, but your main hero should be your focus, know when to come in or when to fight.
You should use your combo key when you are sure you can kill a enemy, adjust the settings with the assembly that it matches your playstyle, example for me I turn off spark wraith on early levels and have only flux so it can continue to orbwalk and not focus on wasting mana on spark since its not 100% accourate. You use spark manually on early levels. Then turn it on once you have your level 6 or you can sustain the mana for spark.
Adjust your settings, make sure your orbwalk matches your playstyle, if you want your hero and tempest to be close to the enemy or far from it then set your range that suits you.
Buy dagger, since it easily disrupts the enemy since it blink to them and harras them nonstop. Or shadowblade but the tempest needs to be close enough to land the buff on the enemy before it actually does the combo, so for me I recommend blink or you can buy both.
Let your tempest push lanes, and let your main farm safely, engage on an enemy or help your team when you know you can help them otherwise just farm since arc warden has a very slow pace when it comes to impact on team fights on early stage when you dont have enough items.
Build correct items, try to know the enemy, if they have escape try building disables, if they are right clickers then try to build disables plus damage. Try matching your items to them, remember that the assembly can use itmes like blademail, lotus orb etc.
Dont lose hope, arc warden needs a really good game to be successful, if your having a bad game, try your best not to feed and help team to get kills. Or farm jungle and try to maximize midas whenever its available.
Thats so far it, but it takes practice to use this assembly remember that the assembly doesnt play your game, just play your game and always remember that the assembly only helps you to win and not actually win it for you 100% of the time.
can you watch my game and let me know what i m doing wrong ?
@furywind said:
Guys why when i make hurricane pike to get away from enemies like ursa , sven this guy jumps into them with hurricane pike. And guys .. i m not having sucess with this hero but hes fun to play in a frustrating way if u know what i mean. I always win mid lanes have good farm but for aome reason i cant win! I tried many builds i even follow topsom build like kinkinraiso20 mentioned but no avail. I m currently 2600 mmr :(
disable hurricane pike in Arc menu :v> @anonymouse said:
@furywind said:
Guys why when i make hurricane pike to get away from enemies like ursa , sven this guy jumps into them with hurricane pike. And guys .. i m not having sucess with this hero but hes fun to play in a frustrating way if u know what i mean. I always win mid lanes have good farm but for aome reason i cant win! I tried many builds i even follow topsom build like kinkinraiso20 mentioned but no avail. I m currently 2600 mmr :(
For users that has a problem winning with this assembly I made a couple of tips that can help, I play most of my time with this assembly and I manage to have a 80% success rate with what I am doing, note that it depends on your playstyle, this may or may not help but I just had the time to make tips for new users.
I am having success with the paid one and I am not sure about the free assembly, but here are my tips:
Try to use your main hero and not rely on the assembly, the assembly is good for the tempest since you can just lock and it does everything, but your main hero should be your focus, know when to come in or when to fight.
You should use your combo key when you are sure you can kill a enemy, adjust the settings with the assembly that it matches your playstyle, example for me I turn off spark wraith on early levels and have only flux so it can continue to orbwalk and not focus on wasting mana on spark since its not 100% accourate. You use spark manually on early levels. Then turn it on once you have your level 6 or you can sustain the mana for spark.
Adjust your settings, make sure your orbwalk matches your playstyle, if you want your hero and tempest to be close to the enemy or far from it then set your range that suits you.
Buy dagger, since it easily disrupts the enemy since it blink to them and harras them nonstop. Or shadowblade but the tempest needs to be close enough to land the buff on the enemy before it actually does the combo, so for me I recommend blink or you can buy both.
Let your tempest push lanes, and let your main farm safely, engage on an enemy or help your team when you know you can help them otherwise just farm since arc warden has a very slow pace when it comes to impact on team fights on early stage when you dont have enough items.
Build correct items, try to know the enemy, if they have escape try building disables, if they are right clickers then try to build disables plus damage. Try matching your items to them, remember that the assembly can use itmes like blademail, lotus orb etc.
Dont lose hope, arc warden needs a really good game to be successful, if your having a bad game, try your best not to feed and help team to get kills. Or farm jungle and try to maximize midas whenever its available.
Thats so far it, but it takes practice to use this assembly remember that the assembly doesnt play your game, just play your game and always remember that the assembly only helps you to win and not actually win it for you 100% of the time.
