What happened to the assembly of Pudge? is the more occupied and from one day to another ceased to exist, please someone tell me and answer me if will return the assembly, ty
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vaper what?
but is the same assembly like pudge pro?
Use Vaper, there is Pudge
Return the script for pudge!!!!
Vaper useless shit
PudgePro returns to the database
The assemble of pudge pro is very good, the only thing I would like is that after hook himself bite. What he does is hook, flips and then bites, doing that in heroes with escape like mirana, does not give him time to bite ,and the hero escapes.I hope you can help me with this and fix it
Anyone can Teach me How to Use Ensage please add me on Facebook Here's the Link:Facebook.com/rushan23x
guys please can add rod of atos to this
no one uses fb here. go to discord instead.
@Goldenfroze sir > @Goldenfroze said:
@Goldenfroze sir the use of invoker do i need to use the prepare? like his doing he change to "Z" so when i use it do i need to press it?
yes, u need to set an hotkey for prepare key. any key. I just like Z. U need to press the hotkey for prepare. after the skills are prepared u can. press the combo.