Its time to make my own hero AIO with blackjack and hookers
I rather wish you keep it clean for performance reasons and not overlapping functionality
For me its okay for overlapping assemblies since @IdcNoob is very active in his assemblies, updated assemblies are better than the one we had before like zaio and ability# old. Thank you for all the hard work @IdcNoob
@IdcNoob ItemManager is making me crash at the start of the game. I checked 1 for 1 EVERY assembly i use, and i see ItemManager is the problem. Makes me crash when reloading (if activated) and when starting the game
@toxicspazz said:
I just want to couple this assembly with tinker so that he drops the items at fountain on the ground and regens faster. Sadly this option doesnt work or only works sometimes.
Just hold your recovery abuse key dont press but HOLD, cause while you are holding the recovery abuse key tinker will not pick the int items while bottling until you release it tinker will pick it again.
@Akenjeru said:
В скрипте можно настроить чтоб перед тем как юзать шрайн он предметы в рюкзак и обратно перекладывал?
А возможно сделать как в функции Item Swapper, только перед нажатием на шрайн, он автоматом в backpack и обратно перекладывает, как раз перед тем как кончится шрайн уже 6 сек пройдет, ну как вариант переключаемой функцию сделать
@Akenjeru said:
А возможно сделать как в функции Item Swapper, только перед нажатием на шрайн, он автоматом в backpack и обратно перекладывает, как раз перед тем как кончится шрайн уже 6 сек пройдет, ну как вариант переключаемой функцию сделать
Can we have an option so it auto uses diffusal blade on anyone who tries to ghost shroud or ghost scepter? Since we have offensive abilities now on item manager :)
@badbreath said:
Can we have an option so it auto uses diffusal blade on anyone who tries to ghost shroud or ghost scepter? Since we have offensive abilities now on item manager :)
I wish to remove all this off and def stuff from item manager xD
Anyway, added this experimental diffusal usage only against some modifiers.
@badbreath said:
I tried it in demo mode and it didn't work. I have the option to use it only for when the enemy is immune. Tried ghost scepter and euls.
EDIT: Nevermind. "Always use" has to be turned on and now it works : ) Thanks works great!!
With "Always use" it will use on any enemy who is immune. Otherwise it will use on someone who u already attacked.
Is it possible to make you drop item instead of putting it in backpack when using shrine? Because swapping item at shrine near secret shop will not put items on cooldown.
@tawannupinw said:
Is it possible to make you drop item instead of putting it in backpack when using shrine? Because swapping item at shrine near secret shop will not put items on cooldown.
Maybe make it an option.
Added option to drop/move items when shrine activated with recovery abuse key.
@tawannupinw said:
Is it possible to make you drop item instead of putting it in backpack when using shrine? Because swapping item at shrine near secret shop will not put items on cooldown.
Maybe make it an option.
Added option to drop/move items when shrine activated with recovery abuse key.
Do another setting that would be a lotus or Guardian shooting dust with you automatically if you have them
Сделай скрипт плиз который снимает с тебя дасты автоматом лотусом или гвардианами . на рики и других это очень полезная фишка . на стефани писал такое )
@demontronpc said:
Do another setting that would be a lotus or Guardian shooting dust with you automatically if you have them
Сделай скрипт плиз который снимает с тебя дасты автоматом лотусом или гвардианами . на рики и других это очень полезная фишка . на стефани писал такое )
Can you please add these.
-Blink also the max range when double tapping item. Can also add max range to other Blink type spells.
-Auto Swap items that have a higher cooldown than your death timer from backpack to main item slots when dead to make cooldown faster. Swap back after reviving.
-Option to Auto Medallion, Solar Crest when about to attack a creep.
-Faerie Fire, Cheese in Auto actions.
-Auto turn on of Armlet to Offensive abilities menu.
-Auto recovery abuse with Auto actions if it is fast enough to drop items in enemies faces and pick them back up before they can react. Don't over heal even when dropping the items.
-Option to use healing items in Auto actions in the moment an attack/spell is able to kill you instead of thresholds. Don't waste item if your hero still dies after healing. Can also auto Salve, Urn if it can heal enough before attack/spell hits. If an enemy has an instant spell/item and is in cast range and have enough mana to cast it, keep HP higher than the highest damage instant spell/item they have that is not on cooldown.
-Auto drop Tranquil instead of hotkey when about to attack neutrals. Pick up when they all die or your hero becomes visible.
-Add Spirit Bear and Arc Warden Clone in all of the auto use items.
@Olivaro said:
Can you please add these.
-Blink also the max range when double tapping item. Can also add max range to other Blink type spells.
-Auto Swap items that have a higher cooldown than your death timer from backpack to main item slots when dead to make cooldown faster. Swap back after reviving.
-Option to Auto Medallion, Solar Crest when about to attack a creep.
-Faerie Fire, Cheese in Auto actions.
-Auto turn on of Armlet to Offensive abilities menu.
-Auto recovery abuse with Auto actions if it is fast enough to drop items in enemies faces and pick them back up before they can react. Don't over heal even when dropping the items.
-Option to use healing items in Auto actions in the moment an attack/spell is able to kill you instead of thresholds. Don't waste item if your hero still dies after healing. Can also auto Salve, Urn if it can heal enough before attack/spell hits. If an enemy has an instant spell/item and is in cast range and have enough mana to cast it, keep HP higher than the highest damage instant spell/item they have that is not on cooldown.