@furywind said:
Guys why when i make hurricane pike to get away from enemies like ursa , sven this guy jumps into them with hurricane pike. And guys .. i m not having sucess with this hero but hes fun to play in a frustrating way if u know what i mean. I always win mid lanes have good farm but for aome reason i cant win! I tried many builds i even follow topsom build like kinkinraiso20 mentioned but no avail. I m currently 2600 mmr :(
disable hurricane pike in Arc menu :v> @anonymouse said:
@furywind said:
Guys why when i make hurricane pike to get away from enemies like ursa , sven this guy jumps into them with hurricane pike. And guys .. i m not having sucess with this hero but hes fun to play in a frustrating way if u know what i mean. I always win mid lanes have good farm but for aome reason i cant win! I tried many builds i even follow topsom build like kinkinraiso20 mentioned but no avail. I m currently 2600 mmr :(
For users that has a problem winning with this assembly I made a couple of tips that can help, I play most of my time with this assembly and I manage to have a 80% success rate with what I am doing, note that it depends on your playstyle, this may or may not help but I just had the time to make tips for new users.
I am having success with the paid one and I am not sure about the free assembly, but here are my tips:
Try to use your main hero and not rely on the assembly, the assembly is good for the tempest since you can just lock and it does everything, but your main hero should be your focus, know when to come in or when to fight.
You should use your combo key when you are sure you can kill a enemy, adjust the settings with the assembly that it matches your playstyle, example for me I turn off spark wraith on early levels and have only flux so it can continue to orbwalk and not focus on wasting mana on spark since its not 100% accourate. You use spark manually on early levels. Then turn it on once you have your level 6 or you can sustain the mana for spark.
Adjust your settings, make sure your orbwalk matches your playstyle, if you want your hero and tempest to be close to the enemy or far from it then set your range that suits you.
Buy dagger, since it easily disrupts the enemy since it blink to them and harras them nonstop. Or shadowblade but the tempest needs to be close enough to land the buff on the enemy before it actually does the combo, so for me I recommend blink or you can buy both.
Let your tempest push lanes, and let your main farm safely, engage on an enemy or help your team when you know you can help them otherwise just farm since arc warden has a very slow pace when it comes to impact on team fights on early stage when you dont have enough items.
Build correct items, try to know the enemy, if they have escape try building disables, if they are right clickers then try to build disables plus damage. Try matching your items to them, remember that the assembly can use itmes like blademail, lotus orb etc.
Dont lose hope, arc warden needs a really good game to be successful, if your having a bad game, try your best not to feed and help team to get kills. Or farm jungle and try to maximize midas whenever its available.
Thats so far it, but it takes practice to use this assembly remember that the assembly doesnt play your game, just play your game and always remember that the assembly only helps you to win and not actually win it for you 100% of the time.
I have tried the hurricane build before, and it didnt worked for me then but maybe I can give it a try again. What I dont like about hurricane before is that it doesn’t accurately go to the enemy, it sometimes goes to a different location that I want. Blink is working with my playstyle because I usually let my tempest go in first with the enemy support with dagger, so that I can initiate the fight to the cores. Blink works great for me since it can blink like really next to the enemy, and scare them off. But sure ill try the hurricane pike build soon.
@furywind said:
Guys why when i make hurricane pike to get away from enemies like ursa , sven this guy jumps into them with hurricane pike. And guys .. i m not having sucess with this hero but hes fun to play in a frustrating way if u know what i mean. I always win mid lanes have good farm but for aome reason i cant win! I tried many builds i even follow topsom build like kinkinraiso20 mentioned but no avail. I m currently 2600 mmr :(
For users that has a problem winning with this assembly I made a couple of tips that can help, I play most of my time with this assembly and I manage to have a 80% success rate with what I am doing, note that it depends on your playstyle, this may or may not help but I just had the time to make tips for new users.
I am having success with the paid one and I am not sure about the free assembly, but here are my tips:
Try to use your main hero and not rely on the assembly, the assembly is good for the tempest since you can just lock and it does everything, but your main hero should be your focus, know when to come in or when to fight.
You should use your combo key when you are sure you can kill a enemy, adjust the settings with the assembly that it matches your playstyle, example for me I turn off spark wraith on early levels and have only flux so it can continue to orbwalk and not focus on wasting mana on spark since its not 100% accourate. You use spark manually on early levels. Then turn it on once you have your level 6 or you can sustain the mana for spark.
Adjust your settings, make sure your orbwalk matches your playstyle, if you want your hero and tempest to be close to the enemy or far from it then set your range that suits you.
