@myzone said:
Hey i would like to make a suggestion, I think you should add a mode when auto spam q is on and you pick up a invis rune it should auto turn off maybe. Alot of times i forget and it ruins my invis rune
@cac1 said:
It is possible to make the function (switched) that always began a combo with the 3rd skill?
@Elliot said:
uhmmmm, how can I remove the Drawing on Target Selector? I mean that Blue Thingy when you Target near mouse, I don't want to see that thing, is there a way?
@Elliot said:
uhmmmm, how can I remove the Drawing on Target Selector? I mean that Blue Thingy when you Target near mouse, I don't want to see that thing, is there a way?
In the next update, you will have many opportunities to change the Target.
no, what I mean is this blue thingy when you hover it to your target, I don't want anyone to see that
except for you no one sees
yeah, but how can I remove this Drawing? is there an option to remove this blue thingy?
@myzone said:
Hey i would like to make a suggestion, I think you should add a mode when auto spam q is on and you pick up a invis rune it should auto turn off maybe. Alot of times i forget and it ruins my invis rune
Update 30.10.2017 (V1.3.0.0)
* Added Item Blink Dager and Shivas Guard.
* Added Auto Kill Steal.
* Added Target Draw Settings.
* Added Abilities Radius.
* Added Damage Calculation.
* Added Damage Calculation Drawing.
* Added Orbwalker Different Mode.
* Added Start Combo With Hex or Ancient Seal.
* Added Auto Combo Shivas Guard.
* Added Linken Breaker Use Only From Range (disabled by default). (Use only from the Range and do not use another Ability) https://streamable.com/efwuu
* Added Others.
* Improved Linken Breaker (Linkens Sphere, AntiMage Spell Shield). (Significant improvement for Linken Breaker, now there will never be a failure)
* Improved Logic Combo.
* Improved Logic Auto Combo.
* Improved Spam Mode.
* Improved Auto Arcane Bolt.
* Improved Performance.
* Improved Code.
* Improved Others.
* Fixed Bugs.
Everything works great, Another suggestion would be have a hotkey to toggle start combo with mute, The reason i say that it usually 1 hero you may need to start that with like on a Anti mage and to have to go into settings and toggle before can be a bit much. But other then that love everything else thanks alot dude ez wins with this script <3!!!!
@myzone said:
Everything works great, Another suggestion would be have a hotkey to toggle start combo with mute, The reason i say that it usually 1 hero you may need to start that with like on a Anti mage and to have to go into settings and toggle before can be a bit much. But other then that love everything else thanks alot dude ez wins with this script <3!!!!
@myzone said:
Everything works great, Another suggestion would be have a hotkey to toggle start combo with mute, The reason i say that it usually 1 hero you may need to start that with like on a Anti mage and to have to go into settings and toggle before can be a bit much. But other then that love everything else thanks alot dude ez wins with this script <3!!!!
@myzone said:
Everything works great, Another suggestion would be have a hotkey to toggle start combo with mute, The reason i say that it usually 1 hero you may need to start that with like on a Anti mage and to have to go into settings and toggle before can be a bit much. But other then that love everything else thanks alot dude ez wins with this script <3!!!!
Been playing 5-10 games with sky and his kill steal hits a bit late. As soon as they are about to die it ult's but very late. to where it misses the kill.
yeah i think after the assembly update its broken.. sometimes sky will just spam q instead of using combo when combo button is pressed.. please fix this please
@Time said:
Been playing 5-10 games with sky and his kill steal hits a bit late. As soon as they are about to die it ult's but very late. to where it misses the kill.
Its sky not Lina, "killsteal" with sky is never "perfekt". Better just use Auto Combo on stun and combo key.
@h3llscream said:
yeah i think after the assembly update its broken.. sometimes sky will just spam q instead of using combo when combo button is pressed.. please fix this please
You sure you dont mess up something with the Linken Breaker? So he try to break the linken with his Q first?
Since for me its working very good, and i dont had such a Bug in the last Games with Sky.
@Time said:
Been playing 5-10 games with sky and his kill steal hits a bit late. As soon as they are about to die it ult's but very late. to where it misses the kill.
Its sky not Lina, "killsteal" with sky is never "perfekt". Better just use Auto Combo on stun and combo key.
@h3llscream said:
yeah i think after the assembly update its broken.. sometimes sky will just spam q instead of using combo when combo button is pressed.. please fix this please
You sure you dont mess up something with the Linken Breaker? So he try to break the linken with his Q first?
Since for me its working very good, and i dont had such a Bug in the last Games with Sky.
How many games have you played with sky? and what does Lina have to do with this topic? I main sky and been using this script since release. I know how his combo works with the script and it always hits perfect for me.
@Time said:
Been playing 5-10 games with sky and his kill steal hits a bit late. As soon as they are about to die it ult's but very late. to where it misses the kill.
