O9K // Evader



  • anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 377

    @IdcNoob said:

    But do u want to waste abilities to save clone or only use "dodge" mode ?

    Just dodge, it would be very nice to have it dodge like invoker tornado, sunstrike, hook, arrow etc. like if clone gets hit by tornado, its a wasted clone already so it would be nice to have it dodge those.

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @anonymouse said:

    Just dodge, it would be very nice to have it dodge like invoker tornado, sunstrike, hook, arrow etc. like if clone gets hit by tornado, its a wasted clone already so it would be nice to have it dodge those.


  • anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 377

    @IdcNoob said:


    thanks man!

  • VacantVacant Posts: 99

    Can you add support for tusk snowball with allies as well? At the moment it dodges but it doesn't drag any allies into it.

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @Vacant said:
    Can you add support for tusk snowball with allies as well? At the moment it dodges but it doesn't drag any allies into it.

    Not sure, ill try to do it later.

  • so do I need to install evade? because the 09k menu does not show up on my sdk

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @teddystah said:
    so do I need to install evade? because the 09k menu does not show up on my sdk

    U need O9K.Evader and its in old menu.

  • sakura94sakura94 Posts: 2

    Can not find the link to buy and download! Where is it?

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @sakura94 said:
    Can not find the link to buy and download! Where is it?

    Its in 1st post, but well ...


  • sakura94sakura94 Posts: 2

    Oh sorry i'm noob. Now I see it.

  • kharlzhkharlzh Posts: 7

    i dont know what i did wrong but when an enemy cast a skill it dodge AFTER. (eg. DK's Breathe Fire, it dodge after i got hit)

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @kharlzh said:
    i dont know what i did wrong but when an enemy cast a skill it dodge AFTER. (eg. DK's Breathe Fire, it dodge after i got hit)

    Ill check it.

  • jeanvs80jeanvs80 Posts: 67

    I bought the evader modifier counter, I thought I would have just that, but I see that it is necessary to evader or am I wrong?

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @jeanvs80 said:

    I bought the evader modifier counter, I thought I would have just that, but I see that it is necessary to evader or am I wrong?

    In first post under important it says that u must have evader.

  • kappatalismkappatalism Posts: 134

    Anymore updates since April 2nd ? It would be great if you guys keep changelogs on the paid assemblies. So we know what you've done to upgrade the scripts.

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @kappatalism said:
    Anymore updates since April 2nd ? It would be great if you guys keep changelogs on the paid assemblies. So we know what you've done to upgrade the scripts.

    There was some fixes for counter lists. Im too lazy to write changelog :kappajail:

  • kappatalismkappatalism Posts: 134

    @IdcNoob said:

    There was some fixes for counter lists. Im too lazy to write changelog :kappajail:

    Lol aight

  • kappatalismkappatalism Posts: 134

    Does this assembly fully support dx11 ? The old Evader doesn't support dx11 right ?

  • lolkhaxlolkhax Posts: 363

    @kappatalism said:
    Does this assembly fully support dx11 ? The old Evader doesn't support dx11 right ?


  • Когда играю за лансера, не юзает сам W на стан свена например.

  • kappatalismkappatalism Posts: 134

    @lolkhax said:


    Does O9K support DirectX11 ?

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @kappatalism said:

    Does O9K support DirectX11 ?

    It was said 100 times that difference between dx9 and dx11 in ensage is only in drawings. So if assemblys main purpose is not to draw stuff, it will work on both.
    Just in case... yes it supports dx11.

  • kappatalismkappatalism Posts: 134

    @IdcNoob said:

    It was said 100 times that difference between dx9 and dx11 in ensage is only in drawings. So if assemblys main purpose is not to draw stuff, it will work on both.
    Just in case... yes it supports dx11.

    I never heard that xd
    Alright then!

  • pango1337pango1337 Posts: 31
    edited May 2018

    great plugin

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    Added courier shield usage vs abilities and auto attacks if u have multi unit control.

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175
    edited May 2018

    Added collision blocker which will use illusions/creeps to block some abilities if u have multi unit control.


  • jjjj456jjjj456 Posts: 12

    @IdcNoob i purchase it armlet abuse works but no edit to it please add

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175
    edited May 2018

    @jjjj456 said:
    @IdcNoob i purchase it armlet abuse works but no edit to it please add

    There is nothing to change for armlet abuse.

