Arc Annihilation

JumperingJumpering Posts: 583
edited September 2017 in Assemblies


  • full combo with items+spells+units/clones [also support refresher] [will not use Magnetic Field if u re already under this buff]
  • tempest combo [all units except main hero will do combo with selected enemy hero]
  • auto midas [main hero, clones]
  • spam sparks mode (spam in one position [ur mouse] ur 3rd spell)
  • monkey mode (your clones repeat your actions)
  • ez heal (?)
  • auto heal mode [tempest will use all heal-items on you]
  • orbwalking on main hero & your tempest
  • autodispell with diffusal blade by tempest
  • autopush [with: Necronomicon, Manta, Mjollnir] [Select teleport cancel requires stop in your DOTA2 settings if your tempest cant cast tp properly]


combo-key 'G'
spam mode 'H'
tempest-combo-key 'Z'
auto heal mode 'X' (also will use linken on you)
auto push 'V'

Ez MMR Annihilation 5k++





  • SwamttertSwamttert Posts: 169

    Can't see it in DB

  • StiflerStifler Posts: 38

    Can you provide your item build please ? As carry or as pusher ?

  • SwamttertSwamttert Posts: 169

    ^ that would be awesome
    For newbies in Dota2 after the death of L#
    (I have 1800 hours on dota and still never played Arc)

  • StiflerStifler Posts: 38

    @Swamttert said:
    ^ that would be awesome
    For newbies in Dota2 after the death of L#
    (I have 1800 hours on dota and still never played Arc)

    =))) i have 7000 and played once on all random maybe

  • SwamttertSwamttert Posts: 169

    @JoyPink said:

    then its Time now :) with the awsome script from Jumpering you will have ALOT of Fun.

    The key to using Arc Warden is maximizing your farm and taking advantage of your Double, that's why Prio Number 1 is to get your Hand of Midas ( it will take just 7-8min to pay for itself on Arc Warden, time it with your double if you can ).

    Then i most of the Time get a Dagon and up it to lvl 2 or 3 and while im Roaming.

    I pref Mana Boots for the first half of the Game. Later sell this for Travel Boots ofc-

    Then get Maelstrom ( for fast wave clear ) and pushing with illusion in mid Game.

    See against wich Heros you play and what you want to do. Then you choose the Items by that.

    If you want to Push Manta with Mjollnier and and Travel Boots = gg ^^
    If they have something like Legion a Linken is also super OP on Arc.

    the first min of the Game are hard but later you are just OP, specially with Jumperings Script^^

    That's perfect thank yo

  • JumperingJumpering Posts: 583
    edited April 2017

    @Stifler said:
    Can you provide your item build please ? As carry or as pusher ?

    after this you should buy bloodthorn and moonshard
    (this is my build on mid)

  • StiflerStifler Posts: 38

    thx =))) current rate 5 win 1 lost

  • hleshles Posts: 23

    Still the best ever

  • ultiworldultiworld Posts: 66

    which lane do u usually go? mid or safe?

  • JumperingJumpering Posts: 583

    @ultiworld написал:
    which lane do u usually go? mid or safe?

    it doesnt matter

  • AqvaAqva Posts: 6

    Hi Jumpering master,

    Can you make tempest break linken using 1st spell if Arc have hex?
    I noticed the tempest always use hex to break enemy linken and make them excape from combo


  • JumperingJumpering Posts: 583

    @Aqva написал:
    Hi Jumpering master,

    Can you make tempest break linken using 1st spell if Arc have hex?
    I noticed the tempest always use hex to break enemy linken and make them excape from combo


    hey, this feature already here and Arc (in theory) never should use any disable on linken
    btw i will check this again

  • JumperingJumpering Posts: 583

  • BlackSharpBlackSharp Posts: 36
    edited April 2017

    mb dobavit solar chest? (ofc ponimau, 4to nikto ne pokupaet, no vdrug)

    edit by @Moones

  • SwamttertSwamttert Posts: 169

    In english? Wtf did you just say.

  • GoldenfrozeGoldenfroze Posts: 890

    @Swamttert said:
    In english? Wtf did you just say.

    @Swamttert said:
    In english? Wtf did you just say.

    did solar Solar Crest can break linken?(don't do drugs kids)

  • mkzmchmkzmch Posts: 9

    @BlackSharp said:


    mb dobavit solar chest? (ofc ponimau, 4to nikto ne pokupaet, no vdrug)

    edit by @Moones

    Solar na support wardena ochen horosh bilo bi neploho

  • SwamttertSwamttert Posts: 169

    Talk in english for fuck sake.