Its sky not Lina, "killsteal" with sky is never "perfekt". Better just use Auto Combo on stun and combo key.
@h3llscream said:
yeah i think after the assembly update its broken.. sometimes sky will just spam q instead of using combo when combo button is pressed.. please fix this please
You sure you dont mess up something with the Linken Breaker? So he try to break the linken with his Q first?
Since for me its working very good, and i dont had such a Bug in the last Games with Sky.
How many games have you played with sky? and what does Lina have to do with this topic? I main sky and been using this script since release. I know how his combo works with the script and it always hits perfect for me.
@Time said:
Been playing 5-10 games with sky and his kill steal hits a bit late. As soon as they are about to die it ult's but very late. to where it misses the kill.
Its sky not Lina, "killsteal" with sky is never "perfekt". Better just use Auto Combo on stun and combo key.
@h3llscream said:
yeah i think after the assembly update its broken.. sometimes sky will just spam q instead of using combo when combo button is pressed.. please fix this please
You sure you dont mess up something with the Linken Breaker? So he try to break the linken with his Q first?
Since for me its working very good, and i dont had such a Bug in the last Games with Sky.
How many games have you played with sky? and what does Lina have to do with this topic? I main sky and been using this script since release. I know how his combo works with the script and it always hits perfect for me.
there is a bug in Kill Steal!
ahh ok, but killstealing with sky still sound wrong ;)
@silent_jizzer said:
Add nullifier to the combo plz thanks
@Time said:
Been playing 5-10 games with sky and his kill steal hits a bit late. As soon as they are about to die it ult's but very late. to where it misses the kill.
@Time said:
Been playing 5-10 games with sky and his kill steal hits a bit late. As soon as they are about to die it ult's but very late. to where it misses the kill.
Its sky not Lina, "killsteal" with sky is never "perfekt". Better just use Auto Combo on stun and combo key.
@h3llscream said:
yeah i think after the assembly update its broken.. sometimes sky will just spam q instead of using combo when combo button is pressed.. please fix this please
You sure you dont mess up something with the Linken Breaker? So he try to break the linken with his Q first?
Since for me its working very good, and i dont had such a Bug in the last Games with Sky.
How many games have you played with sky? and what does Lina have to do with this topic? I main sky and been using this script since release. I know how his combo works with the script and it always hits perfect for me.
there is a bug in Kill Steal!
ahh ok, but killstealing with sky still sound wrong ;)
@h3llscream said:
can you please add not use combo if enemy has aeon disk... its the worst item against skywrath
@silent_jizzer said:
Also add nullifier to the combo please thanks
@knightfeng said:
Is it just me or is the combo a bit more conservative now? I feel like the combo logic should be reverted back to what it was originally since a big part of skywrath is bursting people down even if ult is committed and it is an overkill. As of right now it seems that skywrath rarely uses ult and tries to finish the enemy off within 1-3 arcane bolts, but this is actually bad since now you're exposed to counter ganks. Anybody else feel this way? Maybe include an option to use ult immediately or hold it? Thanks for all the hard work.
that's what it takes to activate Ult
You're wrong, I did not change anything in Combo's logic
I added logic only for Nullifier
Added Bad Ult. (Default Disabled) (It is not recommended to enable this. If you do not have these items (RodofAtos, Hex, Ethereal) then this function is activated)
Added Auto Combo Min Health % To Ult. (Default % 0)
@Aqva said:
Not sure why but feel previous update is better. I hardly get sky to combo with ulti no matter how i adjust the health %
make health% "0" since this is the default!
I showed a screenshot! if there are no these effects then Ult will not be
Give me proof where Not ULT, I need a video or match ID
since I never touched the logic of Ult. So do not write about this garbage
Hey bro i appreciated your work and i just give my feedback base on my last game. I believe u edited your post because the default health% is 100 as stated previously and i just follow exactly that. I try play around 40-100% health and still noticed the delay in ulti. Maybe with 0% is exactly what i looking for. Thanks for your work
@Aqva said:
Not sure why but feel previous update is better. I hardly get sky to combo with ulti no matter how i adjust the health %
make health% "0" since this is the default!
I showed a screenshot! if there are no these effects then Ult will not be
Give me proof where Not ULT, I need a video or match ID
since I never touched the logic of Ult. So do not write about this garbage
Hey bro i appreciated your work and i just give my feedback base on my last game. I believe u edited your post because the default health% is 100 as stated previously and i just follow exactly that. I try play around 40-100% health and still noticed the delay in ulti. Maybe with 0% is exactly what i looking for. Thanks for your work
oh yes I made a mistake that did not give Ult when Min Health To Ult% 100.
But I quickly corrected it.
Thank you @YEEEEEEE. This guy seems to be one of the if not the only active developer here atm lol. Just wanted to say your hardwork sir is much appreciated xD keep it up!
