Afk Helper

JumperingJumpering Posts: 583
edited July 2018 in Paid Assemblies

Want ez lvl new acc? Want to remove your low priority? You are playing with fully noobs and dont want to play anymore?
You are welcome!


  • can farm lanes/jungle camps
  • auto buy items (shield, tranquils, mom, maelstorm, flask) [you can disable any item in menu]
  • auto use items (mom, flask)
  • can use shrines (also will ping on shrine before using)
  • will go base on low health
  • auto search new game and random hero
  • escape mode [ur hero will run away from enemy]

ToDo List


  • auto warding (and mb dewarding) (this should increase your chances for winning)
  • more items
  • auto abilities
  • auto search new game done
  • auto pick hero done
  • dodge enemy heroes done

How to use at this time?

  • [optional] Enable SimpleAbilityLeveling assembly
  • Start dota2
  • Press f5 in menu (check ur tray for autohotkey script)
  • wait when script start a new game
  • then script will pick a random hero for you
  • already in game be sure, that in menu script is activtated

Trial reset history


  • 6 july - first release
  • 9 july

Current price is 20$



  • cac1cac1 Posts: 367

    AI bots ???

  • AyushAyush Posts: 356

    wow 20$ for this ?

  • NeeDforKillNeeDforKill Posts: 1,976
    edited July 2018

    btw really usefull script , to lvl your acc for playing in ranked.

  • AyushAyush Posts: 356

    @NeeDforKill said:
    btw really usefull script , to lvl your acc for playing in ranked.

    But there will be hidden mmr right ? If lose matches it will fall, but I agree with this that it’s usegul for low priority

  • ramzesbgramzesbg Posts: 249
    edited July 2018

    @NeeDforKill said:
    btw really usefull script , to lvl your acc for playing in ranked.

    Seems to me like a very useful script to get your acc in Low Prio, not out of it :D. I mean, literally everyone is going to report you when they see your just wondering around farming jungle camps and acting like a BOT ...
    A lot of the times you get reported even when you play good and try hard to win the game. What happens when your playing like a bot on normal difficulty :D

    But in cases when you rly get teamed up with retards and you just don't want to spend 40 min on a game but don't want to abandon and get low prio, then I guess this script comes in very handy and is a solid solution. But leveling with it just doesn't seem very reasonable. By the time it makes 100 games for you, you will have so many low prio games to play that it would have been easier to play 100 games manually. Unless ofc it's some rly OP AI Bot and has good logic like the one that was introduced at TI 2017 and raped them all 1v1 with SF :devil:

  • NeeDforKillNeeDforKill Posts: 1,976

    @ramzesbg said:

    Seems to me like a very useful script to get your acc in Low Prio, not out of it :D. I mean, literally everyone is going to report you when they see your just wondering around farming jungle camps and acting like a BOT ...
    A lot of the times you get reported even when you play good and try hard to win the game. What happens when your playing like a bot on normal difficulty :D

    But in cases when you rly get teamed up with retards and you just don't want to spend 40 min on a game but don't want to abandon and get low prio, then I guess this script comes in very handy and is a solid solution.

    there is no matter, because 1 turbo games around 10-15 min, you need play 100 games to got possibility to play in ranked. Even if you will get in lp, after 100 games you just will need manually play lp games. Thats all

  • ramzesbgramzesbg Posts: 249
    edited July 2018

    @NeeDforKill said:

    there is no matter, because 1 turbo games around 10-15 min, you need play 100 games to got possibility to play in ranked. Even if you will get in lp, after 100 games you just will need manually play lp games. Thats all

    As far as I know, Turbo games don't count for unlocking ranked? Or am I wrong. In any case, I think it will get you too many low prio games by the time you get 100 normal games done. Just my opinion, but I will give it a shot in time when it's in a more advanced stage.

  • NeeDforKillNeeDforKill Posts: 1,976

    @ramzesbg said:

    As far as I know, Turbo games don't count for unlocking ranked?

    Ofc it count , you can play 100 turbo games.

