O9K // AIO



  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @madapollon said:
    Slark does not impose a debuff silver edge on the target when using combos. Even standing next to it, he uses a jump from invisibility, and not a blow.

    Disable ignore invisibility in combo settings.

  • MinpoJkeMinpoJke Posts: 47
    edited July 2018

    Just bought it. I want to see earth spirit here

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @MinpoJke said:
    Just bought it. I want to see earth spirit here

    I actually have no idea how to play him, also hes weak hero, which heavily relies not only on inconsistent skillshots, but on proper decision making, which i bet script users dont want to bother with and expect to win by holding 1 key, even with heroes like es. But well, i can make combos for him if u tell me what he supposed to do.

  • ramzesbgramzesbg Posts: 249

    @IdcNoob said:

    I actually have no idea how to play him, also hes weak hero, which heavily relies not only on inconsistent skillshots, but on proper decision making, which i bet script users dont want to bother with and expect to win by holding 1 key, even with heroes like es. But well, i can make combos for him if u tell me what he supposed to do.

    He is not weak, but as you mentioned he does require a fair amount of logic and his combos are different in every single team fight. Making an exceptional script for Earth is nearly impossible imo.

  • MinpoJkeMinpoJke Posts: 47

    Ok. Can i ask for another hero?

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @MinpoJke said:
    Ok. Can i ask for another hero?


  • amdemto1amdemto1 Posts: 49

    @IdcNoob said:


    mr.IDC how long we have to wait for new ensage update>

  • madapollonmadapollon Posts: 190
    edited August 2018

    IdcNoob has a problem with combo enigma

    When you select more than 1 goal for blackhole - enigma starts making combos, but if the targets become less than the number specified in the settings - enigma will not give a black hole.

    You can make enigma start combo at the specified number of enemies - but if they become smaller then the combo continued despite the smaller number. (exception if less than 1 is not given a black hole)

  • can u ad PA idcNoob

  • ramzesbgramzesbg Posts: 249
    edited August 2018

    @beheo1211 said:
    can u ad PA idcNoob

    PA is already working fine.

    PS: @IdcNoob, can you make it so that when we are using raze combo for sf it ignores pathfinding and we can hit easier with razes trough textures.

  • MinpoJkeMinpoJke Posts: 47
    edited August 2018

    So. Can you add full support of Warlock?

    And anotherone. How can i change sequence of abilities in combo? Maybe you can add this function to another combo?
    For example, playing on shadow demon i want to use Disruption and Soul Catcher for haras, but it uses soulcatcher then disription. I lost tonns of DPS on it. And so on

  • ramzesbgramzesbg Posts: 249

    @MinpoJke said:
    So. Can you add full support of Warlock?

    And anotherone. How can i change sequence of abilities in combo? Maybe you can add this function to another combo?
    For example, playing on shadow demon i want to use Disruption and Soul Catcher for haras, but it uses soulcatcher then disription. I lost tonns of DPS on it. And so on

    I agree. Changing the sequence of abilities would be nice. For example Lion uses stun before hex and misses a lot of stuns... It would be better to hex first.

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @MinpoJke said:
    So. Can you add full support of Warlock?

    And anotherone. How can i change sequence of abilities in combo? Maybe you can add this function to another combo?
    For example, playing on shadow demon i want to use Disruption and Soul Catcher for haras, but it uses soulcatcher then disription. I lost tonns of DPS on it. And so on

    Ill add warlock. I cant really add option to change order in dynamic combos.

    @ramzesbg said:

    I agree. Changing the sequence of abilities would be nice. For example Lion uses stun before hex and misses a lot of stuns... It would be better to hex first.

    Lion uses stun because it has higher range, otherwise he would just run after enemy and never catch him to use hex. If enemy is close it will use hex first.

  • ramzesbgramzesbg Posts: 249

    @IdcNoob said:

    Ill add warlock. I cant really add option to change order in dynamic combos.

    Lion uses stun because it has higher range, otherwise he would just run after enemy and never catch him to use hex. If enemy is close it will use hex first.

    Ahh ok. Also ember's auto chains don't work even when u gold W

  • MinpoJkeMinpoJke Posts: 47
    edited August 2018

    @IdcNoob said:
    I cant really add option to change order in dynamic combo

    I mean, that we have run key, harras key, combo key and another combo key. Is it possible to do one more key with custom priority or it'll broke logic of your script?

  • madapollonmadapollon Posts: 190

    IdcNoob you can make a function for tiny - automatic toss under the tower of the enemy hero - very necessary.

  • MinpoJkeMinpoJke Posts: 47
    edited August 2018


  • emoapieemoapie Posts: 22

    can u make Nature Prophet script with auto pushing treants?

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @madapollon said:
    IdcNoob you can make a function for tiny - automatic toss under the tower of the enemy hero - very necessary.

    Toss cant target towers ?

  • madapollonmadapollon Posts: 190

    @IdcNoob said:

    Toss cant target towers ?

    We need a separate key that will be toss to the tower. Then you can go to the hero and press the key.

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175
    edited August 2018

    @madapollon said:

    We need a separate key that will be toss to the tower. Then you can go to the hero and press the key.

    But u cant toss to the tower...

  • madapollonmadapollon Posts: 190
    edited August 2018

    @IdcNoob said:

    But u cant toss to the tower...

    toss the enemy hero on by the creeps group which is in the radius of the attack tower.

    You can solve the problem with enigma combo - maybe I'm doing something wrong.

