



    @cac1 said:
    After have killed a roshan, doesn't show what is the time remained until the end of an aegis.

    I'll add it soon


    guys who knows? in Turbo Mode after the death of Roshan how long does it take until Respawn?

  • Does the script has menu?
    Also can we have econ menu and item menu as what we have in overlay?


    @ultiworld said:
    Does the script has menu?
    Also can we have econ menu and item menu as what we have in overlay?

    all settings and menus exist

  • @YEEEEEEE said:
    guys who knows? in Turbo Mode after the death of Roshan how long does it take until Respawn?

    I believe it is same time



    • Added Aegis Timer.
    • Added Spirit Breaker Charge Draw On Minimap.
    • Improved Spirit Breaker Charge.

    @cac1 said:
    After have killed a roshan, doesn't show what is the time remained until the end of an aegis.


  • cac1cac1 Posts: 367

    tp not work ?

    edited January 2018

    @cac1 said:
    tp not work ?

    Works for me!

  • cac1cac1 Posts: 367

    @YEEEEEEE said:

    Works for me!

    sorry, need big icons =)


    @cac1 said:

    sorry, need big icons =)


  • SwamttertSwamttert Posts: 169

    @YEEEEEEE said:


    he has small icons


    @cac1 said:

    sorry, need big icons =)

    screenshot please

  • myzonemyzone Posts: 135

    Must say out of all paid scripts this one is my fav


    @myzone said:
    Must say out of all paid scripts this one is my fav

    yes, soon the price will rise the one who did not buy, buy until Monday

  • @YEEEEEEE said:

    yes, soon the price will rise the one who did not buy, buy until Monday

    why ? will you add something special? or is the current price just to low?^^

  • May I know what are you going to add? thanks

  • lolkhaxlolkhax Posts: 363

    @Afpire93 said:
    May I know what are you going to add? thanks

    Just buy it anyway - support a loyal and attentive developer!

    On another note - @YEEEEEEE I was wondering if you could please add a status bar for shrines, to function as they do in overlay - I never realised how much I use it haha. Thank you for a top product!


    @lolkhax said:

    Just buy it anyway - support a loyal and attentive developer!

    On another note - @YEEEEEEE I was wondering if you could please add a status bar for shrines, to function as they do in overlay - I never realised how much I use it haha. Thank you for a top product!

    will be added

  • lolkhaxlolkhax Posts: 363

    Thanks Mate :y:

  • TehnoscorpionTehnoscorpion Posts: 318
    edited January 2018

    bytes purchase
    but I still bought it


    байт на покупку
    но я все же купил


    @Tehnoscorpion said:
    bytes purchase
    but I still bought it


    байт на покупку
    но я все же купил

    что за байт?

  • @YEEEEEEE can please tell me what are you going to add on monday

    edited January 2018

    @Afpire93 said:
    @YEEEEEEE can please tell me what are you going to add on monday

    pudge hook, clock hook, apparat ult and more.
    overlay will add the one that is missing.
    I still do not remember many functions

  • SwamttertSwamttert Posts: 169

    @YEEEEEEE said:

    pudge hook, clock hook, aparat ult and more.
    overlay will add the one that is missing.
    I still do not remember many functions


  • can you add current gold panel like in Overlay.. thanks

  • myzonemyzone Posts: 135

    @YEEEEEEE said:

    yes, soon the price will rise the one who did not buy, buy until Monday


  • n3miz3zn3miz3z Posts: 39

    is it just me or the script doesnt tell runes spawn any more?

  • myzonemyzone Posts: 135

    @n3miz3z said:
    is it just me or the script doesnt tell runes spawn any more?

    works for me

    • Update 29.01.2018

    • Added More Setings.

    • Added Show Me More => Pudge Hook. https://streamable.com/6fsvh
    • Added Show Me More => Ancient Apparition Ice Blast. https://streamable.com/vkkcb https://streamable.com/gkav7
    • Added Screen Resolution 1600x900.
    • Added Other Stuff.
    • Improved More Information.
    • Improved Spirit Breaker Charge.
    • Improved Mirana Arrow.
    • Improved Performance.
    • Fixed Overlay => Visible Status.
    • Fixed Roshan Timer.

    sorry did not have time to add all the features,
    because of this the price will not be changed.

    I promise soon add all the features that are useful in the game!


    Be sure that your version is upgraded to version 14

  • TehnoscorpionTehnoscorpion Posts: 318
    edited January 2018

    A few comments and suggestions:
    1-Not working hack teleport, tried to click the switch and restart the script. In the console like the request is in yellow

    2 - Slightly increase the icons on the minimap, or make adjustable (icon pudge for an example)

    3 - Change background/font color of the Roshan timer, everything merges

    4 - since paragraph 1 does not work, I don't know, but I want to display teleports the hero in "DotaMapPlus"


    Несколько замечаний и предложений:
    1-Не работает хак телепорта, пробовал щелкать выключатель и перезагружать скрипт. В консоле вроде запрос идет желтым цветом

    2- Немного увеличить значки на мини карте, или сделать регулируемыми (иконка пуджа для примера)

    3- Изменить фон/цвет шрифта у рошан таймера, все сливается

    4- Тк пункт 1 не работает то не знаю, но хочу чтобы было отображение телепортирующегося героя как в "DotaMapPlus"

    edited January 2018

    1 - The teleporter works only in a real game! if you create bots then PlayerID displays incorrectly (Console error because of this)!
    2 - Icons are all by default, but someday I will add settings for it
    3 - Okey
    4 - read 1

    1 - телепорт работает только в реальном игре! если создать боты то PlayerID отображает неправильно(Консоль ошибка из-за этого)!
    2 - значки все по умолчания но когда нибудь добавлю настройки для него
    3 - Хорошо, изменю цвет.
    4 - читай 1 пункт

  • @YEEEEEEE said:

    1 - The teleporter works only in a real game! if you create bots then PlayerID displays incorrectly (Console error because of this)!
    2 - Icons are all by default, but someday I will add settings for it
    3 - Okey
    4 - read 1

    1 - телепорт работает только в реальном игре! если создать боты то PlayerID отображает неправильно(Консоль ошибка из-за этого)!
    2 - значки все по умолчанию но когда нибудь добавлю настройки для негою
    3 - Хорошо, изменю цвет.
    4 - читай 1 пунк

    Thanks so much.

