
bemineebeminee Posts: 566
edited November 2017 in Assemblies

Full shadow shaman combo including ward trap.


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  • cac1cac1 Posts: 367

    killsteal ? Autohex ? Smart ward (dmg for hero) ?

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    @cac1 said:
    killsteal ? Autohex ? Smart ward (dmg for hero) ?

    Killsteal and ward. No autohex.

  • ShadyAndyShadyAndy Posts: 8
    edited November 2017


  • @cac1 said:
    killsteal ? Autohex ? Smart ward (dmg for hero) ?

    Doesn't Evader has autohex?

  • cac1cac1 Posts: 367

    @klaretos said:

    Doesn't Evader has autohex?

    No ...

  • use old moones ability it has auto hex, and this assembly does what is supposed to.

  • shdow shaman traps him self and also dont you think hex ulti is better.

  • Played a game. Ulti trap misses 50% of the time. Also shackles breaks due to shaman walking. Orbwalker problem or script problem?

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    @klaretos said:
    Played a game. Ulti trap misses 50% of the time. Also shackles breaks due to shaman walking. Orbwalker problem or script problem?

    Can you give pm me match id?

  • @beminee said:

    Can you give pm me match id?

    sent in PM

  • @klaretos said:
    Played a game. Ulti trap misses 50% of the time. Also shackles breaks due to shaman walking. Orbwalker problem or script problem?


  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566
    edited November 2017

    @klaretos said:
    Played a game. Ulti trap misses 50% of the time. Also shackles breaks due to shaman walking. Orbwalker problem or script problem?

    Without hex, ward trap is not reliable because they can dodge it even by mistake (also hex slows them and makes their collision size smaller) and there's no such prediction that can predict that small movements right now. I still did my best though.

    For shackles break: make sure;

    This key: is not same with this key:

    Or just disable move on orbwalker.

  • MidnMidn Posts: 180

    and the logic for the script to do and then throwing hex and immediately puts the grid. all in the timing you can do

  • @beminee said:

    Without hex, ward trap is not reliable because they can dodge it even by mistake (also hex slows them and makes their collision size smaller) and there's no such prediction that can predict that small movements right now. I still did my best though.

    For shackles break: make sure;

    This key: is not same with this key:

    Or just disable move on orbwalker.

    your work is appreciated , i am only playing shadow shaman its a good assembly. thank you.

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    • Added Eul combo
    • Fixed Hex&Shackles overlap
    • Added experimental FailSwitch for Ward Trap
  • nice work, tnx

  • this is me just being picky can you make the minions attack the hero that is trapped

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566
    edited November 2017

    @ownagepranks said:
    this is me just being picky can you make the minions attack the hero that is trapped

    Wards should attack the closest target upon spawn though I still will implement it.

    Edit: Implemented btw.

  • @beminee said:

    Wards should attack the closest target upon spawn though I still will implement it.

    Edit: Implemented btw.

    I saw thank you man. your the best.

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    @JoyPink said:
    Thanks for the Script.

    Dont read the text below if this script is only for Wards Combo for 1 target,
    But i have some big Problems with it, when i blink in to help a Teammate and there are 2! or more enemy im very useless with this script, cause it will use hex and shackele right after each other ( ALSO IF I HAVE NO ULT ) on the same target. ( i cant switch my mouse that fast )
    So the other hero can cc me and break my cc. So i cant do my job and cc them both.
    It should auto cc the next target wich is not in cc.

    Will add it as a feature (can be disabled/enabled) in next update, thanks for suggestion.

  • pls nature protection script that would hemp surround the hero as well

  • Update on my review after first day. Everything works perfectly now. 5/5 script. Time to move on to another hero which we don't have :D

  • TimeTime Posts: 27

    Can we make it where we

    Shackle > Hex > Ether

  • SamplaerSamplaer Posts: 172


    cos have delay after ether->hex

  • Seems to spam alot while dead? :< Also, am i correct in that we cant have orbwalker enabled with this? so we have to right click around map like normal?

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    @kallenavn said:
    Seems to spam alot while dead? :< Also, am i correct in that we cant have orbwalker enabled with this? so we have to right click around map like normal?

    Should be fixed with the last update.

  • Great script thanks for sharing 5/5 =D

  • This is quite good an assenmbly. However i would like to suggest to adjust the trap combo with ss's frowing cast range caused by his talent and Aether Lens. And that will make this script perfect

  • pingupingu Posts: 14

    lagging so much when ult

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