O9K // AIO



  • momoensagemomoensage Posts: 29

    @IdcNoob said:
    Added spectre.

    I'd suggest some better logic for spe.
    The best way for spe to use Reality during Haunt is to use Reality twice.First use Reality to the enemy hero nearest the target, then use Reality to the target.
    For 2 reasons, asuming using Haunt far away the target. Spe swaps with the illusion when use Reality , if the two enemy hero are close, both spe and its illusion will attack the target. The other reason is that when the target dies, the illusion which aims at it dies. Spe might Reality back to the place when using Haunt if the target is quickly killed. It saves time back to farm.

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @momoensage said:

    I'd suggest some better logic for spe.
    The best way for spe to use Reality during Haunt is to use Reality twice.First use Reality to the enemy hero nearest the target, then use Reality to the target.
    For 2 reasons, asuming using Haunt far away the target. Spe swaps with the illusion when use Reality , if the two enemy hero are close, both spe and its illusion will attack the target. The other reason is that when the target dies, the illusion which aims at it dies. Spe might Reality back to the place when using Haunt if the target is quickly killed. It saves time back to farm.

    But then u wont be able to catch the enemy on which u used reality 1st.

  • GoldenfrozeGoldenfroze Posts: 890

    add chaos knight

  • momoensagemomoensage Posts: 29

    @IdcNoob said:
    But then u wont be able to catch the enemy on which u used reality 1st.

    yeah,you than have other choices to chase, and since the 1st reality hero is close, reality is not necessary all the time.
    Its hard for human to use reality twice accurately, but it's a perfect function for scripts cause reality has no cast time.

  • NeeDforKillNeeDforKill Posts: 1,976

    @Goldenfroze said:
    add chaos knight

    Buy script, and ask

  • SocksSocks Posts: 47

    dark willow is amazing , any chance you can tweak Q to improvement?
    I noticed your faceless void ultis have improved soo much btw

  • ramzesbgramzesbg Posts: 249

    Sf not always using hex on targets with bm or bkb when using ULT combo.

  • MagnetoMagneto Posts: 66

    @IdcNoob First of all thank you very much for your scripts. I have bought all your Scripts and would suggest an improvement in LC. Whenever the opponent has a linken's sphere, LC becomes useless with AIO Script. If we buy a linken's breaker like Force Staff etc, it uses on self and not on enemy because of which duel fails. I always have to use alternative combo before using the main combo to get a successful duel. Briju's Challenge accepted scripts uses linken's/spell shield's counter before duel. Please try to make some changes in the script.

  • ramzesbgramzesbg Posts: 249
    edited July 2018

    @Magneto said:
    @IdcNoob First of all thank you very much for your scripts. I have bought all your Scripts and would suggest an improvement in LC. Whenever the opponent has a linken's sphere, LC becomes useless with AIO Script. If we buy a linken's breaker like Force Staff etc, it uses on self and not on enemy because of which duel fails. I always have to use alternative combo before using the main combo to get a successful duel. Briju's Challenge accepted scripts uses linken's/spell shield's counter before duel. Please try to make some changes in the script.

    If you bought all his scripts and assuming u have O9K usage, there is a linking breaker option there.

    also @IdcNoob, the assembly seems to be bugging today for some reason. Half way in to the game it just stops responding when I press the combo key and or it doesn't use some abilities and just stands there doing nothing. This happened with SF, Axe in 3 different games so far. No error codes in the Console what so ever, this is really strange. I had to swap ur AIO to Superaxe mid game and it was working fine.

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @Magneto said:
    @IdcNoob First of all thank you very much for your scripts. I have bought all your Scripts and would suggest an improvement in LC. Whenever the opponent has a linken's sphere, LC becomes useless with AIO Script. If we buy a linken's breaker like Force Staff etc, it uses on self and not on enemy because of which duel fails. I always have to use alternative combo before using the main combo to get a successful duel. Briju's Challenge accepted scripts uses linken's/spell shield's counter before duel. Please try to make some changes in the script.

    Disable force staff in combo and enable it in linkens breaker.

  • murdahjahmurdahjah Posts: 7

    any way to spellfarm with zeus?

  • badbreathbadbreath Posts: 172

    I noticed faceless void calculates the chrono based on what he see's before he blinks in. Is there anyway to calculate the chromosphere AFTER he q's in when he has the most vision? Not sure if this is possible.

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @badbreath said:
    I noticed faceless void calculates the chrono based on what he see's before he blinks in. Is there anyway to calculate the chromosphere AFTER he q's in when he has the most vision? Not sure if this is possible.

