Hey, can u guys help me please. I just cant open the config ingame to set the arc annihilation enable because doesnt appear "arc annihilation", i have a lot of scripts like sky, pudge etc but arc cant open ingame, i already refreshed F5 and about the assembly, i already clicked on refresh with right button
@anonymouse said:
bro @Jumpering arc annihilation experimental doesnt seem to be showing on the menu, it shows the old arc annihilation. Pls fix, thank you!
@anonymouse said:
bro @Jumpering arc annihilation experimental doesnt seem to be showing on the menu, it shows the old arc annihilation. Pls fix, thank you!
update loader & assembly then press f5
Tried it bro @Jumpering Arc Annihilation Experimental doesnt load, only the old version of Arc Annihilation, its not the experimental version.
You can see in my attached photo that I already updated to the latest version, even restarted my pc and still the same problem, only the old version loads weird that I dont even have the old one installed only the experimental version.
Hey @Jumpering I can see arc in menu it is working for me aswell, But when i use temp combo the orb walker doesnt work properly. It cancels the atking to early how can i fix this ?
@myzone said:
Hey @Jumpering I can see arc in menu it is working for me aswell, But when i use temp combo the orb walker doesnt work properly. It cancels the atking to early how can i fix this ?
You can see the experimental version? or the old version?
@myzone said:
Hey @Jumpering I can see arc in menu it is working for me aswell, But when i use temp combo the orb walker doesnt work properly. It cancels the atking to early how can i fix this ?
You can see the experimental version? or the old version?
@Jumpering said:
if u guys still cant install exp version, you can install this from my github
Got it working bro with the new update. Also thank you for the enemy range slider! But can you make it atleast 2000 range? Since games tend to have wards and I set my tempest attack range to 500, so its kinda far when enemy is just looking at tempest. I still get vision of enemy beyond 1600, i guess up to 2000 would be beneficial, especially if user set attack range of tempest more than 500. Thanks bro @Jumpering
Hey. Is the older version no longer supported? I figured that it is much more convenient and logical, but today noticed that it is removed from the program
@badmantegrow said:
Hey. Is the older version no longer supported? I figured that it is much more convenient and logical, but today noticed that it is removed from the program
@badmantegrow said:
Hey. Is the older version no longer supported? I figured that it is much more convenient and logical, but today noticed that it is removed from the program
Hello @Jumpering where is the old arc script? It's much better than this experimental.
Would it be possible to leave the old version as option of choice??
In my opinion Experimental and Legacy Arc scripts have their own cons and pros, waiting for new paid script which will have all good stuff combined with advanced configuration. Perfect Arc Annihilation
Actually the Old Arc Assembly has more options like support mode/monkey mode etc. But what makes the Experimental way better than the old is the auto push settings, usage of disable items, and better farming tempest on auto push, all it really needs is a separate combo key for main and tempest( to let tempest kill support and you combo the enemy core), and another key for main and tempest combo together like what we have now. Overall this is a great script cant wait to pay for this in the paid assemblies store!
@subolock said:
Hello @Jumpering where is the old arc script? It's much better than this experimental.
Would it be possible to leave the old version as option of choice??
Thanks for the attention.
@jumpering pode apenas disponibilizar a versão antiga para uso?
@subolock said:
Hello @Jumpering where is the old arc script? It's much better than this experimental.
Would it be possible to leave the old version as option of choice??
Thanks for the attention.
@jumpering pode apenas disponibilizar a versão antiga para uso?
@Jumpering can you just make the old version available for use?
@Nagibator666 said:
Do not know if this is a bug or not, but both heroes use Nullifier at the same time, so we got 5 seconds of disable instead ~ 10 sec.
Arc experimental bug where if your clone is say mid in combo mode on sniper, you hold spacebar on their luna bot and you go back and forth really fast and dumb because of the 2 targets, it's fixed by pressing the combo mode key twice
Bro @Jumpering can you add limit tp when tempest is already wearing off? Like if its about to end it wont tp anymore even if I set auto push on? Thanks bro! Cant wait for arc pro/crappahilation in paid assembly!