  • vacationervacationer Posts: 27
    edited January 2018

    This beaware pro paid assembly is only worth it imo if the drawing is as an external overlay and not visible on stream.

    Make this and I buy it, else it's enouth to use the free version as the features are enough and 90% the same. No reason to spend money on it tbh.

    edited January 2018


    • Improved More Informations.
    • Improved Mirana Arrow.
    • Changed Color to Text "Roshan Alive".
    • Fixed More Information => Invoker EMP.
  • myzonemyzone Posts: 135

    Love the script!!

  • TehnoscorpionTehnoscorpion Posts: 318
    edited January 2018

    @vacationer said:
    This beaware pro paid assembly is only worth it imo if the drawing is as an external overlay and not visible on stream.

    Make this and I buy it, else it's enouth to use the free version as the features are enough and 90% the same. No reason to spend money on it tbh.

    Rome wasn't built in a day. YEEEEEEE already explained that to add all particles takes a ton of time. All will be added and acquire new functions. And just to support the developer is also necessary.


    Рим не сразу строился. YEEEEEEE уже объяснял что на добавление всех партиклов уходит тонна времени. Все будет добавляться и обзаводиться новыми функциями. Да и просто поддержать разработчика тоже надо.

    edited January 2018

    @vacationer said:
    This beaware pro paid assembly is only worth it imo if the drawing is as an external overlay and not visible on stream.

    Make this and I buy it, else it's enouth to use the free version as the features are enough and 90% the same. No reason to spend money on it tbh.

    PartialMaphack, JungleHack, Pudge Hook, Mirana Arrow, Ancient ApparitionIce Blast and Others These functions have OverlayV3 or some other assembly?

    BeAwarePro is very different from OverlayV3!

  • myzonemyzone Posts: 135

    Hey just played a game and notice that the red drawings on the floor from enemy spells were not disappearing


    @myzone said:
    Hey just played a game and notice that the red drawings on the floor from enemy spells were not disappearing

    Invoker EMP?

  • myzonemyzone Posts: 135

    @YEEEEEEE said:

    Invoker EMP?

    Yes and sun strike

    edited January 2018


    this has already been fixed.
    you must update it

  • vacationervacationer Posts: 27
    edited January 2018

    @YEEEEEEE said:

    PartialMaphack, JungleHack, Pudge Hook, Mirana Arrow, Ancient ApparitionIce Blast and Others These functions have OverlayV3 or some other assembly?

    BeAwarePro is very different from OverlayV3!

    I was talking about the drawing method how it is drawn into the game. Make it external drawing overlay so it is not visible on streaming software like OBS so you can use ensage with BEAWARE PRO on twitch streaming.

    This is the most important thing for a premium paid assembly with so much important visuals and information.

    I don't know if this is possible for a specific assembly that using external drawing methods or that ensage is internal only hack so the core is drawing all its functions in the game and not as overlay so it would be steam proof.

    Rome wasn't built in a day. YEEEEEEE already explained that to add all particles takes a ton of time. All will be added and acquire new functions. And just to support the developer is also necessary.

    You did not get the point of my message. It is not a specific feature like "Mirana arrow" or "Roshan alive text"

    It's about how the visuals are drawn ont he screen. It's like how the house around the walls is build of "ROME" and not how the roof or a window of the house looks. It's a huge difference how all visuals are drawn on the screen.



  • myzonemyzone Posts: 135

    @YEEEEEEE said:

    this has already been fixed.
    you must update it

    Also Mira arrow leaves the circle at the end on the floor as well

  • JetJet Posts: 171

    @myzone said:

    Also Mira arrow leaves the circle at the end on the floor as well

    • Noticed this as well, the circle at the end doesn’t disappear, and by end game I just have tons of red circles on the ground.
  • Confirmed, many spells leaves red circles on the map. Also can you add spirit breaker charged target a little longer for allies? Or until he cancels it? Sometimes im soo focused on farming I missed who he charged. But then again its nice to have icons on charged heroes. Nice work on this assembly btw! Really worth buying!


    @anonymouse said:
    Confirmed, many spells leaves red circles on the map. Also can you add spirit breaker charged target a little longer for allies? Or until he cancels it? Sometimes im soo focused on farming I missed who he charged. But then again its nice to have icons on charged heroes. Nice work on this assembly btw! Really worth buying!

    did you use version 15?
    I fixed all the bugs of the circle!
    what do you keep in mind about the SpiritBreakerCharge? she works beautifully.

  • myzonemyzone Posts: 135

    @YEEEEEEE said:

    did you use version 15?
    I fixed all the bugs of the circle!
    what do you keep in mind about the SpiritBreakerCharge? she works beautifully.

    I havent played vs SB yet and how do i update it manually ?


    @myzone said:

    I havent played vs SB yet and how do i update it manually ?

    delete then reinstall

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