    I improved it, but still because of the ping and tick rate, enemy positions might not be updated when hes using chrono.

  • ralph_repatoralph_repato Posts: 135

    Is there a way for Lina to throw stun more accurately even without Eul??? Disruptors ult and following combos seems off 6/10 times. Can you please look at these matters kindly boss @IdcNoob. Thanks as always xD

  • ramzesbgramzesbg Posts: 249

    It seems that shadow fiend has been very broken for the last 2-3 days. Cancels ulti combo... doesn't use razes. Doesn't use hex some times on targets with bkb and bm.

  • madapollonmadapollon Posts: 190
    edited July 2018

    IdcNoob tell me how to set up a combo with the freezing field (crystal maiden). I very often evader or other scripts interrupt the use of the ultimate.

  • madapollonmadapollon Posts: 190

    @JoyPink said:

    Paid and free zeus have that ( here free : https://www.ensage.io/discussion/1175/zeusplus/p1 )

    Evader is smart it will only evade if the enemy would stun you anyway.

    You play Crystal Maiden it will evade lina Q, but it will not evade lina Q if you are casting Crystal maidens Ultimate, but it will still move away when there is a mirana arrow, cause that arrow would stun you anyway.
    And if you have a BKB he will not move away at all! Cause you would not get stunned with your bkb ;)
    ( im talking about the paid evader here, dont konow about the free one! )

    You understand?

    What other scripts have you actived?

    I suggest you make use of the second combo mode and use a differnt key for just blink/ult/glimmer/bkb combo.

    thanks, I'll try

  • able to add timber soul ring and blademil?

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @coolerhotter said:
    able to add timber soul ring and blademil?

    I will add bm. Use item manger for soul ring.

  • PennyPackerPennyPacker Posts: 102

    Timber tries to chain to trees that are destroyed.
    This happens when using the flee/move function.

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    I appreciate everyone who bought this assembly while it supported like 5 heroes or even was free.
    Fully supported heroes are no longer free and require O9K.AIO.Unlocker and its price was increased to 40$.

  • madapollonmadapollon Posts: 190

    @IdcNoob said:
    I appreciate everyone who bought this assembly while it supported like 5 heroes or even was free.
    Fully supported heroes are no longer free and require O9K.AIO.Unlocker and its price was increased to 40$.

    I wanted to buy this script, but you increased the cost exactly at that moment. Make a discount for today, I have $ 30 but no $ 40.

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @madapollon said:

    I wanted to buy this script, but you increased the cost exactly at that moment. Make a discount for today, I have $ 30 but no $ 40.

    Sorry, no discounts.

  • gznstergznster Posts: 202
    edited July 2018

    orbwalking weird, will orbwalk halfway and stopped auto attacking , eg using ursa empower during his AA.

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @gznster said:
    orbwalking weird, will orbwalk halfway and stopped auto attacking , eg using ursa empower during his AA.

    Not sure, works fine for me.

  • SocksSocks Posts: 47

    Would be better if admin just gave you a % of subscription cash for all the work you've done and that way it could be free :asunaderp:

  • SocksSocks Posts: 47

    @IdcNoob said:
    I appreciate everyone who bought this assembly while it supported like 5 heroes or even was free.
    Fully supported heroes are no longer free and require O9K.AIO.Unlocker and its price was increased to 40$.

    Is it never gonna be possible to make single scripts for 10 ea?
    Could justify buying one right now xd

  • thank for this free trialperiod, rlly skip the hassle of finding which script to use as it's all inside.

  • gonymastergonymaster Posts: 16

    When I use the FV harassment button, it uses Ult directly ,that's stupid.... FeelsBadMan

  • ikhaledikhaled Posts: 13

    i joust bought it and i downloaded the O9K.Core but when im in a game i cant see any menu related to it i only see my old scripts i had nothing new could some1 help plz ? :(

  • Hello! Some problem with axe, after dagger he using hunger instead berserks call - why? And i see some delay after jump.
    And BKB and blademale use before blink, can you fix it? Or can I set succession myself?

    А то нереально

  • madapollonmadapollon Posts: 190

    @jasonnevins said:
    Hello! Some problem with axe, after dagger he using hunger instead berserks call - why? And i see some delay after jump.
    And BKB and blademale use before blink, can you fix it? Or can I set succession myself?