@anonymouse said:
Bro @Jumpering can you add limit tp when tempest is already wearing off? Like if its about to end it wont tp anymore even if I set auto push on? Thanks bro! Cant wait for arc pro/crappahilation in paid assembly!
@anonymouse said:
Bro @Jumpering can you add limit tp when tempest is already wearing off? Like if its about to end it wont tp anymore even if I set auto push on? Thanks bro! Cant wait for arc pro/crappahilation in paid assembly!
done in paid version
paid version already on fixing/testing stage
Thank you so much bro @Jumpering ! I hope it comes with the separate combo key for main and tempest plus main+tempest! Sure to be worth buying!
Also maybe you can add escape when in low health for tempest (good for early pushing) but I am also thinking about it when its in team fight might not be really useful. Also you can add evader mechanics for tempest, it would be very useful.
Hey @Jumpering in paid version i think a mode for strictly pushing would be good. For example in late game sometime im trying to push t3 and not want to try and kill anyone, i mode where it would focus the towers only/creeps. Just an idea i think would be very helpful to me.
@anonymouse said:
Bro @Jumpering can you add limit tp when tempest is already wearing off? Like if its about to end it wont tp anymore even if I set auto push on? Thanks bro! Cant wait for arc pro/crappahilation in paid assembly!
done in paid version
paid version already on fixing/testing stage
Thank you so much bro @Jumpering ! I hope it comes with the separate combo key for main and tempest plus main+tempest! Sure to be worth buying!
Also maybe you can add escape when in low health for tempest (good for early pushing) but I am also thinking about it when its in team fight might not be really useful. Also you can add evader mechanics for tempest, it would be very useful.
yes, its already done
i think it will useless, but i can also add this for you if u want
@myzone said:
Hey @Jumpering in paid version i think a mode for strictly pushing would be good. For example in late game sometime im trying to push t3 and not want to try and kill anyone, i mode where it would focus the towers only/creeps. Just an idea i think would be very helpful to me.
@anonymouse said:
Bro @Jumpering can you add limit tp when tempest is already wearing off? Like if its about to end it wont tp anymore even if I set auto push on? Thanks bro! Cant wait for arc pro/crappahilation in paid assembly!
done in paid version
paid version already on fixing/testing stage
Thank you so much bro @Jumpering ! I hope it comes with the separate combo key for main and tempest plus main+tempest! Sure to be worth buying!
Also maybe you can add escape when in low health for tempest (good for early pushing) but I am also thinking about it when its in team fight might not be really useful. Also you can add evader mechanics for tempest, it would be very useful.
yes, its already done
i think it will useless, but i can also add this for you if u want
@myzone said:
Hey @Jumpering in paid version i think a mode for strictly pushing would be good. For example in late game sometime im trying to push t3 and not want to try and kill anyone, i mode where it would focus the towers only/creeps. Just an idea i think would be very helpful to me.
will add this too
woaahh .. i’m really excited about this.. any ETA jump?
@anonymouse said:
Bro @Jumpering can you add limit tp when tempest is already wearing off? Like if its about to end it wont tp anymore even if I set auto push on? Thanks bro! Cant wait for arc pro/crappahilation in paid assembly!
done in paid version
paid version already on fixing/testing stage
Thank you so much bro @Jumpering ! I hope it comes with the separate combo key for main and tempest plus main+tempest! Sure to be worth buying!
Also maybe you can add escape when in low health for tempest (good for early pushing) but I am also thinking about it when its in team fight might not be really useful. Also you can add evader mechanics for tempest, it would be very useful.
yes, its already done
i think it will useless, but i can also add this for you if u want
@myzone said:
Hey @Jumpering in paid version i think a mode for strictly pushing would be good. For example in late game sometime im trying to push t3 and not want to try and kill anyone, i mode where it would focus the towers only/creeps. Just an idea i think would be very helpful to me.
will add this too
Woaaah! Surely is exciting to see it will finally happen! Great to let tempest kill support then I can focus on their core! Thank you bro @Jumpering also here are things I think might help your assembly be really imbalanced.