-Auto drop Tranquil instead of hotkey when about to attack neutrals. Pick up when they all die or your hero becomes visible.
-Add Spirit Bear and Arc Warden Clone in all of the auto use items.
Added auto swap backpack items to inventory on death to reduce cooldown (disabled by default).
Faerie fire and cheese to auto hp restore.
Armlet to offensive items.
Item manager>>>>few updates>>>>DotaAllCombo
Its time to make my own hero AIO with blackjack and hookers
Who is?
I rather wish you keep it clean for performance reasons and not overlapping functionality
For me its okay for overlapping assemblies since @IdcNoob is very active in his assemblies, updated assemblies are better than the one we had before like zaio and ability# old. Thank you for all the hard work @IdcNoob
If you polish up the timbersaw(better prediction,fast quick escape options) it would be one of the better hero scripts on here
You could go without hands in that way.
got fixed
better add courier block
Some features are included in Evader (lotus for example). Is this a problem?
No. Evader will use items after enemy spell is casted, item manager will use items when they meet conditions.
I remembered fancy words for this: evader is reactive, item manager is proactive.
This means that we can use both Evader and ItemManager without conflict?
@IdcNoob ItemManager is making me crash at the start of the game. I checked 1 for 1 EVERY assembly i use, and i see ItemManager is the problem. Makes me crash when reloading (if activated) and when starting the game
Just hold your recovery abuse key dont press but HOLD, cause while you are holding the recovery abuse key tinker will not pick the int items while bottling until you release it tinker will pick it again.
Can you please make a minimum hp/mp missing slider for Shrine auto Backpack feature ?
В скрипте можно настроить чтоб перед тем как юзать шрайн он предметы в рюкзак и обратно перекладывал?
А возможно сделать как в функции Item Swapper, только перед нажатием на шрайн, он автоматом в backpack и обратно перекладывает, как раз перед тем как кончится шрайн уже 6 сек пройдет, ну как вариант переключаемой функцию сделать
Так а чем тебя эта функция не устраивает ?
Can we have an option so it auto uses diffusal blade on anyone who tries to ghost shroud or ghost scepter? Since we have offensive abilities now on item manager :)
I wish to remove all this off and def stuff from item manager xD
Anyway, added this experimental diffusal usage only against some modifiers.
hi idc, why i cant find the menu?
Enable it in sdk plugins.
u mean ensage sdk? sorry im new
and i want ask. how to test the script.. can we go to demo hero or anything? cos dota 2 auto crash when i go to demo or bot match
Ensage.SDK plugins.
You can test in local game, but change server to something other than local host.
local game???
Create lobby...
tysm :)
IdcNoob сделай что бы он дифузами скидывал с врагов глимер и еул . ) а то на стефани делал прикольный скрипт выходил)
Its in diffusal settings menu and disabled by default.
I tried it in demo mode and it didn't work. I have the option to use it only for when the enemy is immune. Tried ghost scepter and euls.
EDIT: Nevermind. "Always use" has to be turned on and now it works : ) Thanks works great!!
With "Always use" it will use on any enemy who is immune. Otherwise it will use on someone who u already attacked.
Is it possible to make you drop item instead of putting it in backpack when using shrine? Because swapping item at shrine near secret shop will not put items on cooldown.
Maybe make it an option.
Added option to drop/move items when shrine activated with recovery abuse key.
Thank you.
Add that would diffuse the modifier glymery eul and so on
Its already added. Enable it in diffusal settings.
Dependency Error?
Edit: It says error in loader but can still use it normally in game.
Do another setting that would be a lotus or Guardian shooting dust with you automatically if you have them
Сделай скрипт плиз который снимает с тебя дасты автоматом лотусом или гвардианами . на рики и других это очень полезная фишка . на стефани писал такое )
Use evader for this.
Is there armlet toggling?
No. Armlet toggler is in evader.
Thanks I been trying to find one with it
Can we add item logic to spirit bear? iron talen, abyssal, everything :)
Can you please add these.
-Blink also the max range when double tapping item. Can also add max range to other Blink type spells.
-Auto Swap items that have a higher cooldown than your death timer from backpack to main item slots when dead to make cooldown faster. Swap back after reviving.
-Option to Auto Medallion, Solar Crest when about to attack a creep.
-Faerie Fire, Cheese in Auto actions.
-Auto turn on of Armlet to Offensive abilities menu.
-Auto recovery abuse with Auto actions if it is fast enough to drop items in enemies faces and pick them back up before they can react. Don't over heal even when dropping the items.
-Option to use healing items in Auto actions in the moment an attack/spell is able to kill you instead of thresholds. Don't waste item if your hero still dies after healing. Can also auto Salve, Urn if it can heal enough before attack/spell hits. If an enemy has an instant spell/item and is in cast range and have enough mana to cast it, keep HP higher than the highest damage instant spell/item they have that is not on cooldown.
-Auto drop Tranquil instead of hotkey when about to attack neutrals. Pick up when they all die or your hero becomes visible.
-Add Spirit Bear and Arc Warden Clone in all of the auto use items.
Ill add some suggestion, but not all.
Added auto swap backpack items to inventory on death to reduce cooldown (disabled by default).
Faerie fire and cheese to auto hp restore.
Armlet to offensive items.
Fixed rune pick with spirit bear.
Maybe later ill add more stuff.