@sacanudo said:
I agree that it takes a lot fps, but when I think that at the same time I'm pressing "G" hotkey this is happening:
My Timbersaw is calculating the optimal path to use timberchain and get to another place. And this happen very fast
Checks if Spiritbreaker just charged someone
Check if Pudge's hook will hit me. If it can avoid by walking my hero sidesteps, if can't my hero uses euls
Countdown a remote mine from Techies with its overlay showing
Ping that enemy Anti-Mage just bought Battle Fury
Show me at minimap WHERE Anti-Mage is farming because of his hits from Battle Fury
Oooops, just sidestep a Sun Strike without doing anything
I only know how to do simple things like user interfaces and USB connections with C#, but I think Ensage optimization is not so simple to say like: "Oh this is SO BADLY OPTIMIZED, THESE DEVS ARE SO LAME". This software achieve many things, therefore is fps consuming. I see this as a tradeof. This is the beauty of a free market
You know nothing of c# then.
This steps that you told here....they are not even hard on the cpu at all. The software achieved what exactly?
DO you know that the hack is not made in pure c#? It is a interop of c# and c++/cli and the interop is really shit.
People make a game which is a whole lot of resource consuming and it runs better than ensage because YES "Oh this is SO BADLY OPTIMIZED" and so are the scripts.
My Timbersaw is calculating the optimal path to use timberchain and get to another place. And this happen very fast
hake does it
Checks if Spiritbreaker just charged someone
can easily do it in hake
Check if Pudge's hook will hit me. If it can avoid by walking my hero sidesteps, if can't my hero uses euls
can easily do it in hake
Countown a remote mine from Techies with its overlay showing
hake does it
Ping that enemy Anti-Mage just bought Battle Fury
hake does it
Show me at minimap WHERE Anti-Mage is farming because of his hits from Battle Fury
hake does it
Oooops, just sidestep a Sun Strike without doing anything
hake does it
C# is a high level language thus you can do a lot to optimize, there is a difference in performance between arrays or list, foreach or for, order of if branch, when to use struct or class, using pointers and unsafe code for optimization, stringbuilder utility with string, avoiding linq, threads, branch optimizations and etc...
All I see when I look at github is a bunch of people following a wrong guideline and the developers ensage can't even make a documentation to guide them.
Let alone that assemblies are inefficient the whole ensage is inefficient.
If you are as experienced as you say you are, why are you not taking it upon yourself to help the "lazy devs"?
If you really wanted to help, as you say - pick a popular script, re-write it whilst providing notes as to why the current method is inefficient. Provide others with your in-depth knowledge of c#.
If you had of spent half of the time you have been, talking shit about a product you don't even pay for - you could have done something productive like what I mentioned above. You have gone about this whole thing the wrong way, I hope you see the error of your ways.
I don't need to prove shit to you, I am also not talking about my skills anywhere in my posts, where did you get the idea that I am experienced? If I say your bad at something, will it make me good at that something?
Why the fuck do you infer that I am talking about the people here who make scripts? If you had a single brain cell you would realize that I talked about the developers of ensage. This is as stupid as saying that there is fire, it must be coming from water burning. Sorry, but why would you think I would waste time rewriting a popular script? Why would I read the api and understand it? Half of my time on writing posts? That would be 10 minutes for all the posts I have done here, I think you can't make it that far in 10 minutes, logic!
I also am surprised by this logic, where I could "try" a product with all its feature's but not shit-talk on it until I pay.
"All I see when I look at github is a bunch of people following a wrong guideline and the developers of ensage can't even make a documentation to guide them."
Why do you care if I did pay for this product or not?
So, once again you have just demonstrated your lack mental capacity and social etiquette. I'm going to answer your questions, only because I feel you're a backwards douchebag.
Firstly, you seem to know a whole lot about something you clearly have just stated you know nothing about.. see here
"I don't need to prove shit to you, I am also not talking about my skills anywhere in my posts, where did you get the idea that I am experienced? If I say your bad at something, will it make me good at that something?"
Second, you answered you own question in regards to "hurrr when did I mention people that make scripts?" and that my friend is right here "> > > All I see when I look at github is a bunch of people following a wrong guideline and the developers ensage can't even make a documentation to guide them.
Let alone that assemblies are inefficient the whole ensage is inefficient. "
I shall continue because, well, you need to be thrown into that fire you were talking about, you know the water that burns..(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greek_fire).
I'll go back to the part where you said "Sorry, but why would you think I would waste time rewriting a popular script? Why would I read the api and understand it? Half of my time on writing posts? That would be 10 minutes for all the posts I have done here, I think you can't make it that far in 10 minutes, logic!"
That is right up there with with the start of my reply, you know nothing of the bile you are spewing. You are bitching and whinging about a PRODUCT you get to make use of once every 24 hours, seems as if you have done extensive testing paired with your vast coding knowledge (for that one you can see any of your previous shit-posts).