Buy dagger, since it easily disrupts the enemy since it blink to them and harras them nonstop. Or shadowblade but the tempest needs to be close enough to land the buff on the enemy before it actually does the combo, so for me I recommend blink or you can buy both.
Let your tempest push lanes, and let your main farm safely, engage on an enemy or help your team when you know you can help them otherwise just farm since arc warden has a very slow pace when it comes to impact on team fights on early stage when you dont have enough items.
Build correct items, try to know the enemy, if they have escape try building disables, if they are right clickers then try to build disables plus damage. Try matching your items to them, remember that the assembly can use itmes like blademail, lotus orb etc.
Dont lose hope, arc warden needs a really good game to be successful, if your having a bad game, try your best not to feed and help team to get kills. Or farm jungle and try to maximize midas whenever its available.
Thats so far it, but it takes practice to use this assembly remember that the assembly doesnt play your game, just play your game and always remember that the assembly only helps you to win and not actually win it for you 100% of the time.
can you watch my game and let me know what i m doing wrong ?
Ill check it when im back to my country, im currently out and I cant check it.
When using the hotkey/combo key (G), the main hero and tempest always walks to meele range of enemy heroes. Am I doing something wrong ? I keep my G key pressed to use it and most of the time dies because my heroes walk to meele range against pudge/LC/spec etc.
Also, from what I understand, if its for orb walking, I have also tried keeping the key pressed and moving my mouse away from enemies but then the heroes start animation cancelling and do nothing.
@animeout said:
When using the hotkey/combo key (G), the main hero and tempest always walks to meele range of enemy heroes. Am I doing something wrong ? I keep my G key pressed to use it and most of the time dies because my heroes walk to meele range against pudge/LC/spec etc.
Also, from what I understand, if its for orb walking, I have also tried keeping the key pressed and moving my mouse away from enemies but then the heroes start animation cancelling and do nothing.
Also, when building mjolnir, I dont think the hero or tempest are auto equipping it on anyone
@animeout said:
When using the hotkey/combo key (G), the main hero and tempest always walks to meele range of enemy heroes. Am I doing something wrong ? I keep my G key pressed to use it and most of the time dies because my heroes walk to meele range against pudge/LC/spec etc.
Also, from what I understand, if its for orb walking, I have also tried keeping the key pressed and moving my mouse away from enemies but then the heroes start animation cancelling and do nothing.
yes, wrong. in arc annihilation menu, orbwalking, enable and set min distance orbwalking to about 500. in ensage.sdk menu, turn off orbwalk. Done!
@animeout said:
When using the hotkey/combo key (G), the main hero and tempest always walks to meele range of enemy heroes. Am I doing something wrong ? I keep my G key pressed to use it and most of the time dies because my heroes walk to meele range against pudge/LC/spec etc.
Also, from what I understand, if its for orb walking, I have also tried keeping the key pressed and moving my mouse away from enemies but then the heroes start animation cancelling and do nothing.
yes, wrong. in arc annihilation menu, orbwalking, enable and set min distance orbwalking to about 500. in ensage.sdk menu, turn off orbwalk. Done!
Thanks, had been long since I last used ensage so was confused at start. Finally starting to grasp it back. Also the thing I wanted to use was just the "Clone" mode key but instead I was using hotkey which was forcing both heroes to act.
There is a slight update this needs though, if you lock a enemy with clone mode, the tempest tries to walk all the way to him rather than TP and try to kill. This actually prevents any and all kill potentials by tempest alone.
@animeout said:
When using the hotkey/combo key (G), the main hero and tempest always walks to meele range of enemy heroes. Am I doing something wrong ? I keep my G key pressed to use it and most of the time dies because my heroes walk to meele range against pudge/LC/spec etc.
Also, from what I understand, if its for orb walking, I have also tried keeping the key pressed and moving my mouse away from enemies but then the heroes start animation cancelling and do nothing.
yes, wrong. in arc annihilation menu, orbwalking, enable and set min distance orbwalking to about 500. in ensage.sdk menu, turn off orbwalk. Done!
Thanks, had been long since I last used ensage so was confused at start. Finally starting to grasp it back. Also the thing I wanted to use was just the "Clone" mode key but instead I was using hotkey which was forcing both heroes to act.
