O9K // Evader



  • AgressorAgressor Posts: 4
    edited November 2018

    @IdcNoob said:

    It was added long time ago, but u need modifier counter for that.

    for monkey king F also need modifier counter ? cuz for ex vs Lion he dodged Q but cant dodge R , same vs Lina etc.

  • sadm1ntsadm1nt Posts: 15
    edited November 2018

    idcNoob please restard trial for evader and evader.ModifierCounter, need try some heroes.

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @xeper said:
    morph not use before stun attribute shift(strength)

    It uses shift when u have less than 1.5k hp or against some ults.> @Agressor said:

    for monkey king F also need modifier counter ? cuz for ex vs Lion he dodged Q but cant dodge R , same vs Lina etc.

    Some abilities requires it to dodge these ults, because they are detected by modifier.

    @sadm1nt said:
    idcNoob please restard trial for evader and evader.ModifierCounter, need try some heroes.


  • ramzesbgramzesbg Posts: 249

    Please add PA's blur. It makes u invisible for 0.75 sec even in close range. This helps cancel and dodge some abilities.

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @ramzesbg said:
    Please add PA's blur. It makes u invisible for 0.75 sec even in close range. This helps cancel and dodge some abilities.

    Its already added...

  • ramzesbgramzesbg Posts: 249

    @IdcNoob said:

    Its already added...

    Well it doesn't dodge Lion's ult so... (without aghanim ofc while it's still not AOE)

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @ramzesbg said:

    Well it doesn't dodge Lion's ult so... (without aghanim ofc while it's still not AOE)

    Its not invulnerability lol. The only thing that blur can actually dodge is zeus ult, everything else is just for distraction.

  • mcYDmcYD Posts: 42

    @xeper said:
    AM- can be activated to provide a Counterspell shield for 1.4 second. Can you add evade with this rework spell?

    Still can't avoid item class skills. Examples of big halo hammer, red stick, sheep knife and other items as well as the axe king's W

  • mcYDmcYD Posts: 42

    And the heroic skills of the Lich's big move, I hope you can test the active skills one by one!

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175
    edited November 2018

    @mcYD said:

    Still can't avoid item class skills. Examples of big halo hammer, red stick, sheep knife and other items as well as the axe king's W

    Its not possible to evade most items.

  • Can you make dodge Lina and Lion's ult using bkb?

    And make Arc Warden's Tempest using Evader like Lotus / BM / Eul, etc for himself, I know this is too much request, nevertheless your script is great man ><

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @Bebungulan said:
    Can you make dodge Lina and Lion's ult using bkb?

    And make Arc Warden's Tempest using Evader like Lotus / BM / Eul, etc for himself, I know this is too much request, nevertheless your script is great man ><

    Its already using bkb vs lina/lion ult, but its considered as modifier counter.
    Not sure about arcs tempest, cuz then he will prioritize saving self instead of allies, but ill check it.

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175
    edited November 2018

    Ive reworked o9k.itemmanagers gold spender, so if u have it, you will be able to see gold icon in ur counter abilities, which means that it will "trigger" gold spenders near death when ur hero is going to die from some ability.

  • can u make dodge omnislash with blur after actual cast (idk how i calls ) cuz now its not break omnislash's CD, or atleast option for this

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @Agressor said:
    can u make dodge omnislash with blur after actual cast (idk how i calls ) cuz now its not break omnislash's CD, or atleast option for this

    Now it will cast blur after omnishlash, but u need modifier counter.

  • @IdcNoob said:

    Now it will cast blur after omnishlash, but u need modifier counter.

    thx bro

  • why anti mage can't evade tinker's laser? it has animation

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @sadm1nt said:
    why anti mage can't evade tinker's laser? it has animation

    Its missing, ill add it.

  • how do I buy this?

  • @IdcNoob ModifierCounter and MultiUnit What are the functions promoted? What's the effect of not buying?


  • @markxiaoan said:
    @IdcNoob ModifierCounter and MultiUnit What are the functions promoted? What's the effect of not buying?


    Its u wont evade with ld bears .arc illusion etcs for mutiunit
    For modifier is to auto purge

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @markxiaoan said:
    @IdcNoob ModifierCounter and MultiUnit What are the functions promoted? What's the effect of not buying?


    You also can see 1st post with explantions and gifs.

  • @shijunyan0088 你是国人吗 你的意思是一个是幻象躲避 另外一个是用莲花球什么的?

  • @markxiaoan said:
    @shijunyan0088 你是国人吗 你的意思是一个是幻象躲避 另外一个是用莲花球什么的?

    一个是多单位英雄躲避,ld电狗米波之类的,一个就是你说的那样,两个配合可以驱散队友debuff :sisi3:

  • work with anti mage?

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @shukakuhatake said:
    work with anti mage?