Now you are back to you answering your own questions with ""All I see when I look at github is a bunch of people following a wrong guideline and the developers of ensage can't even make a documentation to guide them.".
Finally - I do not care whether or not you PAY for the PRODUCT, but you as a non paying, non contributing member of the community, do not have the right to openly mock and ridicule PAYING AND CONTRIBUTING MEMBERS, DEVELOPERS or anyone for that matter, that is not a woman in your "country". You should be removed from the community, and I am so very very glad you live in that shit hole you call home, good luck paying for a subscription anyways.
@lolkhax said:
So, once again you have just demonstrated your lack mental capacity and social etiquette. I'm going to answer your questions, only because I feel you're a backwards douchebag.
Firstly, you seem to know a whole lot about something you clearly have just stated you know nothing about.. see here
"I don't need to prove shit to you, I am also not talking about my skills anywhere in my posts, where did you get the idea that I am experienced? If I say your bad at something, will it make me good at that something?"
Second, you answered you own question in regards to "hurrr when did I mention people that make scripts?" and that my friend is right here "> > > All I see when I look at github is a bunch of people following a wrong guideline and the developers ensage can't even make a documentation to guide them.
Let alone that assemblies are inefficient the whole ensage is inefficient. "
I shall continue because, well, you need to be thrown into that fire you were talking about, you know the water that burns..(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greek_fire).
I'll go back to the part where you said "Sorry, but why would you think I would waste time rewriting a popular script? Why would I read the api and understand it? Half of my time on writing posts? That would be 10 minutes for all the posts I have done here, I think you can't make it that far in 10 minutes, logic!"
That is right up there with with the start of my reply, you know nothing of the bile you are spewing. You are bitching and whinging about a PRODUCT you get to make use of once every 24 hours, seems as if you have done extensive testing paired with your vast coding knowledge (for that one you can see any of your previous shit-posts).
Now you are back to you answering your own questions with ""All I see when I look at github is a bunch of people following a wrong guideline and the developers of ensage can't even make a documentation to guide them.".
Finally - I do not care whether or not you PAY for the PRODUCT, but you as a non paying, non contributing member of the community, do not have the right to openly mock and ridicule PAYING AND CONTRIBUTING MEMBERS, DEVELOPERS or anyone for that matter, that is not a woman in your "country". You should be removed from the community, and I am so very very glad you live in that shit hole you call home, good luck paying for a subscription anyways.
Why don't you take this to a private conversation? I find kids like you delicious.
-"Firstly, you seem to know a whole lot about something you clearly have just stated you know nothing about"
->Could that brain of your learn to read and understand or you're just too cocky to read my posts?
-Second, you answered you own question in regards to "hurrr when did I mention people that make scripts?" and that my friend is right here "> > > All I see when I look at github is a bunch of people following a wrong guideline and the developers ensage can't even make a documentation to guide them.
Let alone that assemblies are inefficient the whole ensage is inefficient. "
->If you knew how to use your brain than you would get this right but you don't. All I said is that they are following a wrong guideline, much like how your parents parented you, spoiled brat. I didn't say they are shit at programming which you imply. Use google next time, efficient.
-That is right up there with with the start of my reply, you know nothing of the bile you are spewing. You are bitching and whinging about a PRODUCT you get to make use of once every 24 hours, seems as if you have done extensive testing paired with your vast coding knowledge (for that one you can see any of your previous shit-posts).
->This again proves my point as to why you are brainless and couldn't even bother reading my post properly. I get to use it once in 24 hours, but I can use it as much as I want in lobby.
-Finally - I do not care whether or not you PAY for the PRODUCT, but you as a non paying, non contributing member of the community, do not have the right to openly mock and ridicule PAYING AND CONTRIBUTING MEMBERS, DEVELOPERS or anyone for that matter, that is not a woman in your "country". You should be removed from the community, and I am so very very glad you live in that shit hole you call home, good luck paying for a subscription anyways.
->What gives you rights to insult me and think like you are some god compared to me?
-that is not a woman in your "country"
->I respect every single woman but I sure as hell do not respect whores like the person who brought you into this world for all it matters, you are being racist to a whole nation, arabs. Your logic again proves me, I don't have to be an arab to be living in iraq, child.
I am so very very glad you live in that shit hole you call home, good luck paying for a subscription anyways.
-> Here the kid talks about his fortune and such....I do live in a house that will make you look like you're from Nigeria and I could pay tenfold for your mother let alone a subscription. Oh don't worry, I can and will pay!
Next time you want to insult me, don't hide behind your monitor.
This terms define you: [Cocky, Brainless, Blind, Racist]
@lolkhax said:
So you've changed this from a rant about "a shitty product" to more about personal attacks. Please. Grow up, Goat Boy"
Who personal attacked who you racist shit? I would give you a beating of your life if you didn't hide behind your safe cover.