There is a slight update this needs though, if you lock a enemy with clone mode, the tempest tries to walk all the way to him rather than TP and try to kill. This actually prevents any and all kill potentials by tempest alone.
jumpering created Arc annihilation paid, so free version definitely not updated anymore, nothing is made for free. Ur settings still wrong: in Arc menu, tab orbwalking, select : follow target ( not follow mouse). Ok done.
Seems to be broken. The classic script doesn't show up in the game when the profile is loaded.
Paid version does load, however, seems extremely buggy lately. Main hero combo key doesn't seem to want to work 100% of the time, although the tempest combo works fine.
Update: the free version started working again out of nowhere not sure if it were an update or not. Paid version combo key still giving me issues, however.
@betthatdude said:
Update: the free version started working again out of nowhere not sure if it were an update or not. Paid version combo key still giving me issues, however.
Видеть радиус атаки - это очень удобная вещь . Она работает до того момента, пока не запустишь ваш скрипт и почему вы не хотите добавить в него радиусы атаки, скилов и т.п ? это очень нужно !
@Welkinds said:
Видеть радиус атаки - это очень удобная вещь . Она работает до того момента, пока не запустишь ваш скрипт и почему вы не хотите добавить в него радиусы атаки, скилов и т.п ? это очень нужно !
core 785 updated but the scripts are broken, arc paid is broken too, when combo key pressed arc goes near the mid tower and just stands there. even when you are anywhere in the map when you use the combo key arc walks to the middle and stands there.
Most of these seem good ideas.
Anyone else having trouble getting it to use BOT? It keeps trying to run to the lane instead of TP, no settings change it just only tps like 10% of the time
when ever i press the combo key it automatically force staffs me towards them and them i go into the meele range
Just turn off force staff in items to be used by your main, theres no force staff settings at the moment, so use it manually.
Tempest's Nullfier is updated on the target, while it's still under the effect "mute" of main hero
Despite the availability of a paid script, fix, please...
I think it's easy, because orchid and hex work fine.
Thank you in advance and thanks for the excellent script!
can you add, just minor update, for drawings eg. the attack range
Against a hero with Linken's Sphere of Tempest after a blink using in the first place the Orchid and then Flux.
But for some reason in the lobby, often everything works perfectly.
This problem is in the paid version of the script.
Maybe you have orchid/bloodthorn enabled to break linken in item manager, disable that, and just use combo from the script. Or change it that disable items doesnt break linken, just use onsight.
hi, today i try to use the script, but it doesn't work anymore, didnt even show it in the shift panel
not working after todays update
Update GitHub sources please
Do i have to press "g" multiple times for it to use the combo or is it a bug? Am i doing something wrong ?
working now thanks.
yes multiple time to activate your items aswell.
i m not winning games with him .I m always the top net worth guy in the game but i cant seems to win.My average gpm is 650gpm.I been trying many builds .I even tried necro book push build or mjol and hex .But once i make a wrong positioning move its GG.The death cooldown on this hero if fuking insane.
let's try OG. Topson build ( OG VS PSG.LGD), i have 90% winrate with this style

Thanks for sharing! Will try!
Travel boots before maestrom? never thought it could work
Travel boots is core item of Arc
yes but he has no pushing/farming power w/o maelstrom. I prefer to rush it before boots, but will try opposite
build Necronomicon then travel boots XD, arc can travel to all lane to push or farm in jungle
agree, Tempest always uses flux then items
Guys why when i make hurricane pike to get away from enemies like ursa , sven this guy jumps into them with hurricane pike. And guys .. i m not having sucess with this hero but hes fun to play in a frustrating way if u know what i mean. I always win mid lanes have good farm but for aome reason i cant win! I tried many builds i even follow topsom build like kinkinraiso20 mentioned but no avail. I m currently 2600 mmr :(
For users that has a problem winning with this assembly I made a couple of tips that can help, I play most of my time with this assembly and I manage to have a 80% success rate with what I am doing, note that it depends on your playstyle, this may or may not help but I just had the time to make tips for new users.
I am having success with the paid one and I am not sure about the free assembly, but here are my tips:
Try to use your main hero and not rely on the assembly, the assembly is good for the tempest since you can just lock and it does everything, but your main hero should be your focus, know when to come in or when to fight.
You should use your combo key when you are sure you can kill a enemy, adjust the settings with the assembly that it matches your playstyle, example for me I turn off spark wraith on early levels and have only flux so it can continue to orbwalk and not focus on wasting mana on spark since its not 100% accourate. You use spark manually on early levels. Then turn it on once you have your level 6 or you can sustain the mana for spark.