  • BlackSharpBlackSharp Posts: 36
    edited April 2017

    kak je oru s 4elikov)0)0

    How Win: pick ArcWarden - Aquila - Midas - Mjollnir- Octarine - Shiva - bkb/blademail - mkb/bloodthorn/other items

  • SwamttertSwamttert Posts: 169

    @BlackSharp said:


    kak je oru s 4elikov)0)0

    How Win: pick ArcWarden - Aquila - Midas - Mjollnir- Octarine - Shiva - bkb/blademail - mkb/bloodthorn/other items

    I saw you also used Monkey King
    May i ask you if you used it Legit or with zaio? :doge:

  • Alvin92Alvin92 Posts: 48

    @Jumpering said:

    how u make it immedaitely blink to opponent after activating tempest? , also can ur Tempest Combo Key change to Non Toggle? or when i press Combo it deactivate the tempest combo mode.

  • JumperingJumpering Posts: 583
    edited April 2017

    @Alvin92 написал:

    how u make it immedaitely blink to opponent after activating tempest? ,

    just toggle on tempest combo and summon ur ultimate

    also can ur Tempest Combo Key change to Non Toggle?

    not sure

    or when i press Combo it deactivate the tempest combo mode.

    its already here

  • badbreathbadbreath Posts: 172

    Hi I have been using this script for a long time and it is probably one of the best scripts on Ensange. I have a couple of ideas.

    1. Can we have an option for an auto push mode, but when it sees an enemy within reach of either blink, hurricane pike, he tries to kill enemy?

    2. How does it decide which lane to switch to in auto push mode? sometimes I'd like it switch to the lane that's pushed out the farthest so I can split push but it will go to the lane that's pushed out the least. Can we have an option for this?

    3. If you can't do 1 can we have a "hunt" mode. Where the double will try to TP to an enemy it sees on the minimap and kill (usefull when you go the Dagon/blink/ethereal build) kind of like what tinker does .

    Great script thanks.

  • SwamttertSwamttert Posts: 169

    @badbreath said:
    Hi I have been using this script for a long time and it is probably one of the best scripts on Ensange. I have a couple of ideas.

    1. Can we have an option for an auto push mode, but when it sees an enemy within reach of either blink, hurricane pike, he tries to kill enemy?

    2. How does it decide which lane to switch to in auto push mode? sometimes I'd like it switch to the lane that's pushed out the farthest so I can split push but it will go to the lane that's pushed out the least. Can we have an option for this?

    3. If you can't do 1 can we have a "hunt" mode. Where the double will try to TP to an enemy it sees on the minimap and kill (usefull when you go the Dagon/blink/ethereal build) kind of like what tinker does .

    Great script thanks.

    Absolutely nice the 2nd point
    If you mean: TP where the lane is not pushed and/Or the nemy is far enough to let you split without problems. Also the 1st to switch targets is nice

  • @Swamttert said:

    I saw you also used Monkey King
    May i ask you if you used it Legit or with zaio? :doge:

    only my claws. arc too

  • v7ncev7nce Posts: 2

    @BlackSharp said:

    only my claws. arc too

    You're 7k? What the fuck :D

  • forfuns1forfuns1 Posts: 3

    auto heal not working and farm mode on duplicate cancels tp boots

  • GoldenfrozeGoldenfroze Posts: 890

    @forfuns1 said:
    auto heal not working and farm mode on duplicate cancels tp boots

    auto heal sure not working because of nerv tempest double cannot duplicate healing items or mana anymore.

  • JumperingJumpering Posts: 583

    @forfuns1 написал:
    farm mode on duplicate cancels tp boots

  • forfuns1forfuns1 Posts: 3

    thank u

  • forfuns1forfuns1 Posts: 3

    its not using midas if its in max range to the creeps which is 625 while midas is 600 range

  • JumperingJumpering Posts: 583

    @forfuns1 написал:
    its not using midas if its in max range to the creeps which is 625 while midas is 600 range

    Yes, i know. This is done so that you can choose creeps yourself

  • SwamttertSwamttert Posts: 169

    @Jumpering said:

    Yes, i know. This is done so that you can choose creeps yourself

    So it's not automatic anymore?