Next time you talk racist to me, infer that I am an arab with no single clue and talk like you're a king and I am a peasant be careful. Uneducated shit, go back to what your ancestors did, rape every single woman if you call that respect.
@BalenCSharp said:
Edited: Because ensage's mod have too much time and have replied to all support threads here so they edit my thread and remove so called "advertisements", just telling those poor guys here that ensage's is shit and there exist better cheats called (sorry, this forum "rules" are so tight, get it eh?)
First of all let's talk about the staff, mods idc whatever is incharge, such a great staff
.....I have to ask for help and wait 3 days and get no respond and I also done the same on their discord.
It is also very funny that I find a bunch of threads that ask for simple optimization which haven't been replied to up to date.
Now here is the thing, a lot of people have been reporting fps issues and they are taken with a grain of salt and when you make a thread talking about it they spam "Shitty pc, upgrade" which makes me want to suck monkey balls.
Also the anti vac is shit, yes no one got banned we got it but what about the past ban wave that hit this site but not the cheat called (sorry, this forum "rules" are so tight, get it eh?)
Ennola is shit, it also takes "some" time to update it which takes away our time, I mean you get those days back but do you in real life?
30 FPS drops, I bet a chimpanzee could code something better that would drop much less.
Since this thread is basically a huge brainfart and turns into insulting people, I'll close it.
To have a closing, official statement which answers your totally offensive statements, which usually should only deserve a ban:
Ennola has a kill-switch feature for new unknown VAC modules. This is an additional layer of protection. If you want to play and don't care about VAC updates, you can disable this feature in the loader and just play directly. The ban-chances are only higher in the case, if new functionality has been added to VAC, which nobody knows at this point (except ).
All other people have to wait, until Ennola has been updated, which means not that Ennola is not working till this point, but that the new VAC modules have been analyzed and possible countermeasures have been added. If this process takes longer than 24 hours (which is basically the general update policy of Ensage), compensation days are added to all subscribers.
You are complaining about FPS drops, without actually telling what computer you are using, or which assemblies you have loaded. If you are claiming that the Core drops your FPS, that's basically bullshit, since the core itself has no functionality and only provides the API and callbacks. You can profile Dota with Ensage loaded with a tool like VerySleepy and you will see, that none of the Core functionality will be listed as high % usage in Dota (which basically would mean it drains 90% of your FPS).
Finally, you never have been subscriber. Ensage offers everyone to test it for free, in contrary to other products. Feel free to test it, feel free to have your own opinion about it and feel free to think it's shit. If you already know that there is a superior other hack out there, which you prefer, why even bother this community with your flaming? This smells like cheap advertisement and a person which just likes to talk trash to other people.
@Jerffelly написал:
Don't worry BalenCSharp, this community also hate me, because I'm hake lover.
And about assembly's who take all your fps. In hake everything is documented about API and script writing from A to Z, when to use, how to use + some examples and so on. Because of this after API release there was already like 10 pages of some random scripts in just few weeks. And if you are really bad at writing scripts then there is also support what actually will help you to write it. And trust me you can load all these scripts and there will be no such fps issues like it is from few Ensage assembly's.
Here on ensage.io you can create thread about developing and maybe after like month hopefully someone will respond to you. Same for support tickets.
And if you are beginner and know basics of c# and really really want to code some simple assembly's, you have to download vs then import some references and then try to guess what all of that does.. and if you code somehow and if that code is poor, assembly takes all the fps.. you will get blamed for that. You will get blamed because there is nothing documented, no support or anything, just some poorly coded assembly's in github as examples. Its reality open your eyes ensage lovers, ensage community hopefully just get 1 fresh new assembly in one month, meanwhile hake community multiple scripts in one day.
So, once again you have just demonstrated your lack mental capacity and social etiquette. I'm going to answer your questions, only because I feel you're a backwards douchebag.
Firstly, you seem to know a whole lot about something you clearly have just stated you know nothing about.. see here
"I don't need to prove shit to you, I am also not talking about my skills anywhere in my posts, where did you get the idea that I am experienced? If I say your bad at something, will it make me good at that something?"
Second, you answered you own question in regards to "hurrr when did I mention people that make scripts?" and that my friend is right here "> > > All I see when I look at github is a bunch of people following a wrong guideline and the developers ensage can't even make a documentation to guide them.
I shall continue because, well, you need to be thrown into that fire you were talking about, you know the water that burns..(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greek_fire).
I'll go back to the part where you said "Sorry, but why would you think I would waste time rewriting a popular script? Why would I read the api and understand it? Half of my time on writing posts? That would be 10 minutes for all the posts I have done here, I think you can't make it that far in 10 minutes, logic!"