  • sawnowsawnow Posts: 13

    please have a look at monkey keings mischief - when jumping is disabled and it attempts to dodge NULLIFIER it casts mischief but still get nullified, manta dodge works fine as well as dodging other projectiles like atos with mischief

  • boyxdboyxd Posts: 43
    edited December 2018

    some sugesstions for ta
    her 2nd skill can dodge:
    viper's 1st skill
    (ta can use 2nd skill to dodge attack projectile when viper's 1st skill casted)
    (but im not sure is it possible to add that? cuz there is no animation)
    DK's 2nd skill(when ult)
    dazzle's 1st skill (he's a popular mid right now)
    grimstroke's 2nd skill (its useful when teamfight)
    Ogre's 2nd skill
    I know she's a weak mid this patch but with ur scripts could be stronger xD

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @boyxd said:
    some sugesstions for ta
    her 2nd skill can dodge:
    viper's 1st skill
    (ta can use 2nd skill to dodge attack projectile when viper's 1st skill casted)
    (but im not sure is it possible to add that? cuz there is no animation)
    DK's 2nd skill(when ult)
    dazzle's 1st skill (he's a popular mid right now)
    grimstroke's 2nd skill (its useful when teamfight)
    Ogre's 2nd skill
    I know she's a weak mid this patch but with ur scripts could be stronger xD

    Ill add them, except vipers 1st skill.

  • PtzMaxPtzMax Posts: 51
    edited December 2018

    Хотел узнать, а если Dodge красным цветом, что это означает и даёт?

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @PtzMax said:
    Хотел узнать, а если Dodge красным цветом, что это означает и даёт?

    Что он будет доджить только станы.

  • PtzMaxPtzMax Posts: 51
    edited December 2018

    @IdcNoob написал:

    Что он будет доджить только станы.

    Спасибо большое, давно хотел спросить :)

  • koktaykoktay Posts: 64

    Does mouse deception work?

  • hide1hide1 Posts: 16

    don't work =(

  • lolkhaxlolkhax Posts: 363

    @JoyPink said:


    Yes and its build into ensage core every script has working mouse spoofing now. And ensage should be very safe again.

    You should also add to that, for the mouse spoofing to work you need to have default view distance.

  • Can you add delay to disables in evader(hex, eul, silence) ? Bit too quick and obvious

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @M0NST3R said:
    Can you add delay to disables in evader(hex, eul, silence) ? Bit too quick and obvious

    It already waits for as much as possible...

  • thebigkthebigk Posts: 49

    does this one have the AM shield?

  • NeeDforKillNeeDforKill Posts: 1,976

    @thebigk said:
    does this one have the AM shield?


  • Can you add these things
    * manta on kunkka boat (ult)
    * am spell shield on slardar corrosive haze
    * am spell shiled on treant leech seed (2nd skill)

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @kappatalism said:
    Can you add these things
    * manta on kunkka boat (ult)
    * am spell shield on slardar corrosive haze
    * am spell shiled on treant leech seed (2nd skill)

    It has manta vs boat, ill add other.

  • VacantVacant Posts: 99
    edited February 2019


    Here's some spells it fails to evade with mischief that I tested manually and was able to successfully evade. A lot of them aren't really a big deal but I have too much free time. An option to only evade non-disables if they're lethal would be cool as well.

    Monkey king's mischief fails to dodge...
    Beastmaster axes.
    Brewmaster clap.
    Bristleback goo/quills.
    Clockwerk hook. Can only dodge the stun/damage portion of this, will still be pulled to you.
    Phoenix fire spirits/supernova stun.
    Spirit breaker charge.
    Tidehunter gush/anchor smash.
    Timbersaw timber chain. Timing on this one is pretty tight.
    Tiny tree throw.
    Undying decay.
    Drow ranger gust.
    Gyro calldown.
    Meepo earthbind/poof.
    Mirana starfall.
    Pango shield crash.
    Razor plasma field. Can only dodge the ring going one direction anyways.
    Shadow fiend razes/requiem of souls.
    Terrorblade reflection.
    Troll ranged whirling axes.
    Venomancer venomous gale.
    AA cold feet stun/ice blast damage. Don't seem to be able to evade the frostbitten effect itself since it applies it in a huge radius as it travels.
    Crystal maiden crystal nova.
    Dark willow shadow realm attack. Could just be ping but it also evades terrorize too early half the time.
    Dazzle shadow wave.
    Enchantress impetus.
    Grimstroke stroke of fate. Incorrectly dodges phantom's embrace. Need to be in disguise when the projectile hits, can't try to disjoint it and then go back to hero form before it hits.
    KotL blinding light.
    Tries to dodge oracle fortune's end but it's not evadable.
    OD arcane orb.
    Shadow demon soul catcher.
    Skywrath mage arcane bolt.
    Storm static remnant. Only possible if an ally will trigger it and you're in radius.
    Techies land mines. I think I managed to dodge it once but I can't replicate it. Even if it's not possible you can reset the timer by disguising yourself right before it explodes.
    Warlock ult stun.
    Windrunner powershot.
    Winter wyvern arctic burn/splinter blast.
    Witch doctor maledict.
    Zeus lightning bolt/wrath. Bolt is only evadable if ground targetted.