  • voz1voz1 Posts: 7

    Jumpering: could you share me your dotabuff profile, i wanna learn this cancer build from u, tnx

  • JumperingJumpering Posts: 583

    @Swamttert написал:

    So it's not automatic anymore?

    automatic on 600 and less range (midas range 600~650)

    @voz1 написал:
    Jumpering: could you share me your dotabuff profile, i wanna learn this cancer build from u, tnx


  • ultiworldultiworld Posts: 66

    Can anyone share some match record for playing arc with script? Smurfs is fine enough. I recent got interested in playing arc, but just found it is so hard to learn.

  • voz1voz1 Posts: 7

    @ultiworld said:
    Can anyone share some match record for playing arc with script? Smurfs is fine enough. I recent got interested in playing arc, but just found it is so hard to learn.

    The logic here is that. You are forced to complete Midas Asap( assuming at 8 min), then you go aquila- mjonnir- then burst item like hex, bloodthorn. You should build more active item than passive item, in order to use this script effectively

  • landmetlandmet Posts: 98

    @voz1 said:

    The logic here is that. You are forced to complete Midas Asap( assuming at 8 min), then you go aquila- mjonnir- then burst item like hex, bloodthorn. You should build more active item than passive item, in order to use this script effectively

    if you try build midas befor aquila you will not have dmg and armor vs enemys mid hero , and you will not get creeps

    after mjolnnir you need boots of travel, and hex i prefer go dmg item like MKB

  • @voz1 said:
    Jumpering: could you share me your dotabuff profile, i wanna learn this cancer build from u, tnx


  • dawaisukadawaisuka Posts: 121
    edited April 2017

    what is the big problem ? go utube "dota 7.0X Arc Warden" and watch some pros and learn how to early game, as soon as u got ur Maerlstrom u only need to press combo hotkey or let ur tempest push with the autopush fuction, no big deal to press a button... watch if u have ult rdy where u can help ur teammates or gank... only fight if u know u can win the fight otherwise go push and farm that script is so easy to use... ensage is nice to have but not a 100%win, u still need some brain and hours of gameplay...

    i got 2000hours now in dota (and that is not much) but i think i got the same time spent on watching gameplays from pros

  • ultiworldultiworld Posts: 66

    @BlackSharp said:


    I just watched two games from that link. Seems he is playing arc without script.

  • GoldenfrozeGoldenfroze Posts: 890

    @ultiworld said:

    I just watched two games from that link. Seems he is playing arc without script.

    just play safe and farm well.
    Pro tip: if you reach lvl 6 flux the enemy with your main then use clone mode. = ez kill.

  • dawaisukadawaisuka Posts: 121
    edited April 2017

    @Goldenfroze said:

    just play safe and farm well.
    Pro tip: if you reach lvl 6 flux the enemy with your main then use clone mode. = ez kill.

    yeah play safe is what most ppl dont understand

  • GoldenfrozeGoldenfroze Posts: 890

    @dawaisuka said:

    yeah play safe is what most ppl dont understand

    play safe mean play safe lane.

  • ultiworldultiworld Posts: 66

    @Goldenfroze said:

    play safe mean play safe lane.

    wow thanks! I always thought playing safe means playing defensively.

  • GoldenfrozeGoldenfroze Posts: 890

    @ultiworld said:

    wow thanks! I always thought playing safe means playing defensively.

    I mean play safe lane and play safe that you will not die. because zet is soo squishy.

  • ultiworldultiworld Posts: 66

    I played three games, but still cant figure out how the clone mode works. Do I need to press it together with combo button? or should I just leave it on and the clone will fight automatically?

  • Alvin92Alvin92 Posts: 48

    @Jumpering can u make Clone Mode higher priority then Auto push? so it wont tp away when i forgot to off auto push. thanks :)

  • @Alvin92 said:
    @Jumpering can u make Clone Mode higher priority then Auto push? so it wont tp away when i forgot to off auto push. thanks :)

    ++, nice idea

  • badbreathbadbreath Posts: 172

    @ultiworld said:
    I played three games, but still cant figure out how the clone mode works. Do I need to press it together with combo button? or should I just leave it on and the clone will fight automatically?

    Turn on clone mode. Move mouse over target. You will notice the enemy's picture now next to where it says clone mode. Hit R and your clone will automatically go after him using all items. You Don't have to press anything else. Need to turn clone mode off and back on again to reset to nothing once fight is over.

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