The first Ability module. Its still in early phase of development, but with your feedback, it can become perfect. I will ready every comment. If I wont reply to your question/suggestion that doesn't mean I am ignoring you. 
Menu is located in Ability>LoneDruid
Target closest to mouse will be selected when combo key is pressed.
When target dies or is too far another target closest to mouse will be selected.
Chase Combo
Default key 'G'
Default combo, usable in any point of game
- Will orbwalk on target, use his abilities and items while moving to mouse position (list of supported items below)
- In ranged mode LoneDruid will try not to get too close to the target but stay in attack range. That means if you put your mouse directly on the target, LoneDruid will not move to the mouse position, he will move in direction of your mouse and will stop once he is near enough.
- In melee mode he will stick to the target.
- Orbwalking is not working in melee mode as Dota2 does not update the animation data properly.
- Will orbwalk on target, use Return ability if he is too far and use his items
- He will try to move in front of target and bodyblock them when he is not attacking
- When SpiritBear is getting blocked by LoneDruid he will automatically try to find a way around.
Retreat Combo
Default key 'H'
Combo which will try to save your hero 
- Will move to mouse position
- Will try to bodyblock nearby enemies so they can't get to LoneDruid
BodyBlock Combo
Default key 'B'
This combo is usable in eary stage of game, when theres lack of disables. (firstblood attempt etc.)
- Will do the same as in chase combo
- Will try to bodyblock the target, if target cant move then he will attack
- Will automatically pickup rune when in range
- Also pickups the rune
- Can run to nearest bounty spot when its the time then returns back
- On game start he can run to enemy bounty spot and attempt to snatch it
Supported Items:
See Ability.Core thread for supported items
The goal is obviously to have all items supported for every kind of play style, but I need to know which are currently most important for the LoneDruid.
So please let me know in comments which items should be added.
- Farm Combo (lasthit + harras with bear, but dont let bear get harrased, chase enemy if they can be killed with AA before they get to tower, farm neutrals in jungle)
- Some kind of auto push mode for bear with awareness
Go to Assembly Database, search for "Abiliy.LoneDruid" and click "Install"
Moones is Back! Thanks
Could you take the rune of opposite team with the bear(if it doesn't have low HP) when rune spawn(after every 2 minutes) if nearby & call bear back.
Check This link out for reference:

Great idea, im planning to add something like that :)
uol best lone
I don't believe my eyes
Maybe an option to last hit with the bear using the built in orb walker for ez farm?
Thanks moones amazin script!
Also ability to last hit with druid and harass hero with bear while in lane?
after i install the assembly, it doesnt show inside game ensage menu. how to solve it?
Make sure to look under tab "Ability"
i din found it ! it is no work for me! my other script are working well !
Did u download ability.core as well?
Yai Moones is Back, Ez +25
It stops orbwalking when pressing the chasecombo key if you're in True Form

Fixed both in Ability.Core version 4.
Added ToDo list with your recent suggestions, thank you!
Very nice and neat script.
I'm not first
Does it have lock target for bear so that bear attacks target and you can move hero independently?
It will keep target locked once you press the key and until you release it or until the target dies, your hero should move to mouse and attack only if target is in range, and bear should keep chasing the target.
So basically the answer is yes if everything will work as intended.
I'll try it soon. Ideal way would be like Jumpering's Arc where there is a Tempest Combo button with toggle on/off. Cause sometimes you need to send the bear to attack and you want the hero to retreat a few steps. The way you described it if you are in ranged mode for example, you cannot have the bear attacking the target and hero falling back at the same time.
In case the target is in attack range yes. Then theres also the retreat combo, where lone moves to mouse only, and bear bodyblocks the target, however i want to modify this combo so bear will rather attack, and bodyblock only if for example Lone is very low hp and they are getting close to him.
*Hmm looking at the code seems like i forgot make the bear bodyblock in retreat combo, so he should normally chase the target and if his health is below LowHP(Set in menu) then run to your mouse.
That would be better Moones. However you still cannot attack 2 different targets while with toggle bear lock target on/off you can do everything with fewer buttons pressed.
Are you saying that you want the bear to keep the target locked while you can switch targets with Lone?
Not sure what would be the ideal way, so the things dont get complicated with more keys.