Adjust your settings, make sure your orbwalk matches your playstyle, if you want your hero and tempest to be close to the enemy or far from it then set your range that suits you.
Buy dagger, since it easily disrupts the enemy since it blink to them and harras them nonstop. Or shadowblade but the tempest needs to be close enough to land the buff on the enemy before it actually does the combo, so for me I recommend blink or you can buy both.
Let your tempest push lanes, and let your main farm safely, engage on an enemy or help your team when you know you can help them otherwise just farm since arc warden has a very slow pace when it comes to impact on team fights on early stage when you dont have enough items.
Build correct items, try to know the enemy, if they have escape try building disables, if they are right clickers then try to build disables plus damage. Try matching your items to them, remember that the assembly can use itmes like blademail, lotus orb etc.
Dont lose hope, arc warden needs a really good game to be successful, if your having a bad game, try your best not to feed and help team to get kills. Or farm jungle and try to maximize midas whenever its available.
Thats so far it, but it takes practice to use this assembly remember that the assembly doesnt play your game, just play your game and always remember that the assembly only helps you to win and not actually win it for you 100% of the time.
can you watch my game and let me know what i m doing wrong ?
disable hurricane pike in Arc menu :v> @anonymouse said:
hurricane pike is more effective, double distance, it's very very effective when main hero hitted and need to run away or chase or being hex
I have tried the hurricane build before, and it didnt worked for me then but maybe I can give it a try again. What I dont like about hurricane before is that it doesn’t accurately go to the enemy, it sometimes goes to a different location that I want. Blink is working with my playstyle because I usually let my tempest go in first with the enemy support with dagger, so that I can initiate the fight to the cores. Blink works great for me since it can blink like really next to the enemy, and scare them off. But sure ill try the hurricane pike build soon.
Ill check it when im back to my country, im currently out and I cant check it.
When using the hotkey/combo key (G), the main hero and tempest always walks to meele range of enemy heroes. Am I doing something wrong ? I keep my G key pressed to use it and most of the time dies because my heroes walk to meele range against pudge/LC/spec etc.
Also, from what I understand, if its for orb walking, I have also tried keeping the key pressed and moving my mouse away from enemies but then the heroes start animation cancelling and do nothing.
Also, when building mjolnir, I dont think the hero or tempest are auto equipping it on anyone
yes, wrong. in arc annihilation menu, orbwalking, enable and set min distance orbwalking to about 500. in ensage.sdk menu, turn off orbwalk. Done!
Thanks, had been long since I last used ensage so was confused at start. Finally starting to grasp it back. Also the thing I wanted to use was just the "Clone" mode key but instead I was using hotkey which was forcing both heroes to act.
There is a slight update this needs though, if you lock a enemy with clone mode, the tempest tries to walk all the way to him rather than TP and try to kill. This actually prevents any and all kill potentials by tempest alone.
jumpering created Arc annihilation paid, so free version definitely not updated anymore, nothing is made for free. Ur settings still wrong: in Arc menu, tab orbwalking, select : follow target ( not follow mouse). Ok done.
dont work anymore.
Experimental version is working. But my favourite classic version do not even showed in main menu :( fix pls
not working in game :(,just in demo
wait for Ensage update
when it will be done. I not have Any ETA
Update! You can take your compensation here ----> https://www.ensage.io/store/compensation
Почему у меня арк варден при зажатой кнопке комбо бежит к противнику и не может ударить?
@Jumpering orbwalking minimum range when move to mouse is active is not working pls fix
why no fix ? i thought u were supposed to fix free assemblies if anything is broken ? Pls update the script
Seems to be broken. The classic script doesn't show up in the game when the profile is loaded.
Paid version does load, however, seems extremely buggy lately. Main hero combo key doesn't seem to want to work 100% of the time, although the tempest combo works fine.
Anyone else having issues?
Update: the free version started working again out of nowhere not sure if it were an update or not. Paid version combo key still giving me issues, however.
u can check it in discord channel (compiler)
Видеть радиус атаки - это очень удобная вещь . Она работает до того момента, пока не запустишь ваш скрипт и почему вы не хотите добавить в него радиусы атаки, скилов и т.п ? это очень нужно !
потому что есть отдельные скрипты для этого
core 785 updated but the scripts are broken, arc paid is broken too, when combo key pressed arc goes near the mid tower and just stands there. even when you are anywhere in the map when you use the combo key arc walks to the middle and stands there.
My auto pushing doesn't seems to work, any advice?