BAIO | All-In-One Combo Assembly



  • Payed for script and 0 of the hero combos work??

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    @silent09 said:
    Payed for script and 0 of the hero combos work??

    Any errors on the console?

  • dast12dast12 Posts: 8
    edited September 2018


  • It is posible to use O9K AIO and BAIO?

  • @Arcforthewin said:
    It is posible to use O9K AIO and BAIO?


  • 1.5 month passed , no update found. R.I.P

  • cac1cac1 Posts: 367

    Tusk not use snowball

  • AyushAyush Posts: 356

    This assembly is bugged and doesn't function properly, magnus is completely broken!

    Keep throwing errors.

    I dont have access to pc right now or i would have posted screenshots.

    Also 2 months & no update, thought paid assemblies were supposed to be maintained properly and fix accordingly, but the author seems to be not following the guidelines.

    If this is the case then please refund such assemblies and take appropriate actions on defaulters.

    I have been supporting the community right from the inception and never have i ever felt that money was wasted on ensage, until now.

    This script disappointed me very much due to the lack in support, updates or even bug fixes.

  • cac1cac1 Posts: 367

    @Ayush said:
    This assembly is bugged and doesn't function properly, magnus is completely broken!

    Keep throwing errors.

    I dont have access to pc right now or i would have posted screenshots.

    Also 2 months & no update, thought paid assemblies were supposed to be maintained properly and fix accordingly, but the author seems to be not following the guidelines.

    If this is the case then please refund such assemblies and take appropriate actions on defaulters.

    I have been supporting the community right from the inception and never have i ever felt that money was wasted on ensage, until now.

    This script disappointed me very much due to the lack in support, updates or even bug fixes.


  • same here. I should have used the money for the other scripts

  • yes idk why spectre keeps switching itself on ult mode.... can you check pleasee

  • AyushAyush Posts: 356

    @death1213 said:
    yes idk why spectre keeps switching itself on ult mode.... can you check pleasee

    This happens too!

    always switching

  • NeeDforKillNeeDforKill Posts: 1,976

    He writed, he will fix soon.

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566
    edited October 2018


    • Fixed Spectre jumping all around the place with ulti :roto2:
    • I think I fixed Magnus. To be really honest, I don't know why it got broken in the first place and what I did but it stopped throwing errors for me and functioning as it should be. Let me know if you still have errors.
    • Added Grimstroke:

    Currently uses: All skills, EtherealBlade, Dagon, Sheepstick, Mjollnir, Diffusal, Nullifier, Orchid, Bloodthorn. Doesn't check menu options if target is ulti'd (as it's too much value to cast items on 2 targets). Open to suggestions.

    Also P.S: I'm always around, just don't have much time to chit-chat as I used to. I'm following both discord and here for bug reports / suggestions. But usually bug reports are like "This hero doesn't do this" and I open up my game to test and find out "This hero" actually "does this" on my end.

    Long story short;
    - If you are having errors, I need at least a small description and a console screenshot. So that I actually can recreate the bug and work on fixing it.
    - If you have a suggestion or think that something is working but doesn't functioning well, I need a decent description of what is happening and what can improve what is happening.

  • thanks rbrororo

  • @beminee said:

    • Fixed Spectre jumping all around the place with ulti :roto2:
    • I think I fixed Magnus. To be really honest, I don't know why it got broken in the first place and what I did but it stopped throwing errors for me and functioning as it should be. Let me know if you still have errors.
    • Added Grimstroke:

    Currently uses: All skills, EtherealBlade, Dagon, Sheepstick, Mjollnir, Diffusal, Nullifier, Orchid, Bloodthorn. Doesn't check menu options if target is ulti'd (as it's too much value to cast items on 2 targets). Open to suggestions.

    Also P.S: I'm always around, just don't have much time to chit-chat as I used to. I'm following both discord and here for bug reports / suggestions. But usually bug reports are like "This hero doesn't do this" and I open up my game to test and find out "This hero" actually "does this" on my end.