    Problem: I choose more than 1 hero in black hole settings. Enigma starts combo at the right time - but if one of the enemies makes a blink and leaves the range of the black hole - enigma just stands and is killed.

    It is necessary to make that enigma did combo with a certain number of enemies - but if they become smaller at the stage of execution, it still continues.

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175
    edited August 2018

    @madapollon said:

    toss the enemy hero on by the creeps group which is in the radius of the attack tower.

    You can solve the problem with enigma combo - maybe I'm doing something wrong.

    Problem: I choose more than 1 hero in black hole settings. Enigma starts combo at the right time - but if one of the enemies makes a blink and leaves the range of the black hole - enigma just stands and is killed.

    It is necessary to make that enigma did combo with a certain number of enemies - but if they become smaller at the stage of execution, it still continues.

    I guess i can do that toss, but if ur creep under tower then most likely enemy creep is also near, so tower will not attack hero.

    With enigma is a bit of a problem, since it doesnt really know if its blink combo or simple black hole, also "fail safe" will block bh anyway.

  • I think tossing to tower he means more like tossing towards your teammate. This makes more sense. Blink then toss to your teammate or even without. The Zaio have this option. Any eta on new hero? Great job as always bud and thank you xD

  • madapollonmadapollon Posts: 190
    edited August 2018

    @ralph_repato said:
    I think tossing to tower he means more like tossing towards your teammate. This makes more sense. Blink then toss to your teammate or even without. The Zaio have this option. Any eta on new hero? Great job as always bud and thank you xD

    only this function needs to be on a separate key. Because you can toss a tidehunter with ravage to your team. :devil:
    I ask IdcNoob to implement this function. Many players take Tiny to spoil the game, so I have to pick up and play tiny to win.

  • si_jisi_ji Posts: 38

    Please add Orchid, Bloodthorn, Nullifier and Hex to Troll

    And add Abyssal to Brewmaster

    Please set Troll to use Mask of Madness only for Melee Form, and before using it, make sure trolls have used Whirling Axes (Melee) and Ult

    Whirling Axes (Ranged)'s Cast Range is 1000, but Troll waits until the target uses Whirling Axes within his ranged attack range.

  • please add The_Underhollow support !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @dengrui0423 said:
    please add The_Underhollow support !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • @IdcNoob said:



  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @dengrui0423 said:


    Because its a limited time event.

  • @IdcNoob said:

    Because its a limited time event.

    ok o(╥﹏╥)o

  • Nikom_5Nikom_5 Posts: 11

    is it $40 one time payment or recurring?

  • NeeDforKillNeeDforKill Posts: 1,976

    @Nikom_5 said:
    is it $40 one time payment or recurring?

    One time.

  • bought , can u add last hit PA by dagger skill 1 ??? like zues.divine use skill 1 farm , in range hit use atk , out range use Dagger farm ty

  • plz add mana drain to lion combo. I want use 1st + mana drain in early game

  • madapollonmadapollon Posts: 190

    @IdcNoob said:

    I guess i can do that toss, but if ur creep under tower then most likely enemy creep is also near, so tower will not attack hero.

    With enigma is a bit of a problem, since it doesnt really know if its blink combo or simple black hole, also "fail safe" will block bh anyway.

    can you do for enigma combo - fail safe function (only for 1 enemy) - so fail safe is not attached to the number of heroes for the black hole?

  • madapollonmadapollon Posts: 190
    edited August 2018

    @madapollon said:

    can you do for enigma combo - fail safe function (only for 1 enemy) - so fail safe is not attached to the number of heroes for the black hole?

    Also there is a problem - when I use the combo enigma - the script Auto-usage use the malefice and stops the black hole. You can make the black hole never stop before the end of the action - evader and auto usage should not interrupt the black hole ever.

  • Ty for update! Any news for next hero? I saw Lion, Razor, etc... On the queue. Big up bud xD

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @ralph_repato said:
    Ty for update! Any news for next hero? I saw Lion, Razor, etc... On the queue. Big up bud xD

    I dont know, but when ill get to it ill add them all at once.

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    Added lion, razor, vengeful spirit, dark seer, warlock.

  • badbreathbadbreath Posts: 172

    I like Dark Seer a lot. But if you select the level 25 talent that makes 2 walls he vacuums them in the center of both walls and they don't hit :)

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @badbreath said:
    I like Dark Seer a lot. But if you select the level 25 talent that makes 2 walls he vacuums them in the center of both walls and they don't hit :)

    Are u sure ? It works fine for me.

  • badbreathbadbreath Posts: 172

    @IdcNoob said:

    Are u sure ? It works fine for me.

    Try it with blink maybe? Looks like it messes up a lot with blink even if that talent isn't selected.

  • badbreathbadbreath Posts: 172

    Here is a video:


  • JoyEnoshimaJoyEnoshima Posts: 79
    edited August 2018

    @badbreath said:
    Here is a video:


    do you have this problrm also in real games/test games? , since demo mode bugs alot. Idk but maybe its just the demo mode, and not a bug in script. :)

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @badbreath said:

    Try it with blink maybe? Looks like it messes up a lot with blink even if that talent isn't selected.

    Made some fixes.

  • why is vengeful spirit is on paid hero?

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @micromagic said:
    why is vengeful spirit is on paid hero?

    Because all fully supported heroes are paid.

  • micromagicmicromagic Posts: 2
    edited August 2018

    now ok

  • DjonyDjony Posts: 23

    plz add ta

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