  • MidnMidn Posts: 180

    ну такое себе, потому что играть сто игр до калибровки это сразу минус, потому что ммр вообще маленький дадут. пользоваться если внезапно надо кудато отойти. лучше тинкера довидите до ума

  • AyushAyush Posts: 356

    @ramzesbg said:

    Seems to me like a very useful script to get your acc in Low Prio, not out of it :D. I mean, literally everyone is going to report you when they see your just wondering around farming jungle camps and acting like a BOT ...
    A lot of the times you get reported even when you play good and try hard to win the game. What happens when your playing like a bot on normal difficulty :D

    But in cases when you rly get teamed up with retards and you just don't want to spend 40 min on a game but don't want to abandon and get low prio, then I guess this script comes in very handy and is a solid solution. But leveling with it just doesn't seem very reasonable. By the time it makes 100 games for you, you will have so many low prio games to play that it would have been easier to play 100 games manually. Unless ofc it's some rly OP AI Bot and has good logic like the one that was introduced at TI 2017 and raped them all 1v1 with SF :devil:

    +100 i feel 20$ is not worth it xD

  • AyushAyush Posts: 356

    @NeeDforKill said:

    there is no matter, because 1 turbo games around 10-15 min, you need play 100 games to got possibility to play in ranked. Even if you will get in lp, after 100 games you just will need manually play lp games. Thats all

    turbo games not counted ( 4 turbo's are counted as one match though)

  • NeeDforKillNeeDforKill Posts: 1,976

    @Ayush said:

    turbo games not counted ( 4 turbo's are counted as one match though)

    it couted 1=1 , let's argue ofc for money

  • lilfazlilfaz Posts: 26

    Can you show us a video of the bot playing? i don't mind if its a long video also

  • JumperingJumpering Posts: 583

    @lilfaz said:
    Can you show us a video of the bot playing? i don't mind if its a long video also

    you can also use trial for this

  • ramzesbgramzesbg Posts: 249

    I also have a feeling that involving bots in to ensage and scripts overall is bad because if too many people start using this it will bring valve's attention more to this community and they will start taking more serious measures to prevent scripts.

  • NeeDforKillNeeDforKill Posts: 1,976

    @ramzesbg said:
    I also have a feeling that involving bots in to ensage and scripts overall is bad because if too many people start using this it will bring valve's attention more to this community and they will start taking more serious measures to prevent scripts.

    your really think there is no valve employees ?

  • ramzesbgramzesbg Posts: 249

    @NeeDforKill said:

    your really think there is no valve employees ?

    There probably are but currently it's not that big of an issue. But bots will start ruining the game to such a degree where they will actually have to do something about it. Just my opinion anyway.

  • SirLimonSirLimon Posts: 571

    Using this for leveling = instant enter hidden pool (long game finding like 10-20 min + retard teams + hard to escape)

    Tested by myself (not with this script). I wanted to create new acc and play with bot like jungle farmer. Many losses and tons of reports. Result of this in header oh this comment.

    P.S Hidden pool = Behavior Score rank 'F'. You can check you account rank by typing in console
    developer 1

    And scroll to end of report in console

  • JumperingJumpering Posts: 583

    @SirLimon said:
    Using this for leveling = instant enter hidden pool (long game finding like 10-20 min + retard teams + hard to escape)

    Tested by myself (not with this script). I wanted to create new acc and play with bot like jungle farmer. Many losses and tons of reports. Result of this in header oh this comment.

    P.S Hidden pool = Behavior Score rank 'F'. You can check you account rank by typing in console
    developer 1

    And scroll to end of report in console

    but in turbo not the fact, that u will lose (if it will dodge enemy's gans)

  • SirLimonSirLimon Posts: 571

    @Jumpering said:

    but in turbo not the fact, that u will lose (if it will dodge enemy's gans)

    Right, i think will be useful for turbo games. But there is exist small chanse to got hidden pool


    Who the fuck needs this pool?
    personally for me it is necessary that this bot played 100 match but Loader does not give more than 50 games :(

  • GoldenfrozeGoldenfroze Posts: 890
    edited July 2018

    got 6 loss and 13 commends FeelsBadMan

  • AyushAyush Posts: 356
    edited July 2018

    @NeeDforKill said:

    it couted 1=1 , let's argue ofc for money

    its counted in matches when u see but even when match count shows 100( if u have played most of your matches turbo) you wont unlock ranked

  • JerffellyJerffelly Posts: 198

    @Ayush said:

    its counted in matches when u see but even when match count shows 100( if u have played most of your matches turbo) you wont unlock ranked

    Because you need to play at least like 25 normal games. So it's better to get 75 turbo games and then stop using bot, then load assemblies like sky and dominate these 25 games if you want high rank.