    Incorrectly times manta dodge vs omnislash as well. It's possible to disjoint the omnislash completely if you time the manta to occur when a slash hits instead of just using the illusions to tank damage.

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @Vacant said:

    Here's some spells it fails to evade with mischief that I tested manually and was able to successfully evade. A lot of them aren't really a big deal but I have too much free time. An option to only evade non-disables if they're lethal would be cool as well.

    Monkey king's mischief fails to dodge...
    Beastmaster axes.
    Brewmaster clap.
    Bristleback goo/quills.
    Clockwerk hook. Can only dodge the stun/damage portion of this, will still be pulled to you.
    Phoenix fire spirits/supernova stun.
    Spirit breaker charge.
    Tidehunter gush/anchor smash.
    Timbersaw timber chain. Timing on this one is pretty tight.
    Tiny tree throw.
    Undying decay.
    Drow ranger gust.
    Gyro calldown.
    Meepo earthbind/poof.
    Mirana starfall.
    Pango shield crash.
    Razor plasma field. Can only dodge the ring going one direction anyways.
    Shadow fiend razes/requiem of souls.
    Terrorblade reflection.
    Troll ranged whirling axes.
    Venomancer venomous gale.
    AA cold feet stun/ice blast damage. Don't seem to be able to evade the frostbitten effect itself since it applies it in a huge radius as it travels.
    Crystal maiden crystal nova.
    Dark willow shadow realm attack. Could just be ping but it also evades terrorize too early half the time.
    Dazzle shadow wave.
    Enchantress impetus.
    Grimstroke stroke of fate. Incorrectly dodges phantom's embrace. Need to be in disguise when the projectile hits, can't try to disjoint it and then go back to hero form before it hits.
    KotL blinding light.
    Tries to dodge oracle fortune's end but it's not evadable.
    OD arcane orb.
    Shadow demon soul catcher.
    Skywrath mage arcane bolt.
    Storm static remnant. Only possible if an ally will trigger it and you're in radius.
    Techies land mines. I think I managed to dodge it once but I can't replicate it. Even if it's not possible you can reset the timer by disguising yourself right before it explodes.
    Warlock ult stun.
    Windrunner powershot.
    Winter wyvern arctic burn/splinter blast.
    Witch doctor maledict.
    Zeus lightning bolt/wrath. Bolt is only evadable if ground targetted.

    Incorrectly times manta dodge vs omnislash as well. It's possible to disjoint the omnislash completely if you time the manta to occur when a slash hits instead of just using the illusions to tank damage.

    Thanks for testing, ill check it later. But i dont think its possible to evade all these spells.

  • VacantVacant Posts: 99
    edited February 2019

    Thanks for testing, ill check it later. But i dont think its possible to evade all these spells.

    I tested every spell in the game manually and with evader. This list is only the ones I managed to successfully evade that evader didn't.

    There's also some spells like shadow shaman shackles, tinker laser, bane fiend's grip, etc. where you can transform at the last instant and disrupt their cast animation so they have to cast the spell again but I left those out. Same thing you do for doom/culling blade

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @Vacant said:

    I tested every spell in the game manually and with evader. This list is only the ones I managed to successfully evade that evader didn't.

    For example, its not possible to know exact position (time) when terrorize will hit (unlike something like ice blast) so it makes it a bit random.
    Not sure if its possible to determine if its simple auto attack or impetus.
    Also i dont believe its possible to evade requiem with speed 700 and radius 150+ which will take ~0.21s to travel over u while invulnerability is only 0.2s, unless u r like on top of him and same stuff with other spells that have travel time.

    But like i said, ill check them in game and add/fix it.

  • VacantVacant Posts: 99
    edited February 2019

    @IdcNoob said:

    For example, its not possible to know exact position (time) when terrorize will hit (unlike something like ice blast) so it makes it a bit random.
    Not sure if its possible to determine if its simple auto attack or impetus.
    Also i dont believe its possible to evade requiem with speed 700 and radius 150+ which will take ~0.21s to travel over u while invulnerability is only 0.2s, unless u r like on top of him and same stuff with other spells that have travel time.

    But like i said, ill check them in game and add/fix it.

    I only tested the requiem with euls SF. Not sure if you can dodge a wave coming at you. Thanks. FeelsGoodMan


  • whats the difference between this and auto usage?

  • whats the difference between modifier and auto usage?

  • Hello! You can reset the test time, thanks!

  • @IdcNoob said:

    Thanks for testing, ill check it later. But i dont think its possible to evade all these spells.

    Hi, is there a script that will micro natures prophets treants to block enemy?

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