@Jumpering said:
if smart invoke is enabled -> invoker will check current spheres before invoke (can slow invoke a little bit)
about ice wall, try this in lobby> @danielbhte написал:
Yes i have already tried this in lobby but i don't know how this works (ice wall), I've tried to chase enemy.
If dummy is enabled you cant control your hero while current ability is ice wall. your hero will move to enemy hero and cast icewall near the enemy. But if dummy is disabled, you can try to cast vertical icewall (cuz ur hero will move to ur mouse)
@Jumpering said:
if smart invoke is enabled -> invoker will check current spheres before invoke (can slow invoke a little bit)
about ice wall, try this in lobby> @danielbhte написал:
Yes i have already tried this in lobby but i don't know how this works (ice wall), I've tried to chase enemy.
If dummy is enabled you cant control your hero while current ability is ice wall. your hero will move to enemy hero and cast icewall near the enemy. But if dummy is disabled, you can try to cast vertical icewall (cuz ur hero will move to ur mouse)
@cac1 said:
How to make that he did not run up to the target for a distance of 0 meters?
I've tried in the demo so I've observed the combos with ice wall (on) and (off)...
ON = While doing combo, invo will run to enemy and cast ice wall so he cant run....
OFF = While doing combo, invo will not run to enemy it will just cast ice wall vertical ice-wall
I wonder if you can change it's cast sequence. Currently it wait for 1-2 second to cast SunStrike and Meteor, which mean that invoke cooldown won't come back in time for Deafening Blast.
The idea is to immediately invoke meteor as soon as you cast tornado. This way, you can invoke Deafening Blast and land 3 skill at the same time.
Example by Liquid.Miracle(on minute 2:21). Look at how he cast his combo on kotl.
I wonder if you can change it's cast sequence. Currently it wait for 1-2 second to cast SunStrike and Meteor, which mean that invoke cooldown won't come back in time for Deafening Blast.
The idea is to immediately invoke meteor as soon as you cast tornado. This way, you can invoke Deafening Blast and land 3 skill at the same time.
Example by Liquid.Miracle(on minute 2:21). Look at how he cast his combo on kotl.
yaa i was thinking the same... i thought u all were fine with it so i didnt ask .... but really jumpering can u do that ??? thanks
I wonder if you can change it's cast sequence. Currently it wait for 1-2 second to cast SunStrike and Meteor, which mean that invoke cooldown won't come back in time for Deafening Blast.
The idea is to immediately invoke meteor as soon as you cast tornado. This way, you can invoke Deafening Blast and land 3 skill at the same time.
Example by Liquid.Miracle(on minute 2:21). Look at how he cast his combo on kotl.
I think the combo key function is bugged. After game start, the button works without problems. But after some time the button has no more function, nothing happens when i press the button. Then i must reload all with F5 and all is fine. But after a short time the key again has no funtion. If this happens when a fight is ongoing it is really shit.
i have deactivate all other assemblies to test dependencies but the problem is still there
i am not sure but mby euls caused the problem. Before i buy this all is fine
@hppsc1215 said:
I think the combo key function is bugged. After game start, the button works without problems. But after some time the button has no more function, nothing happens when i press the button. Then i must reload all with F5 and all is fine. But after a short time the key again has no funtion. If this happens when a fight is ongoing it is really shit.
i have deactivate all other assemblies to test dependencies but the problem is still there
i am not sure but mby euls caused the problem. Before i buy this all is fine
next time when key will not work show me ur console please
@Ayush said: @Jumpering ii didnt find a thread for sf anhilation so i am posting here ..... can u add orbwalking as move to mouse like as in invoker ? thanks
Menu -> combo -> "OrbWalking: follow Target?" set to false
@smk18 said:
hey guys this script isnt loading ingame icant see the menu whne i start dota all other scripts are working can someone help me
@Jumpering sometimes it fails to cast diagonal ice wall and whole combo stops (if it fails to cast ice wall)... i think its probably because of mouse cursor position.... is it possible to make it force cast diagonal ice wall ? Thank You in Advance
Can we have auto tornado or cold snap (if close enough) channeling abilities? Enemy trying to TP out from fog, witch doctor ult, enigma ult, etc? This is script is almost becoming too OP. I can last hit with eyes close in beginning of game :)
@badbreath said:
Can we have auto tornado or cold snap (if close enough) channeling abilities? Enemy trying to TP out from fog, witch doctor ult, enigma ult, etc? This is script is almost becoming too OP. I can last hit with eyes close in beginning of game :)
I tried it and it doesn't work OP level for invoker
If you don't have cold snap or tornado pre invoked it will not invoke and cast it (this is essential so u don't waste time on a tping enemy or a critical enigma ult.. every half a second counts.