    And for behavior score you can get and play in 5 stack, or get low priority and stay afk 25 games or even afk queue coop bot matches (yes it boosts behavior score xD).

  • gznstergznster Posts: 202

    This thing does about the same thing as bad guy. It's still running mid either way.

  • NeeDforKillNeeDforKill Posts: 1,976

    @Ayush said:

    its counted in matches when u see but even when match count shows 100( if u have played most of your matches turbo) you wont unlock ranked

    cos you need after that play 1 normal game.

  • lilfazlilfaz Posts: 26

    @SirLimon can I have your "F" behaviour account if you don't use it anymore?
    If yes give me your discord or any other contact

  • myzonemyzone Posts: 135

    the script used a flask when low hp and still used the shrine after even though i was full hp.

  • JumperingJumpering Posts: 583

    @myzone said:
    the script used a flask when low hp and still used the shrine after even though i was full hp.


  • JumperingJumpering Posts: 583
    edited July 2018


    • added auto search and auto random
    • added escape mode (ur hero will trying to run away from enemy heroes)

    auto search/random not fully tested, so please report your bugs

  • staxfaefstaxfaef Posts: 1

    How can I try this?

  • JumperingJumpering Posts: 583

    @staxfaef said:
    How can I try this?
    something like dat

  • rdzoimgordzoimgo Posts: 1

    It doesn't use flask when i'm on low hp

  • madapollonmadapollon Posts: 190

    can I choose a hero?
    This script can be used for abuse DOTA plus - but on the main account I think it's not worth the risk?

  • matikerosmatikeros Posts: 3

    when i press f5 on dota menu nothing happened

  • ALMOST useless script as people said before due to hidden pool and low priority you WILL get from people reporting you.ONLY use is to finish the normal game where you have retarded team who are going to report you anyway no matter if you lose or win ,so that you don't have to finish that game.It should cost maximum of 5 dollars if not even be in free assemblies as it is ALMOST useless.

  • JumperingJumpering Posts: 583

    @madapollon said:
    can I choose a hero?
    This script can be used for abuse DOTA plus - but on the main account I think it's not worth the risk?

    At this time u cant choose a hero (only random). And i would not recommend this to use on main acc. Just for leveling

    @matikeros said:
    when i press f5 on dota menu nothing happened

    do u see ahk script in ur tray?

    @maccertimur said:
    ALMOST useless script as people said before due to hidden pool and low priority you WILL get from people reporting you.ONLY use is to finish the normal game where you have retarded team who are going to report you anyway no matter if you lose or win ,so that you don't have to finish that game.It should cost maximum of 5 dollars if not even be in free assemblies as it is ALMOST useless.

    im not forcing u to buying this script

  • maccertimurmaccertimur Posts: 30
    edited July 2018

    @Jumpering said:

    At this time u cant choose a hero (only random). And i would not recommend this to use on main acc. Just for leveling

    do u see ahk script in ur tray?

    im not forcing u to buying this script

    I am not getting forced lol.I am sharing my own opinion so that people don't make mistake.

  • Does it work when dota2 in background/minimized?

  • JumperingJumpering Posts: 583

    @hmxxhmzxesg said:
    Does it work when dota2 in background/minimized?

    for auto search/pick you need to be in game, but after you can do what u want (after pick stage)

  • firsonmagefirsonmage Posts: 1
    edited August 2018

    nvm got it

  • I want this bot to auto lose games for one of my smurf, make my rank lower so I can play some easy games with friends. Can you add a feature so we can avoid picking specific heros? I do not want my favorite heros' statistics to be damaged.

  • is this still on?? i cant find it on database

  • this is not available to purchase?

  • hide1hide1 Posts: 16

    Escape mode don't work just runs away to the base and no longer moves and get another 1 low priority

  • JumperingJumpering Posts: 583
    edited November 2018


    • possible fix for stacking on base
    • now script is not using ahk script
    • now hero can unaggro creeps while pushing lane
    • now hero will not push under tower without creeps

    please report if it will do miss clicks on "search"/"random" buttons

  • I have just begun the test ... but on having pressed f5 nothing happens .... is it a mistake of the script or mio?

  • @domixnuz said:
    I have just begun the test ... but on having pressed f5 nothing happens .... is it a mistake of the script or mio?

    show me console please and ur resolution

  • @hide1 said:
    Escape mode don't work just runs away to the base and no longer moves and get another 1 low priority

    show me ur console and try to enable this and show me result when this happen again

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