Hey @YEEEEEEE small suggestion when you have the time, I think it would be ideal to add a slider to the spam Q key for when hp below a certain % it turns off. I find myself sometimes being ganked early in the game while i have this feature on and it will turn around and spam q when im trying to escape with low hp. Tell me what you think thanks

Thanks for the updates!!!, il let you know if i notice anything else
Update 30.10.2017 (V1.3.0.0)
* Added Item Blink Dager and Shivas Guard.
* Added Auto Kill Steal.
* Added Target Draw Settings.
* Added Abilities Radius.
* Added Damage Calculation.
* Added Damage Calculation Drawing.
* Added Orbwalker Different Mode.
* Added Start Combo With Hex or Ancient Seal.
* Added Auto Combo Shivas Guard.
* Added Linken Breaker Use Only From Range (disabled by default). (Use only from the Range and do not use another Ability) https://streamable.com/efwuu
* Added Others.
* Improved Linken Breaker (Linkens Sphere, AntiMage Spell Shield). (Significant improvement for Linken Breaker, now there will never be a failure)
* Improved Logic Combo.
* Improved Logic Auto Combo.
* Improved Spam Mode.
* Improved Auto Arcane Bolt.
* Improved Performance.
* Improved Code.
* Improved Others.
* Fixed Bugs.
Everything works great, Another suggestion would be have a hotkey to toggle start combo with mute, The reason i say that it usually 1 hero you may need to start that with like on a Anti mage and to have to go into settings and toggle before can be a bit much. But other then that love everything else thanks alot dude ez wins with this script <3!!!!
You are the man thanks again!!!!!!!
Combo is broken after update. Uses ulti first before items and skills fix plz
Just tested, For me cant seem to get the auto combo off, I have it turned off but still auto combo...
Forgive me, so far I can not do anything, since Api Ability.GetDamage is broken
wait for Core update
Ahh okay thanks, Do you know if this will be fixed ?
Special Data not fixed! Please disable Kill Steal and wait for the Core update
Radius of the second skill is less than in the client of a dota 2
Yes that fix the problem for now thanks. Also thanks alot for updating the script really quick <3
You have to change!!! since the default is 1400

Auto combo issue fixed ?
EDIT : I tried and it still does auto combo when its turned off in
Nvm fixed
Core has been updated!!! now Kill Steal works great
Add nullifier to the combo plz thanks
Been playing 5-10 games with sky and his kill steal hits a bit late. As soon as they are about to die it ult's but very late. to where it misses the kill.
yeah i think after the assembly update its broken.. sometimes sky will just spam q instead of using combo when combo button is pressed.. please fix this please
Its sky not Lina, "killsteal" with sky is never "perfekt". Better just use Auto Combo on stun and combo key.
You sure you dont mess up something with the Linken Breaker? So he try to break the linken with his Q first?
Since for me its working very good, and i dont had such a Bug in the last Games with Sky.
How many games have you played with sky? and what does Lina have to do with this topic? I main sky and been using this script since release. I know how his combo works with the script and it always hits perfect for me.
there is a bug in Kill Steal!
ahh ok, but killstealing with sky still sound wrong ;)
The script does not work after the update
Скрипт не работает после обновления
can you please add not use combo if enemy has aeon disk... its the worst item against skywrath
Also add nullifier to the combo please thanks
Update 12.11.2017 (V2.0.0.0)
Thank you so much
that's what it takes to activate Ult

You're wrong, I did not change anything in Combo's logic
I added logic only for Nullifier
Update 13.11.2017 (V2.0.1.0)
Now Cancel Combo if Duel Aghanims Scepter
Not sure why but feel previous update is better. I hardly get sky to combo with ulti no matter how i adjust the health %
make health% "0" since this is the default!
I showed a screenshot! if there are no these effects then Ult will not be
Give me proof where Not ULT, I need a video or match ID
since I never touched the logic of Ult. So do not write about this garbage
Update 14.11.2017 (V2.1.0.0)
HP Bar Damage Calculation

Hey bro i appreciated your work and i just give my feedback base on my last game. I believe u edited your post because the default health% is 100 as stated previously and i just follow exactly that. I try play around 40-100% health and still noticed the delay in ulti. Maybe with 0% is exactly what i looking for. Thanks for your work
oh yes I made a mistake that did not give Ult when Min Health To Ult% 100.
But I quickly corrected it.
Thank you @YEEEEEEE. This guy seems to be one of the if not the only active developer here atm lol. Just wanted to say your hardwork sir is much appreciated xD keep it up!
Youre awesome man. Thank you so much
for me its best script on ensage ! +++
Update 15.11.2017 (V2.1.0.1)
Update 17.11.2017 (V2.1.0.1)
Hey @YEEEEEEE small suggestion when you have the time, I think it would be ideal to add a slider to the spam Q key for when hp below a certain % it turns off. I find myself sometimes being ganked early in the game while i have this feature on and it will turn around and spam q when im trying to escape with low hp. Tell me what you think thanks