If you do have it invoked it will only use it if it's very close to the person. For tornado it should use it max distance the tornado can travel.
So basically it should work like sunstrike (auto invoke and cast on tping or channeling enemy from max distance of either cold snap [first prioroity] or tornado [second priority]
Can you please add these.
-All channeling, roots, hidden, taunt or anything else that stops the enemy from moving for 1.7 seconds in your auto Sun Strike.
-Check if there are other units in the predicted sunstrike path and calculate if still enough damage.
-More killsteals for your other spells.
-Option to auto last hit, deny and split push if you sent the Forge Spirits near the creeps.
-Don't cast Forge Spirits anymore if Forge Spirits is in the selected combo and you already have Forge Spirits that still has high HP, MP, duration and is nearby Invoker or the target.
-Don't control Forge Spirits when using the combo key if they are too far away or they are not selected.
-Option to go through the whole list of comboes if all spells are on cooldown in your selected combo. If hotkey is released it should go back to the selected combo similar to the old one.
did u even update the timings ? after the update the timings of combos seems perfect except for tornado seems to miss most of the time but thanks for the hard work
Bro thank you for the hard work as always! May I recommend also like everyone already mentioned is the SS and tornado prediction. Just a little bit off hehe. I understand that even pros miss but you are better than the pros xD and lastly if we can have a dynamic mode where if you already casted the combo you selected then you will throw the best possible combination of the remaining spells not used as part of the combo you just did. I hope you get what I'm saying. Thanks again and keep rocking!!!
@ralph_repato said:
Bro thank you for the hard work as always! May I recommend also like everyone already mentioned is the SS and tornado prediction. Just a little bit off hehe. I understand that even pros miss but you are better than the pros xD and lastly if we can have a dynamic mode where if you already casted the combo you selected then you will throw the best possible combination of the remaining spells not used as part of the combo you just did. I hope you get what I'm saying. Thanks again and keep rocking!!!
+1 really bro thanks for your efforts first arc now invoker u just amazing
If dummy is enabled you cant control your hero while current ability is ice wall. your hero will move to enemy hero and cast icewall near the enemy. But if dummy is disabled, you can try to cast vertical icewall (cuz ur hero will move to ur mouse)
Thank you thank you very much @Jumpering
How to make that he did not run up to the target for a distance of 0 meters?
I've tried in the demo so I've observed the combos with ice wall (on) and (off)...
ON = While doing combo, invo will run to enemy and cast ice wall so he cant run....
OFF = While doing combo, invo will not run to enemy it will just cast ice wall vertical ice-wall
disable dummy icewall
but its Only for 64 Bit :(
Everything here is for 64 bits.
aws i cant use Ensage in Dota 2 because my Computer is 32 bit T_T
About this combo

I wonder if you can change it's cast sequence. Currently it wait for 1-2 second to cast SunStrike and Meteor, which mean that invoke cooldown won't come back in time for Deafening Blast.
The idea is to immediately invoke meteor as soon as you cast tornado. This way, you can invoke Deafening Blast and land 3 skill at the same time.