    Long story short;
    - If you are having errors, I need at least a small description and a console screenshot. So that I actually can recreate the bug and work on fixing it.
    - If you have a suggestion or think that something is working but doesn't functioning well, I need a decent description of what is happening and what can improve what is happening.

    thank you!

  • AyushAyush Posts: 356

    @beminee said:

    • Fixed Spectre jumping all around the place with ulti :roto2:
    • I think I fixed Magnus. To be really honest, I don't know why it got broken in the first place and what I did but it stopped throwing errors for me and functioning as it should be. Let me know if you still have errors.
    • Added Grimstroke:

    Currently uses: All skills, EtherealBlade, Dagon, Sheepstick, Mjollnir, Diffusal, Nullifier, Orchid, Bloodthorn. Doesn't check menu options if target is ulti'd (as it's too much value to cast items on 2 targets). Open to suggestions.

    Also P.S: I'm always around, just don't have much time to chit-chat as I used to. I'm following both discord and here for bug reports / suggestions. But usually bug reports are like "This hero doesn't do this" and I open up my game to test and find out "This hero" actually "does this" on my end.

    Long story short;
    - If you are having errors, I need at least a small description and a console screenshot. So that I actually can recreate the bug and work on fixing it.
    - If you have a suggestion or think that something is working but doesn't functioning well, I need a decent description of what is happening and what can improve what is happening.

    Magnus is still not working properly.

    I get a lot of errors in lobby.

    Please find the attached file for logs.

  • AyushAyush Posts: 356
    edited October 2018

    @Ayush said:

    Magnus is still not working properly.

    I get a lot of errors in lobby.

    Please find the attached file for logs.

    Spec issue seems to be settles down.

    No more switching around as often as it used to.

    I seem to face problem with orbwalking sven, so bascically he cancels the backswing animation before hitting the target itself, which results in 0 dmg.(No errors on console or cmd)

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    @Ayush said:

    Spec issue seems to be settles down.

    No more switching around as often as it used to.

    I seem to face problem with orbwalking sven, so bascically he cancels the backswing animation before hitting the target itself, which results in 0 dmg.(No errors on console or cmd)

    1) Is magnus one lobby or demo mode? If lobby, are there any allied bots in game? Test in lobby with bots on both teams.
    2) On sven, do you have echo sabre?

  • hi . sorry for being offtopic but i have took this cheat as 1 day trail . i have bought ensage premium and when ingame i press shift i can only see the basic hacks like spawn boxes and auto accept matches.
    how do i add your cheat in order to use it in game
    please if anyone can let me know the steps

  • @shivam1234563 said:
    hi . sorry for being offtopic but i have took this cheat as 1 day trail . i have bought ensage premium and when ingame i press shift i can only see the basic hacks like spawn boxes and auto accept matches.
    how do i add your cheat in order to use it in game
    please if anyone can let me know the steps

    On the top bar of ensage, click on database, that's where all the assemblies are. Scroll and find BAIO, select it(click on box beside it so it shows a tick) then click on "install selected".

    Once it's installed, click on the profile tab, that is at top beside 'database', BAIO should be showing. Select it, then you can launch the game.

  • when i am keeping the farm button as on (green)
    still my hero is not farming , when i press its key (V) only then it auto attacks the creep .
    does this works like this or i am doing something wrong ?

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    @shivam1234563 said:
    when i am keeping the farm button as on (green)
    still my hero is not farming , when i press its key (V) only then it auto attacks the creep .
    does this works like this or i am doing something wrong ?

    You have to hold down the key in order for your hero to farm. Your hero should follow your cursor, position your cursor to position your hero and it will attack when it can lasthit.

  • cac1cac1 Posts: 367

    need update.

  • AyushAyush Posts: 356
    edited October 2018

    @cac1 said:
    need update.

    Which hero?
    Also what is the issue?

  • AyushAyush Posts: 356

    @beminee said:

    1) Is magnus one lobby or demo mode? If lobby, are there any allied bots in game? Test in lobby with bots on both teams.
    2) On sven, do you have echo sabre?

    2.Yea i had echo sabre.

  • cac1cac1 Posts: 367

    @Ayush said:

    Which hero?
    Also what is the issue?

