Invoker Crappahilation



  • you're gonna be waiting a long the rest of us, dead script :/

  • man it doesnt auto invoke anymore had to invoke the skills myself to do the combo any solution please

  • gorez228gorez228 Posts: 3

    it looks like invoke in combo does not work. Allthou it works with autocast ui. In combo it uses only first 2 abilitys. what could be done about it.

  • djkicedjkice Posts: 17

    issue with auto invis key :(

  • battlexbattlex Posts: 5

    only cast the first two spells in the script not sure if broke or not hoping it gets a fix =) thank yu

  • Something is wrong. I press combo key, voker casts 2 spells and comes to the enemy hero and stays nothing else happens, and he comes very close on the melee range and dies, i do this combos better without this "cheat". almost always misses SS in combo, cast meteor on one side, then the blast on the other etc, lots of wrong shit happening, but the most annoying that the voker just comes to melee range with an enemy hero, even when i have combo like tornado - meteor- blast. it has huge ccast range no need to come close

  • In combo cold snap - meteor - alacrity it casts coldsnap, ice wall, forge spirit. wtf??

  • @whosthefunky said:
    Something is wrong. I press combo key, voker casts 2 spells and comes to the enemy hero and stays nothing else happens, and he comes very close on the melee range and dies, i do this combos better without this "cheat". almost always misses SS in combo, cast meteor on one side, then the blast on the other etc, lots of wrong shit happening, but the most annoying that the voker just comes to melee range with an enemy hero, even when i have combo like tornado - meteor- blast. it has huge ccast range no need to come close

    I think it's to do with orb walking and something being broken.

  • JohnnyTechJohnnyTech Posts: 2
    edited May 2018

    How to disable all lines that appear in the game? how to disable script drawings?

  • sepkilwin2sepkilwin2 Posts: 2


  • sepkilwin2sepkilwin2 Posts: 2

    @sepkilwin2 said:

    komment please

  • daemoko03daemoko03 Posts: 1

    Auto ss not working no more

  • JumperingJumpering Posts: 583

    @daemoko03 said:
    Auto ss not working no more

    classic not working, where its working fine

  • merrithmerrith Posts: 3

    image panel never working for me.. because i cant install easyfix from microsoft. i played at internetcafe, we cant restart PC.. any other solution mate?

  • I just bought the hack, can someone teach me how to use this?

  • Can't put my own combo how I want, I can't put coldsnap + tornado, then sunstrike, script makes it own order

  • Sir no panel ? just plain white panel?

  • PennyPackerPennyPacker Posts: 102
    edited October 2018

    Oh this isn't the paid one. I'm not sure if this one uses divine.core or not.
    People with no panel, try installing divine core and see if your panel shows up.

  • JumperingJumpering Posts: 583

    only paid version using divine.core

  • been using this for the past 2 months and had no problem at all, but just recently after the 7.20 update, tornado emp combo, emp cast immediately right after tornado used, without calculating when will the lifted enemy land, making emp combo always miss as the enemy was still lifted to the air by tornado. not sure if my settings screw this up, but can you do a test on this?

  • @pilipolo said:
    been using this for the past 2 months and had no problem at all, but just recently after the 7.20 update, tornado emp combo, emp cast immediately right after tornado used, without calculating when will the lifted enemy land, making emp combo always miss as the enemy was still lifted to the air by tornado. not sure if my settings screw this up, but can you do a test on this?

    buy paid version, this is free version and jumpering definitely not update any more. This thread should be closed because the developer created a paid vesion.

  • How to use this? what are the hotkeys?

  • @badc0der said:
    How to use this? what are the hotkeys?

    all hotkeys in menu

  • Skill preparation doesn't work, how to fix?

  • NeeDforKillNeeDforKill Posts: 1,976

    @deathpact said:
    Skill preparation doesn't work, how to fix?

    It works only with custom combo.

  • @NeeDforKill said:

    It works only with custom combo.

    I have a custom combo, but it doesn't work with them either? Maybe I have something wrong?

  • AntonRoxAntonRox Posts: 29

    Hey champ,
    The auto spheres don't seem to work at all.

    The other suggestion is when casting a combo to not have the hero run right under the targeted hero. An example of this is my combo was Cold Snap then Tornado then Meteor & when I use combo the Cold Snap is good, the Tornado is good but then my invo runs right under where the enemy has been lifted (underneath) before casting Meteor. Is this something that's not right in the settings? I'm a mid-tier invoker so decided to try this so help boost my efficiencies.

  • AntonRoxAntonRox Posts: 29

    Also forgot to add to the other one, it could be good to add and remove combos from that original list. I know that you've got that list there and can add/remove custom combos but maybe if you can almost set an option to remove your ones. Like list your's as custom or something so we can actually remove them. Thanks

  • me too, why? : the hero stops after using tornado and sunstirke. P.S- The hero isnt dead after the sunstrike.
    My question why dosent it use the full combo?

  • DaneyyxdDDaneyyxdD Posts: 3

    Is it fixed?

  • captain199xcaptain199x Posts: 11

    smartphere not work :( its so important with me

  • makaveli77777makaveli77777 Posts: 1
    edited May 2019

    Is there any way to delete or edit default combos? I just need 1-2 combos and not 10 of them.
    Also, preparation for custom combos doesn't work.

  • AntonRoxAntonRox Posts: 29

    @makaveli77777 said:
    Is there any way to delete or edit default combos? I just need 1-2 combos and not 10 of them.
    Also, preparation for custom combos doesn't work.

    I said the same thing above. You really need only a handful not the whole list which gets a tad annoying tabbing through them

  • my problem is icon skills don't show up and i can't change my combos please help it always use forge coldsnap and alacrity when i prepare my combos

  • boppelboppel Posts: 12

    where do i get this script? am i blind

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