O9K // AIO

IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175
edited February 2020 in Assemblies

Simple "one key to win" combo assembly.


Fully supported


Anti-Mage (Recommended with Evader)
Ancient Apparition
Chaos Knight
Crystal Maiden
Dark Seer
Dark Willow
Elder Titan
Ember Spirit
Earth Spirit
Faceless Void
Legion Commander
Monkey King
Oracle (Recommended with AutoUsage and full Evader)
Phantom Lancer
Sand King
Shadow Fiend
Shadow Shaman
Skywrath Mage
Spirit Breaker
Storm Spirit
Vengeful Spirit
Void Spirit
Templar Assassin
Troll Warlord
Queen of Pain

Heroes that should work


Bounty Hunter
Centaur Warrunner
Death Prophet
Dragon Knight
Drow Ranger
Lone Druid
Nature's Prophet
Night Stalker
Nyx Assassin
Ogre Magi
Outworld Devourer
Phantom Assassin
Shadow Demon
Treant Protector
Winter Wyvern
Witch Doctor
Wraith King

Some hero abilities might not work, so better test in lobby first.

Random showcase

Hero queue


Low priority hero queue

  • Morphling


If u have AutoUsage its better to leave kill steal enabled only in AIO.


Requires O9K.Core
Fully supported heroes requires O9K.AIO.Unlocker


All feedback and suggestions are welcome.



  • akurosakuros Posts: 22

    thanks for sharing this great example, great developer :sisi3:

  • AyushAyush Posts: 356

    any suggested heros that this assembly is very good with?

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @Ayush said:
    any suggested heros that this assembly is very good with?

    Ez heroes like pa, am, axe, lina, sky, zeus, tb, lc, slardar etc. A lot of the heroes will work, even morhpling to some degree, but u will have to use ult manually.

  • VLDCVLDC Posts: 20

    Morphling works great w/ this script and AutoUsage

  • VLDCVLDC Posts: 20

    Your orb has some issues, sometimes morph cancels his attack too quick that can not finish his AA continuously
    It happens when i turn back from Sven

  • makebibimakebibi Posts: 94

    wat hero u recommend

  • cac1cac1 Posts: 367

    what characters can I use?

  • NeeDforKillNeeDforKill Posts: 1,976

    @cac1 написал:
    what characters can I use?


  • NeeDforKillNeeDforKill Posts: 1,976

    @makebibi написал:
    wat hero u recommend

    lina works pretty good, but you need disable eul in script and cast manualy, for now lina with eul have bug.

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    Ive added hero list and showcase in 1st post.

  • ramzesbgramzesbg Posts: 249

    Very nice script. Just one thing I need to ask you for. Can you make so that we can change the order in which the abilities and items are used. For example on morph its using his second skill first and ethereal blade after. Other than that the script is very fun to use.

  • e610e610 Posts: 11

    @ramzesbg said:
    Very nice script. Just one thing I need to ask you for. Can you make so that we can change the order in which the abilities and items are used. For example on morph its using his second skill first and ethereal blade after. Other than that the script is very fun to use.

    Also, linken breaker would be nice, too

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @e610 said:

    Also, linken breaker would be nice, too

    Its planned.

  • gznstergznster Posts: 202

    hope we can have kunkka

  • vtrkernelvtrkernel Posts: 20
    edited November 2019

    ‏‏‎ ‎

  • JetJet Posts: 171

    The contribution from this guy. Just randomly releases an AIO free assembly :1437lappa:

  • cac1cac1 Posts: 367

    Clock - not works cogs

  • lolkhaxlolkhax Posts: 363

    @Jet said:
    The contribution from this guy. Just randomly releases an AIO free assembly :1437lappa:

    Will be free while he gets all the bugs worked out - then be ready to shell out more monies

  • PennyPackerPennyPacker Posts: 102

    Great work, I had a play around with this against bots, so many heroes.
    I understand you don't have the heroes fully supported yet.
    But, if you get a chance and it's not too hard/time consuming to implement.
    With support heroes, with heals and saving spells, if they could use it on allies, by having a support key, it would be very handy.

    For example. I'm Dazzle, I press a support key and it will heal the ally I target and shallow grave if necessary.

  • VLDCVLDC Posts: 20

    Lion's E does not use in combo ( i did not remove it from the list )

  • thank you for your nice assembly
    and can u make some meteor hammer combos for specific heroes such as Nyx, naga or bane?
    can you make keys for unconditional item self-cast, such as force staff and eul's

  • JetJet Posts: 171

    @PennyPacker said:
    Great work, I had a play around with this against bots, so many heroes.
    I understand you don't have the heroes fully supported yet.
    But, if you get a chance and it's not too hard/time consuming to implement.
    With support heroes, with heals and saving spells, if they could use it on allies, by having a support key, it would be very handy.

    For example. I'm Dazzle, I press a support key and it will heal the ally I target and shallow grave if necessary.

    09K. Auto usage will do just this. You’ll enjoy the script a lot more if you pair the two assemblies together with some heroes. Like Oracle for example, if your team is half decent there’s no way you lose a match

  • PennyPackerPennyPacker Posts: 102

    Okay thanks Jet, I will check it out. I've never played Oracle before, is it easy with this script and 09k.Auto?

  • JetJet Posts: 171

    @PennyPacker said:
    Okay thanks Jet, I will check it out. I've never played Oracle before, is it easy with this script and 09k.Auto?