    Slardar not work

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    @Ayush said:

    2.Yea i had echo sabre.

    That Echo Sabre bug is related to Ensage orbwalker. I will try to fix it soon.

    @cac1 said:

    Slardar not work

    Will check.

  • cac1cac1 Posts: 367

    Tusk - very bad work. dont use 2st skill

  • habsfanhabsfan Posts: 37

    @Beminee For juggernaut is there a way to turn off his spin and ult from Combo. The ward control is great and orbwalk too but spin and ult imo is something you want to keep control of.

    Also any chances you could release a good CK. Hero is OP atm when picked vs right team.

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    @habsfan said:
    @Beminee For juggernaut is there a way to turn off his spin and ult from Combo. The ward control is great and orbwalk too but spin and ult imo is something you want to keep control of.

    Also any chances you could release a good CK. Hero is OP atm when picked vs right team.

    Ward control doesn't require you to press combo key, so you can just don't press combo key if you just want ward control. If you still want orbwalk, you can use Ensage.SDK orbwalker as this script uses it as well.

  • Pudge not work

  • @adam007 said:
    Pudge not work

    It don't support pudge.

  • @beminee said:


    Menu preview:


    Lock Target:

    Supported Heroes:

    - Uses active Huskar items and all skills.
    - Harass mode. Press one key to Harass your opponent with 1 key while lasthitting.
    - Orbwalk.

    Storm Spirit
    - Use Storm items and all skills.
    - Efficient mana usage and fast combo.
    - Harass mode. Uses ulti to get Overload charge and harass.
    - Escape Key. Will use ulti + teleport.
    - Draws mana usage in format of: Percent Left after use, Percent Will Be Used, Raw Cost, Raw Left.
    - Orbwalk.

    Random videos in action:

    - Use Clockwerk items and all skills.
    - Fail switch on Hook. Meaning it will stop if it's going to miss.
    - Rocket push. Will use rocket on creep waves, ensures your lanes to be pushed out. Also will try to lasthit with it.
    - Insec mode. You can enable this on menu to make your hero push enemy with cogs rather than trap them inside.
    - Orbwalk.

    Random videos in action:

    Spoiler Insec
    Live footage

    Shadow Fiend
    - Raze aimbot with preference to make sure razes hit.
    - Eul + Ulti combo with Dagger, ShadowBlade, SilverEdge, Veil, Shiva.
    - Raze range and hit drawings.
    - Orbwalk.

    Random videos in action:

    Spoiler UltiCombo RazePrediction RazePrediction against real player

    - Uses common Sven items.
    - Toggle PT before stun.
    - Linken break with Force Staff.
    - Uses stun > warcry > ulti.
    - Orbwalk.

    Random videos in action:

    Spoiler Combo demonstration

    Anti Mage
    - Uses Manta and Abyssal Blade.
    - Ulti Killsteal.
    - Controls illusions to attack target.
    - Orbwalk.

    Random videos in action:

    Spoiler Combo + Illusion controller

    - Uses medallion, Solar crest, Urn, Vessel, Halberd, Dagger.
    - Moves sigil inside of your hero.
    - Linken break with Force staff for snowball.
    - Kick Combo
    - Orbwalk.

    Random videos in action:

    Spoiler Dagger on cooldown combo Dagger combo Kick Combo Coming from far away with dagger Moves sigil to hero position

    - Uses Hex, Blink, Veil, Shiva, Dagon, Ethereal, Atos, Nullifier.
    - Sniper Mode (Blink in => Use everything => Jump to Orb).
    - Ulti Drawings.
    - Orbwalk.

    Random videos in action:

    Spoiler Combo with 6 useable items and Sniper Mode. Combo without any items.

    - Uses ShadowBlade, SilverEdge, Blink, Abyssal, Orchid, Bloodthorn, Nullifier.
    - Ulti if lower than set amount of HP.
    - Jump drawings.
    - Orbwalk.

    Random videos in action:

    - Uses ShadowBlade, SilverEdge, Blink, Force, Orchid, Bloodthorn, Halberd, MoM, Mjollnir.
    - Orbwalk.