That is right up there with with the start of my reply, you know nothing of the bile you are spewing. You are bitching and whinging about a PRODUCT you get to make use of once every 24 hours, seems as if you have done extensive testing paired with your vast coding knowledge (for that one you can see any of your previous shit-posts).
Now you are back to you answering your own questions with ""All I see when I look at github is a bunch of people following a wrong guideline and the developers of ensage can't even make a documentation to guide them.".
Finally - I do not care whether or not you PAY for the PRODUCT, but you as a non paying, non contributing member of the community, do not have the right to openly mock and ridicule PAYING AND CONTRIBUTING MEMBERS, DEVELOPERS or anyone for that matter, that is not a woman in your "country". You should be removed from the community, and I am so very very glad you live in that shit hole you call home, good luck paying for a subscription anyways.
Why don't you take this to a private conversation? I find kids like you delicious.
-"Firstly, you seem to know a whole lot about something you clearly have just stated you know nothing about"
->Could that brain of your learn to read and understand or you're just too cocky to read my posts?
-Second, you answered you own question in regards to "hurrr when did I mention people that make scripts?" and that my friend is right here "> > > All I see when I look at github is a bunch of people following a wrong guideline and the developers ensage can't even make a documentation to guide them.
->If you knew how to use your brain than you would get this right but you don't. All I said is that they are following a wrong guideline, much like how your parents parented you, spoiled brat. I didn't say they are shit at programming which you imply. Use google next time, efficient.
-That is right up there with with the start of my reply, you know nothing of the bile you are spewing. You are bitching and whinging about a PRODUCT you get to make use of once every 24 hours, seems as if you have done extensive testing paired with your vast coding knowledge (for that one you can see any of your previous shit-posts).
->This again proves my point as to why you are brainless and couldn't even bother reading my post properly. I get to use it once in 24 hours, but I can use it as much as I want in lobby.
-Finally - I do not care whether or not you PAY for the PRODUCT, but you as a non paying, non contributing member of the community, do not have the right to openly mock and ridicule PAYING AND CONTRIBUTING MEMBERS, DEVELOPERS or anyone for that matter, that is not a woman in your "country". You should be removed from the community, and I am so very very glad you live in that shit hole you call home, good luck paying for a subscription anyways.
->What gives you rights to insult me and think like you are some god compared to me?
-that is not a woman in your "country"
->I respect every single woman but I sure as hell do not respect whores like the person who brought you into this world for all it matters, you are being racist to a whole nation, arabs. Your logic again proves me, I don't have to be an arab to be living in iraq, child.
-> Here the kid talks about his fortune and such....I do live in a house that will make you look like you're from Nigeria and I could pay tenfold for your mother let alone a subscription. Oh don't worry, I can and will pay!
Next time you want to insult me, don't hide behind your monitor.
This terms define you: [Cocky, Brainless, Blind, Racist]
Crash and Burn!
So you've changed this from a rant about "a shitty product" to more about personal attacks. Please. Grow up, Goat Boy"
Please, No fighting.
Who personal attacked who you racist shit? I would give you a beating of your life if you didn't hide behind your safe cover.
Next time you talk racist to me, infer that I am an arab with no single clue and talk like you're a king and I am a peasant be careful. Uneducated shit, go back to what your ancestors did, rape every single woman if you call that respect.
I told him to stop spamming this thread and pm me but he apparently wants to show his "guts".
Since this thread is basically a huge brainfart and turns into insulting people, I'll close it.
To have a closing, official statement which answers your totally offensive statements, which usually should only deserve a ban:
Ennola has a kill-switch feature for new unknown VAC modules. This is an additional layer of protection. If you want to play and don't care about VAC updates, you can disable this feature in the loader and just play directly. The ban-chances are only higher in the case, if new functionality has been added to VAC, which nobody knows at this point (except
All other people have to wait, until Ennola has been updated, which means not that Ennola is not working till this point, but that the new VAC modules have been analyzed and possible countermeasures have been added. If this process takes longer than 24 hours (which is basically the general update policy of Ensage), compensation days are added to all subscribers.
You are complaining about FPS drops, without actually telling what computer you are using, or which assemblies you have loaded. If you are claiming that the Core drops your FPS, that's basically bullshit, since the core itself has no functionality and only provides the API and callbacks. You can profile Dota with Ensage loaded with a tool like VerySleepy and you will see, that none of the Core functionality will be listed as high % usage in Dota (which basically would mean it drains 90% of your FPS).
Finally, you never have been subscriber. Ensage offers everyone to test it for free, in contrary to other products. Feel free to test it, feel free to have your own opinion about it and feel free to think it's shit. If you already know that there is a superior other hack out there, which you prefer, why even bother this community with your flaming? This smells like cheap advertisement and a person which just likes to talk trash to other people.
I love you
, you my favorite customer