I merged half of my assemblies into this one.
- Selected items swap between inventory/backpack/stash/courier
- Courier bottle abuse
- Courier auto resend/reuse (requires more testing)
- Runes/items snatcher
- Gold spender near death
- Shrine accidental usage block
- Shrine auto items disable
- Power treads switcher (should work with all assemblies)
- Auto soul ring (should work with all assemblies)
- Recovery abuse
- Auto items (iron talon, arcane boots, midas, phase boots, stick)
- Auto dewarding
- Auto techies mines destroyer
- Tranquil boots drop abuse
- Blink max range adjustment
More utilities will be added (stealed
All feedback and suggestions are welcome.
Great work. Thanks!
the auto soul ring and auto power tread switcher missing functions from the old one, like what items/skills to use or not to use.
I removed some settings to simplify merge process, but as soon i make all optimizations they will be back.
thanks bro, great work on all assemblies, and good you made an AIO for our favorite assemblies.
Hi IdcNoob, I borrow this place to report a problem. AbilityLastHitMarker doesn't seem to calculate right for zeus arc lightning. The lasthit icon shows too early.
HP/MP abuse seems to work well in lobby game, but doesn't work in real ranked games. Tested two matches.
Added new stuff and optimized old.
Added: auto arcane boots, auto dewarding, tranquil drop, max blink range, auto item disable when used shrine.
Power treads and soul ring now will work with other combo assemblies (hopefully
Also a lot of new settings.
Auto dewarding can now destroy techies mines.
That's awesome, question about it. How does it works? Lol
I mean, whenever you have vision on it, it will AA the mine/Ward ?
No, it will not AA. It will only use items like tangos, quelling blade, iron talon.
so only remote mines? can you add AA proxi mines also?
That's exactly what i wanted tho
Ok, ill add AA on proxy mines later.
Added auto attack on techies mines.
Thank youu
oh my fucking useles techies now
do u use hake.me or u have techie script?

hake, but i can take techscript
How do u use hake with the new loader? it doesn't inject for me.
only hakeme, without ensage
y tebya discord est(?
транслит и русский яз в спойлер, а то мунес ныть будет
нижний прочерк Black нижнийпрочерк#5407
To bi Pi Z Da
napisal !
Added treant protector auto heal with some options.
IdcNoob: could you fix auto bottle pls. When I play tinker, bottle still auto even in lane, so it breaks rearm, so annoying. In past, it works well
@IdcNoob true, even in fountain
You should fix it
I guess that could happen, but should be fixed now.
Are you going to put Pause Control in this?
will you update power thread switcher? Or is this the final one? I like the old like I can choose what it will use like for walking and attacking. Thanks!
Ill add pause control as stand alone later.
Well, if some one used that options, obviously i can add them back.
Yes bro, I kinda like that option because on soft heroes I put it on strength while walking and main attribute when attacking. Thanks!
Ive already added this options, check if it woks good.
Will check it now bro, thanks a ton!
hey can you add anti feed courier , anti reuse courier ?
also it will be nice then you make change add change log !
I dont see point in courier anti feed, if some one wants to throw he will do it anyway.
Anti reuse (as i said it 20 times already) is toxic. I dont like toxic stuff which will make ur team mates tilt (maybe thats why u want courier anti feed ?).
Im too lazy to write changelogs
Where is the auto treant protector options?
Auto actions => Hp/Mp restore => Living armor
so its sure u never play with 1 toxic useles pidoros what feed courier and 4 people still play the game to win , and i use script courier owner and stop feed 20 + courier and we win this fucking tresh game and give him reports
but its you product
I also feel we need courier anti reuse. It is not for being toxic. It is just in the lower ranks, many people do not know the priority of courier. It happened to me more than once that when I play mid and trying to send a bottle, some some other lane is trying to send a 150 Slippers of Agility.
The best solution maybe make anti reuse a hotkey, so we can use it only when it is necessary and non-toxic.
hey , i have FPS drop and i test what script do this , all script like inforamtion pinger, beawreplus;zooom;evader dont do FPS drop ; but you ability itemmanager do for like 30 40 FPS drop
Added auto iron talon.
Hey bro can you add auto eat of branch using tango?
There is so many lazy people, so probably i should add everything
Added auto: tango on branch, midas, phase boots, stick/wand.
Haha. Its called efficiency bro, and your assembly is called "All in one" so it would actually make sense having that.