    Random videos in action:

    Spoiler Force + Dagger stun combo Force + Dagger combo on 2 heroes.

    - Uses Blink, Force, Bloodthorn, Orchid, Shadowblade, Silver Edge.
    - Fail Switch on Ulti. Will stop using ulti if there's no enemy in effect range.
    - Skewer to teammate or fountain after ulti.
    - Orbwalk.
    - Auto Empower teammates if they don't have it.

    Random videos in action:

    Spoiler Force + Dagger => Fail Switch => Skewer. Force + Dagger => Ulti => Skewer to Teammate. Moving targets Dagger => Ulti => Skewer to teammate.

    Winter Wyvern
    - Uses all skills.
    - Orbwalk.
    - Killsteal with W.
    - Auto Heal if any of your teammates HP goes down below certain threshold.

    Random videos in action:


    None yet.

    Ember Spirit
    - Uses all skills.
    - Killsteal with W.
    - Fist and Chains Combo.
    - Auto Chains on Fist usage.
    - Orbwalk.

    Random videos in action:


    Close range dagger combo:
    Long range dagger combo:
    Fist and Chain combo.
    Full combo
    Auto Chains on Fist usage -

    - Uses all skills.
    - Dagger & ulti combo:
    - Ward controller
    - Uses most items, smart usage.
    - Orbwalk

    - Uses all skills
    - Killsteal with dagger
    - Smart ulti
    - Orbwalk

    BUY ME!

    TRY ME!

    New heroes will be added weekly.

    Currently working on:

    • Chillin' :feelsgoodman:

    Worth mentioning, I won't be adding every hero. It's just not profitable as Ensage userbase is not growing by huge margin. Though I will make sure, it will worth your money.

  • wakrozwakroz Posts: 28

    I bought this assembly two days ago. There has been a huge update to Dota2 , 7.20. Lots of changes on how abilities work. Will we get a script review and update based on the recent changes ?


  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    @wakroz said:
    I bought this assembly two days ago. There has been a huge update to Dota2 , 7.20. Lots of changes on how abilities work. Will we get a script review and update based on the recent changes ?


    Of course I will update the script.

  • @beminee Would you update us when the script is updated to 7.20? Thank you!

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    @NoLuckSkill said:
    @beminee Would you update us when the script is updated to 7.20? Thank you!

    I will. Thank you for your patience.

  • @beminee said:

    I will. Thank you for your patience.

    any new hero coming?

  • jug blink combo is not working

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    @Vladimir1x said:
    jug blink combo is not working

    The assembly is not fixed for 7.20 update yet as Ensage.SDK library is not updated. I'm waiting to be merged so I can add new skills, combos and fix everything else. Thanks for your patience in the meantime.

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    @wakroz said:
    I bought this assembly two days ago. There has been a huge update to Dota2 , 7.20. Lots of changes on how abilities work. Will we get a script review and update based on the recent changes ?


    @NoLuckSkill said:
    @beminee Would you update us when the script is updated to 7.20? Thank you!

    @Vladimir1x said:
    jug blink combo is not working

    I just updated it for 7.20c. Please let me know if you encounter any bug.

  • xaNexaNe Posts: 35

    inner fire on huskar not work even if you put 100

  • xaNexaNe Posts: 35

    magnus "minimum heroes to rp" not work

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    @xaNe said:
    inner fire on huskar not work even if you put 100

    @xaNe said:
    magnus "minimum heroes to rp" not work

    I'll take a look into these.

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    @xaNe said:
    inner fire on huskar not work even if you put 100

    @xaNe said:
    inner fire on huskar not work even if you put 100

    Both of those should be fixed. Magnus Huskar

  • Can you please reset my trail, i couldn't test it.

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    @katliaam said:
    Can you please reset my trail, i couldn't test it.

    I resetted your trial, you can now grab one more trial.

  • xaNexaNe Posts: 35

    Thx <3

    @beminee said:

    Both of those should be fixed. Magnus Huskar

  • @beminee will you be working on any new heroes soon? Thanks! buyer here...

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