    А то нереально

    use the script Super Axe - I easily raise the rating with it

  • SocksSocks Posts: 47
    edited July 2018

    @jasonnevins said:
    Hello! Some problem with axe, after dagger he using hunger instead berserks call - why? And i see some delay after jump.
    And BKB and blademale use before blink, can you fix it? Or can I set succession myself?

    А то нереально

    Edit #1

    Turn off hunger midgame in combo mode, have it setup in harass mode without blink etc if you really wanna use it on people to harass them

    Combo > call& blade only > blinking and calling no problems then, they won't escape either unless it blinks too short 'which it does sometimes'. Not really experienced the delay so much with this setup

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175
    edited July 2018

    @gonymaster said:
    When I use the FV harassment button, it uses Ult directly ,that's stupid.... FeelsBadMan

    Just disable abilities that u dont want to use.

    @ikhaled said:
    i joust bought it and i downloaded the O9K.Core but when im in a game i cant see any menu related to it i only see my old scripts i had nothing new could some1 help plz ? :(

    U need o9k.core and o9k.aio.

    @jasonnevins said:
    Hello! Some problem with axe, after dagger he using hunger instead berserks call - why? And i see some delay after jump.
    And BKB and blademale use before blink, can you fix it? Or can I set succession myself?

    А то нереально

    Hows bkb and bm use before blink is bad, well u will lose 0.3s with bm, but bkb ? Ill fix hunger usage.

  • VacantVacant Posts: 99

    Can you look into improving pangolier? A lot of the time my ult is cancelled by swashbuckle as soon as I start rolling.

  • SocksSocks Posts: 47

    @Vacant said:
    Can you look into improving pangolier? A lot of the time my ult is cancelled by swashbuckle as soon as I start rolling.

    I used pang alot before, never cancelled once for me, got anything else enabled? in auto usage or that?.

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @Vacant said:
    Can you look into improving pangolier? A lot of the time my ult is cancelled by swashbuckle as soon as I start rolling.

    It might cancel ult if target can be killed with Q.

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    Added axe.

  • kappatalismkappatalism Posts: 134

    40$ is way too high xd Considering lowering the price..

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @kappatalism said:
    40$ is way too high xd Considering lowering the price..

    You are getting like 1 hero for 1$. Im considering increasing the price even more.

  • Thanks for the trial period, I used your script a lot and it is really good. Too bad it's over, $ 40 is equivalent to 2 weeks of my work (trainee). the end of this free script encouraged me to stop using the ensage. But your script is really good, those who have enough money to spend with games, I recommend.

  • You should add auto unit push/farm for heros like brood/Np/Lycan that would be super OP , and then raise the price :jew:

  • emoapieemoapie Posts: 22

    i already buy it..its worth..dont ask to lowering the price...it is not easy to make ALL IN ONE script like this .. sorry for my bad English

  • niteboiniteboi Posts: 6

    paid FeelsBadMan

  • MagnetoMagneto Posts: 66

    @IdcNoob said:

    You are getting like 1 hero for 1$. Im considering increasing the price even more.

    I hope for those who have made payment already need not pay the difference of the price :)

    @IdcNoob Please check the Linken's breaker in LC combo once again.

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @Magneto said:

    I hope for those who have made payment already need not pay the difference of the price :)

    @IdcNoob Please check the Linken's breaker in LC combo once again.

    What exactly is the problem with it ?

  • kappatalismkappatalism Posts: 134

    40$ is way too high xd Considering lowering the price..> @IdcNoob said:

    You are getting like 1 hero for 1$. Im considering increasing the price even more.

    Lol okay. At least don't increase it again before I have the money to buy this script. :P
    I know 40$ may seem reasonable for Westerners but for people from other regions it's really expensive. Maybe Ensage should consider having different price for different regions like Steam ?

  • SocksSocks Posts: 47

    @kappatalism said:
    40$ is way too high xd Considering lowering the price..> @IdcNoob said:

    Lol okay. At least don't increase it again before I have the money to buy this script. :P
    I know 40$ may seem reasonable for Westerners but for people from other regions it's really expensive. Maybe Ensage should consider having different price for different regions like Steam ?

    Even though I'm from the UK, I would definitely say I'm from somewhere else then if thats the case. 40$ is still a lot.
    I would prefer sub based, monthly payment

  • mzamza20mzamza20 Posts: 6

    You'er not owning the plugin which should be loaded
    Unable to test

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @mzamza20 said:
    You'er not owning the plugin which should be loaded
    Unable to test

    Try to delete unlocker, restart loader and install again.

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