Have another auto push setting for jungle farming, since in different scenario where team is so far ahead its great to focus on jungle farm rather than sending it and be killed by enemy.
You can add a toggle or a hold key to focus on more on structures/summoned creeps(necro,golem etc) warlock golems, nimbus, jugger healing ward etc. Since everyone wants to counter arc with nimbus, juggernaut, lycan, sometimes it would help if tempest focus on their creeps/wards/nimbus.
Add a time limit when to use tempest teleport, if its about to end it should not waste travels anymore.
You can also add a function for tempest to auto travels even if there are creeps nearby or jungle creeps nearby. As of the moment if you want to push for example bot, and you are on top lane with enemy creeps, it will try to finish that lane first before teleporting thus wasting time on travels. Same goes to when your jungling, I have to move away from the creeps and hit auto push, rather than I can maximize jungle farm and let tempest immediately teleport.
Auto escape option for tempest, but this is optional since you dont want tempest to escape during a teamfight, but this would be good to add if auto push is set to on since most of the time you dont set auto push on when in team fight, so just for pushing to let it not be farmed by enemies, but you should do this with health percentage, since at full health even with half timer remaining, tempest can still kill or harrass enemy.
All my request are optional bro @Jumpering and I just like to help your assembly be even better. The current one now I do not have a problem and its an excellent work already. But if you would like to add this request, it would be really helpful and useful! Thank you so much for your support on users, ill be sure to pay your assembly even if its 100usd. Thank You for all your hard work!
@furetti said:
yeah same me too
bro @Jumpering arc annihilation experimental doesnt seem to be showing on the menu, it shows the old arc annihilation. Pls fix, thank you!
update loader & assembly then press f5
Tried it bro @Jumpering Arc Annihilation Experimental doesnt load, only the old version of Arc Annihilation, its not the experimental version.
You can see in my attached photo that I already updated to the latest version, even restarted my pc and still the same problem, only the old version loads weird that I dont even have the old one installed only the experimental version.
Hey @Jumpering I can see arc in menu it is working for me aswell, But when i use temp combo the orb walker doesnt work properly. It cancels the atking to early how can i fix this ?
You can see the experimental version? or the old version?
nice try jump, but give back experemental pls.
Experimental ver
if u guys still cant install exp version, you can install this from my github
please, do so that arc used the peak not on himself but on his goal.
and that the illusion would not use the peak, but kept it to save the present arc
You need to add a setting for the combo, use the peak on yourself or on the target
Got it working bro with the new update. Also thank you for the enemy range slider! But can you make it atleast 2000 range? Since games tend to have wards and I set my tempest attack range to 500, so its kinda far when enemy is just looking at tempest. I still get vision of enemy beyond 1600, i guess up to 2000 would be beneficial, especially if user set attack range of tempest more than 500. Thanks bro @Jumpering
Hey. Is the older version no longer supported? I figured that it is much more convenient and logical, but today noticed that it is removed from the program
you can install this from my github
Добавляю с гитхаба - идёт бесконечная компиляция
How can i do the combo without using the ulti?? @Jumpering
plz add: linken breaker
Just lost ranked game because arc script (not experimental) randomly got removed and now won't compile???
It was removed from Database however you can still install it manually from github.
how do we use github to install ?
Hello @Jumpering where is the old arc script? It's much better than this experimental.
Would it be possible to leave the old version as option of choice??
Thanks for the attention.
Experimental is way better.
In my opinion Experimental and Legacy Arc scripts have their own cons and pros, waiting for new paid script which will have all good stuff combined with advanced configuration. Perfect Arc Annihilation
Actually the Old Arc Assembly has more options like support mode/monkey mode etc. But what makes the Experimental way better than the old is the auto push settings, usage of disable items, and better farming tempest on auto push, all it really needs is a separate combo key for main and tempest( to let tempest kill support and you combo the enemy core), and another key for main and tempest combo together like what we have now. Overall this is a great script cant wait to pay for this in the paid assemblies store!