    You need medium knowledge of the hero for early game ( just knowing how to position yourself with the hero around your carry ) but mid-to-late game these scripts will literally do everything for you. Sometimes you don't even need to combo a hero late game, but just let the auto usage do it's thing in teamfights, and it's a piece of art. You can't be shit at laning though FeelsBadMan

  • VLDCVLDC Posts: 20
    edited March 2018

    Nice script, sp a lot of heroes

  • @Jet said:

    You need medium knowledge of the hero for early game ( just knowing how to position yourself with the hero around your carry ) but mid-to-late game these scripts will literally do everything for you. Sometimes you don't even need to combo a hero late game, but just let the auto usage do it's thing in teamfights, and it's a piece of art. You can't be shit at laning though FeelsBadMan

    Tried this with Autousage and AIO but keeps throwing some weird random shit for me with Oracle xD

  • NeeDforKillNeeDforKill Posts: 1,976

    @blackrazor написал:

    Tried this with Autousage and AIO but keeps throwing some weird random shit for me with Oracle xD

    yep, cos you need settings autousage spells for oracle, hp, when cast etc.

  • @NeeDforKill said:

    yep, cos you need settings autousage spells for oracle, hp, when cast etc.

    Yea im working on it :asunaderp:

  • what is the good settings for oracle on autousage

  • PtzMaxPtzMax Posts: 51
    edited March 2018

    Сделай выбор между lock target and defolt, пожалуйста, просто lock target не даёт мне бить того врага, которого хочу. Просто в замесе, не могу переключится, и бегу за врагом, пока меня бьют:(

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @PtzMax said:
    Сделай выбор между lock target and defolt, пожалуйста, просто lock target не даёт мне бить того врага, которого хочу.

    Не совсем понял, что ты имеешь в виду.

  • PtzMaxPtzMax Posts: 51
    edited March 2018

    @IdcNoob написал:

    Не совсем понял, что ты имеешь в виду.

    Ну в обычной игре, начинается допустим замес, где стоят кучка героев, я нажимаю кнопку комбо, он бьёт определенного героя, который в таргете, но когда мне нужно поменять на другого героя, мне нужно сначала навести по ближе курсор и снова нажать комбо. Это немного неудобно:(. Если сможешь сделай, как у Moones`a Orbwalk в Abillity.

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175
    edited April 2018

    Moved settings to old menu.
    Added stuff like linkens breaker, manual combo and more.

  • VLDCVLDC Posts: 20

    @IdcNoob said:
    Moved settings to old menu.
    Added stuff like linkens breaker, manual combo and more.

    Nice, new menu has the option for setting skills order
    But can you add Toss in Tiny combo? He does not use it at all

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @VLDC said:

    Nice, new menu has the option for setting skills order
    But can you add Toss in Tiny combo? He does not use it at all


  • Great update! I love these options.

    And can you please add Dispel Magic and Wind Walk in panda's combo?
    Since Cyclone is already there that will make a great panda script

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @momoensage said:
    Great update! I love these options.

    And can you please add Dispel Magic and Wind Walk in panda's combo?
    Since Cyclone is already there that will make a great panda script

    I can add wind walk, but dispel magic on its own is not doing anything, use O9K.Evader for it.

  • TelRikerTelRiker Posts: 2

    Hey I've noticed that with toggle abilities when finished with the combo key it doesn't turn it off, quite annoying early game with low mana heroes, any chance of adding an auto toggle for those abilities to put them back to how they were

  • @IdcNoob said:
    I can add wind walk, but dispel magic on its own is not doing anything, use O9K.Evader for it.

    need dispel magic to dispel Cyclone when needed
    when playing panda, we use utl -stun and attack - cyclone and wait stun's CD - dispel Cyclone and stun again.
    and dispel magic is also used to damage summons and illusions.

    I'll use ur evader for the function of buff/debuff counters
    But still need it manual sometimes and also would like to make a dispel magic+stun combo key

  • VLDCVLDC Posts: 20

    Earthshaker does not AA after W ( enhanced by Agh). Can you check him ?

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @VLDC said:
    Earthshaker does not AA after W ( enhanced by Agh). Can you check him ?

    Its working for me.

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @TelRiker said:
    Hey I've noticed that with toggle abilities when finished with the combo key it doesn't turn it off, quite annoying early game with low mana heroes, any chance of adding an auto toggle for those abilities to put them back to how they were

    Ill add that.

  • VLDCVLDC Posts: 20

    @IdcNoob said:

    Its working for me.

    wew, I'm gonna test it again

  • VLDCVLDC Posts: 20
    edited April 2018


  • SamplaerSamplaer Posts: 172

    MUST HAVE script. Thanks bro :sisi3:

  • So good and supports a lot of hero. Even Mirana works haha. And we never had a Mirana before. Thank you bud! XD @IdcNoob

  • hananimhananim Posts: 1

    when i press the combo key my hero runs into the enemy hero no matter what, even if i move my mouse away from him. Also is there some kind of orbwalker integration for this?

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @hananim said:
    when i press the combo key my hero runs into the enemy hero no matter what, even if i move my mouse away from him. Also is there some kind of orbwalker integration for this?

    Yes, it has own orbwalker and u probably using both this and sdk one.

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175
    edited April 2018

    Added combo kill steal and damage overlay. It will use all units and random amplifiers.


    Since im lazy, overlay will probably have wrong position if ur resolution is not 1080p, but u can adjust that in settings.

  • gznstergznster Posts: 202

    can you add support fr spirit breaker

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