The 1st question is:
How did the real Maphack (in the old Dota 2 Beta) worked?
and the 2nd quest is:
Is there any way (no matter if it can be detected or not) to make a maphack again. (Maybe send some fake data to server to recive the positions of enemy's or something else).
PS: I dont request for a working maphack. Just wanna know if its still possible, or better if there are still ways to make a maphack.
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u only receive the position information of an enemy when he is visible for you or ur teammates and wards etc. so theres no possibile way for a maphack because the client dont have this information
in the past there was a bug that the position information will always be send to all
I found a page of facebook that had a video that warned the positions of the enemies in the fog and also the powers that used, for example ulti of mirana. Smoke too. Is there any way to upload that video so you know what I mean? That if he only tried it with bots
Send the video here....Or Bandicam it and upload to utube and post here. Well, maybe that was BeAwarePlus, it shows positions of some skills when they are used (furion tp, mirina ult, clinkz invis) U can check it in Assemblies. Well try to send it anyway
Already I could download it from facebook although in low quality, the video in facebook if this at 720p, how do I upload it?
You're right it's called Be Aware Plus
We have this now, it's called BeAware Plus, try it out
Understand that we have BeAwarePlus for the detection of skills usage in fog, but how does the detection for VisibleByEnemy works? We can even detect invisible heroes around us when we have no vision of them on the map, just curious.
Well it'd be the same as how the game relays player positioning - as mentioned above, wards and teammates.. and if the information is being issued by the game..
We can see all the skills of the Timber (BeAwarePlus V3 Release was not yet!)

BeAwarePlus v2
please share that tree mods :(
I know that the Dota2 client send some info's to the game server then they will get calculated and the server send all needed data back, but what is when we send some fake data to the server to receive things we wont receive normally. Like send a fake position of us or send a fake position of any entity of our team to receive "vision" to this point and make a maphack out of it. I dunno anything of the ensage API but when ensage can enable local CVAR's then it possibly can send some fake data to the server (may there is a future update which gives the developer of assemblies the possibility to send fake data.) . @YEEEEEEE you may know more of it.
it's impossible
To sad :( but we got BeAwarePlus so we got a kind of maphacks :)
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What is the assemble to get the items on top of each hero
overylayinformationV2 by Jumpering , be sure on this option on seting
where is your channel? link pls XD
Some info sent when BS can see the enemy on low hp, no way of doing it without a BS on team?
Anyway of detecting invis units not just when they go invis but follows them as they are under the effect of invis?