I would like to see the option to lock enemy target with bear in auto attack mode while I control main hero 100% manually (to attack a different hero for example or fall back) and if I press main combo button bear gets updated instructions too.
where is all of this list i dint see it on my menu
Automatic rune taking (with some logic, bear can walk to rune spot when its the time)
Farm Combo (lasthit + harras with bear, but dont let bear get harrased, chase enemy if they can be killed with AA before they get to tower, farm neutrals in jungle)
Some kind of auto push mode for bear with awareness
and one more i already instal ability.core but why it doesnt show up on the menu?? only ability.lonedruid
Its a ToDo list, which means these are collected ideas for future development.
Ability.Core is a base library for the Ability.LoneDruid, it does not have any functionality by itself.
Thanks for clearing that out. I will have to think it through. As I said, dont wanna make it complicated with adding another key just for bear to attack.
Best way: Key Z combo activate for hero. Key X combo activate for bear (press once and it locks) If bear less than % health and enemy heroes around then retreat. (Unless enemy is also less than 10 percent health?)
Key C escape/block can be used to escape or block enemy hero. If escape he body blocks heros chasing you (it knows this because mouse is not near enemy) if mouse is near enemy and it is held then it will block enemy and main hero will attack. (Maybe you can make the closest to mouse range smaller in this mode so if your escaping it doesn't try to accidently attack hero. )
So 3 buttons. Z and C must be held down all the time but X u press once and it locks.
What u guys think
Can you please add these items.
-Iron Talon
-Mask of Madness
-Medallion and Solar Crest. They can stack if you give one to the hero and the other one to the bear but not with 2 Solar Crests or 2 Medallion.
Also please add auto jungling for the unit that is selected. Try to avoid being visible and auto go to fountain if almost dead while jungling.
Can you please disable the hotkeys if you are using shop search.
*Add Auto Use of Iron Talon on bear while jungling or laning please
*And Auto push With bear if scepter Available ( Call Back if Enemy Near ,Only one button like in arc warden for auto push)
*Auto Midas Cos Item manager Sometimes Fails To do So
I can see Iron Talon, Necro and Mask of Madness, but who bought drum and manta on Lone Druid?
Solar Crest, Blade Mail and Diffusal is very situational so I don't know if Moones will add it.
Also implement snatcher on Bear as well.
can help secure 2 runes early game
nice work !
Item manager already has this.
Its not snatching for me with the bear.
You have to switch it on under snatcher.
Hmmm, when I'm pressing g, or b. For attack or block, the bear just stutters a lot. Lone Druid runs right up to the hero too. I have to keep arrow on enemy whole time to get bear to slowly progress to the enemy.
I must be doing something wrong if no one else seems to be having these problems in this thread.
I do agree with klaretos that we need a bear-only key similar to Jumpering's Arc Warden. Unless you can make LD's bear form to orbwalk, it's impossible to play LD bear build cause LD run up into fight every time.
I try using retreat combo to make bear attack only but it's not consistent(sometimes the bear attack, sometimes it goes to body-block).
add combo to mouse position and stop orb at max range, so u can hold combo key an kite with druid and closecombat with bear
I would like a method like VisageSharp has where you can toggle a farm key and the bear runs away when near danger or death that works pretty nice
Thank you everyone for suggestions and feedback. Once the current ToDo list is finished, i will estabilish a new one from your suggestions.
Hi, LoneDruid in True Form currently runs straight to enemy, but i will make some fix for that.
About the stuttering, make sure to disable all other assemblies which could control the bear, or if you want to be sure disable every assembly except this one and see if it still happens.
Okay, thank you Moones, it was ZAIO causing the problems.
Hi, the chase combo already has that, LoneDruid wont go closer if your mouse is on the enemy hero and you are already in attack range, to kite you just have to put your mouse behind your hero and he will walk back while attacking.
okay i`ll try this next time
Hey Moones, can you make the bear auto cast phase boots please?
Some kind of autousage is deffinitely planned, for now just hold the chase combo key and the bear will auto use it.
Awesome. Thanks!
Moones, I think the retreat mode does not work as intended. The bear kept moving towards the mouse cursor when I was retreating and did not attack the enemy heroes who were chasing me. Also for items that the bear uses you could also add iron talon to speed up farming.
PS. all these issues would be solved with toggle lock target hero button for bear ;)
with autofarm and push this will be epic! ty