  • jjjj456jjjj456 Posts: 12

    @IdcNoob add setting to edit because default 222 hp toggle is to high better is 135hp this what i use to use with old evader

  • jjjj456jjjj456 Posts: 12

    @IdcNoob i mean abilities specials for armlet toggle

  • gznstergznster Posts: 202
    edited May 2018

    nullifer aeon disk interaction work in demo, but never works in real games, just randomly throws in a nullifer before aeon disk is procc.

    Caused me to lose games

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175
    edited May 2018

    @gznster said:
    nullifer aeon disk interaction work in demo, but never works in real games, just randomly throws in a nullifer before aeon disk is procc.

    Caused me to lose games

    There are 20 more modifiers against which nullifier could have been used.

  • gznstergznster Posts: 202

    @IdcNoob said:

    There are 20 more modifiers against which nullifier could have been used.

    I suspect is linkens, are u able to remove nullifer removing linkens?
    Video on one of the real g ames.

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @gznster said:

    I suspect is linkens, are u able to remove nullifer removing linkens?
    Video on one of the real g ames.

    No, evader will not break linkens. Most likely thats combo or auto usage assembly.

  • gznstergznster Posts: 202

    @IdcNoob said:

    No, evader will not break linkens. Most likely thats combo or auto usage assembly.

    i disabled nullifer usage on every script tho.
    it should be from yours only. When i removed evader, it never uses nullifer no matter the situation.

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @gznster said:
    i disabled nullifer usage on every script tho.
    it should be from yours only. When i removed evader, it never uses nullifer no matter the situation.

    Enable "Draw evade result" in evaders debug menu and it will show when/why it uses ability.

  • gznstergznster Posts: 202

    hmm, actually I can't get it to work 100% of the time be it any of the skywrath script, tried it individually, divine o9k aio, and the free version. It doesn't use it all the time. The nullifer just won't use. Draw evade result only shows when nullifer will be used, not much information given other than that, eg when nullifer won't be used why? smth like that.

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @gznster said:
    hmm, actually I can't get it to work 100% of the time be it any of the skywrath script, tried it individually, divine o9k aio, and the free version. It doesn't use it all the time. The nullifer just won't use. Draw evade result only shows when nullifer will be used, not much information given other than that, eg when nullifer won't be used why? smth like that.

    Okay, i made another fix. If it will not help then rip xD

  • gznstergznster Posts: 202

    Thanks that was the perfect fix to it ;D

  • dotaisezdotaisez Posts: 6

    What do pathfinder red and orange color mean?

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @dotaisez said:
    What do pathfinder red and orange color mean?

    But its explained in menu xD
    Red - it will dodge only disable abilities.
    Orange - all.

  • dotaisezdotaisez Posts: 6

    @IdcNoob said:

    But its explained in menu xD
    Red - it will dodge only disable abilities.
    Orange - all.

    One more question priority from 3 2 1 0 (use first, second, third, and last right?)

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @dotaisez said:

    One more question priority from 3 2 1 0 (use first, second, third, and last right?)


  • cac1cac1 Posts: 367

    @IdcNoob said:

    But its explained in menu xD
    Red - it will dodge only disable abilities.
    Orange - all.

    it will dodge only disable abilities. ------ ??????? What's with the disabled abilities ?

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @cac1 said:

    it will dodge only disable abilities. ------ ??????? What's with the disabled abilities ?

    Like stuns, silences etc...

  • cac1cac1 Posts: 367

    @IdcNoob said:

    Like stuns, silences etc...

    How to make the hero stop going to the side, and use only the items? (for example from a pudge hook)

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175
    edited May 2018

    @cac1 said:
    How to make the hero stop going to the side, and use only the items? (for example from a pudge hook)

    Disable "Phase boots" (dodge) priority.

  • cac1cac1 Posts: 367

    @IdcNoob said:

    Disable "Phase boots" (dodge) priority.

    How to do it in the free version ?

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @cac1 said:

    How to do it in the free version ?

    Why u ask in paid how to do it in free ? xD Its same just not phase boots icon....

  • cac1cac1 Posts: 367

    @IdcNoob said:

    Why u ask in paid how to do it in free ? xD Its same just not phase boots icon....

    In what menu section did you see this icon ? I'm using the free version.

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