@jumpering pode apenas disponibilizar a versão antiga para uso?
@Jumpering can you just make the old version available for use?
experemental is better then old.
Do not know if this is a bug or not, but both heroes use Nullifier at the same time, so we got 5 seconds of disable instead ~ 10 sec.
It's is a bug if it actually happens.
Arc experimental bug where if your clone is say mid in combo mode on sniper, you hold spacebar on their luna bot and you go back and forth really fast and dumb because of the 2 targets, it's fixed by pressing the combo mode key twice
Hi, can you make that during the combo, the character shifted the used things into a backpack and vice versa?

Arc experiemntal also not using nullifer? WIll check again
And, you can still make him use a meteor hummer on the tower. With push.
You can yse item manager to swap your items with one key.
Can you add nullifier usage ? :)
pls, how to disable illusion strafe when auto-push?
Bro @Jumpering can you add limit tp when tempest is already wearing off? Like if its about to end it wont tp anymore even if I set auto push on? Thanks bro! Cant wait for arc pro/crappahilation in paid assembly!
done in paid version
paid version already on fixing/testing stage
Thank you so much bro @Jumpering ! I hope it comes with the separate combo key for main and tempest plus main+tempest! Sure to be worth buying!
Also maybe you can add escape when in low health for tempest (good for early pushing) but I am also thinking about it when its in team fight might not be really useful. Also you can add evader mechanics for tempest, it would be very useful.
Hey @Jumpering in paid version i think a mode for strictly pushing would be good. For example in late game sometime im trying to push t3 and not want to try and kill anyone, i mode where it would focus the towers only/creeps. Just an idea i think would be very helpful to me.
will add this too
woaahh .. i’m really excited about this.. any ETA jump?
Woaaah! Surely is exciting to see it will finally happen! Great to let tempest kill support then I can focus on their core! Thank you bro @Jumpering also here are things I think might help your assembly be really imbalanced.
Have another auto push setting for jungle farming, since in different scenario where team is so far ahead its great to focus on jungle farm rather than sending it and be killed by enemy.
You can add a toggle or a hold key to focus on more on structures/summoned creeps(necro,golem etc) warlock golems, nimbus, jugger healing ward etc. Since everyone wants to counter arc with nimbus, juggernaut, lycan, sometimes it would help if tempest focus on their creeps/wards/nimbus.
Add a time limit when to use tempest teleport, if its about to end it should not waste travels anymore.
You can also add a function for tempest to auto travels even if there are creeps nearby or jungle creeps nearby. As of the moment if you want to push for example bot, and you are on top lane with enemy creeps, it will try to finish that lane first before teleporting thus wasting time on travels. Same goes to when your jungling, I have to move away from the creeps and hit auto push, rather than I can maximize jungle farm and let tempest immediately teleport.
Auto escape option for tempest, but this is optional since you dont want tempest to escape during a teamfight, but this would be good to add if auto push is set to on since most of the time you dont set auto push on when in team fight, so just for pushing to let it not be farmed by enemies, but you should do this with health percentage, since at full health even with half timer remaining, tempest can still kill or harrass enemy.
All my request are optional bro @Jumpering and I just like to help your assembly be even better. The current one now I do not have a problem and its an excellent work already. But if you would like to add this request, it would be really helpful and useful! Thank you so much for your support on users, ill be sure to pay your assembly even if its 100usd. Thank You for all your hard work!
Is there a way to off the green circle around the hero ?
in sdk orbwalker settings
@Jumpering Another thing you might want to add is I find tempest ignores TB illusions when pushing it doesnt atk them or anything just walks past it
The setting is not in here
not working in 7.10, kindly fix
не работает после 7.10
Is this working or not?