Example by Liquid.Miracle(on minute 2:21). Look at how he cast his combo on kotl.
yaa i was thinking the same... i thought u all were fine with it so i didnt ask .... but really jumpering can u do that ??? thanks
its already here, but u need to invoke manually 1st and 3rd abilities
mb later i will add this feature
this not work for me
I think the combo key function is bugged. After game start, the button works without problems. But after some time the button has no more function, nothing happens when i press the button. Then i must reload all with F5 and all is fine. But after a short time the key again has no funtion. If this happens when a fight is ongoing it is really shit.
next time when key will not work show me ur console please
nice info (i cant help u if u will not show me ur console, and what do u mean by "not work")
The error is reproducible:
I did it several times in the invoker test mode. Definetly euls.
Without Euls i can spam invokes like hell.
(seems ur ss extra delay is too high)
just pushed an update, should be fixed now
Thx will try it soon
hey guys this script isnt loading ingame icant see the menu whne i start dota all other scripts are working can someone help me
@Jumpering ii didnt find a thread for sf anhilation so i am posting here ..... can u add orbwalking as move to mouse like as in invoker ? thanks
Menu -> combo -> "OrbWalking: follow Target?" set to false
try to start this assembly with itemManager
@Jumpering can u add 3 exort when hitting the enemy in combo?
not sure about this, cuz it will break some other stuff
@Jumpering sometimes it fails to cast diagonal ice wall and whole combo stops (if it fails to cast ice wall)... i think its probably because of mouse cursor position.... is it possible to make it force cast diagonal ice wall ? Thank You in Advance
what settings do you use
how can i start with item manager?
enable both assemblies in one time
Can we have auto tornado or cold snap (if close enough) channeling abilities? Enemy trying to TP out from fog, witch doctor ult, enigma ult, etc? This is script is almost becoming too OP. I can last hit with eyes close in beginning of game :)
you can use for this my auto disable assembly
I tried it and it doesn't work OP level for invoker
If you don't have cold snap or tornado pre invoked it will not invoke and cast it (this is essential so u don't waste time on a tping enemy or a critical enigma ult.. every half a second counts.
If you do have it invoked it will only use it if it's very close to the person. For tornado it should use it max distance the tornado can travel.
So basically it should work like sunstrike (auto invoke and cast on tping or channeling enemy from max distance of either cold snap [first prioroity] or tornado [second priority]
Can you please add these.
-All channeling, roots, hidden, taunt or anything else that stops the enemy from moving for 1.7 seconds in your auto Sun Strike.
-Check if there are other units in the predicted sunstrike path and calculate if still enough damage.
-More killsteals for your other spells.
-Option to auto last hit, deny and split push if you sent the Forge Spirits near the creeps.
-Don't cast Forge Spirits anymore if Forge Spirits is in the selected combo and you already have Forge Spirits that still has high HP, MP, duration and is nearby Invoker or the target.
-Don't control Forge Spirits when using the combo key if they are too far away or they are not selected.
-Option to go through the whole list of comboes if all spells are on cooldown in your selected combo. If hotkey is released it should go back to the selected combo similar to the old one.
after i install item manager i even cant see both assemblies ingame
You can try enable console in loader settings ( not loader console)
could you please let us change the slot skill ?
for ex: ss slot1, cold snap slot 2 -> press cold snap again to make it in slot 1
how i can start the console?
please add refresher combo
enable this in loader's settings
i need to come up with some logic for this (im still thinking about this)
i turn the console on but still have no menu from this script
did u even update the timings ? after the update the timings of combos seems perfect except for tornado seems to miss most of the time but thanks for the hard work
and also is it possible to make the tornado more better only if its possible
please add combo tornado+emp+meteor+blast+refresh+meteor+blast+ss

Bro thank you for the hard work as always! May I recommend also like everyone already mentioned is the SS and tornado prediction. Just a little bit off hehe. I understand that even pros miss but you are better than the pros xD and lastly if we can have a dynamic mode where if you already casted the combo you selected then you will throw the best possible combination of the remaining spells not used as part of the combo you just did. I hope you get what I'm saying. Thanks again and keep rocking!!!
+1 really bro thanks for your efforts first arc now invoker u just amazing
ty man
I played a few matches using refresh
some times he does not use meteor or blast with the refresher
sry english
you add something to use tornado yourself?
how can I take it
notification when u can SS someone would be nice // oh u already implemented nice