
bemineebeminee Posts: 566
edited September 2017 in Assemblies

A fully functional Pugna Assembly.


  • Heal allies.
  • Blast with Ensage.SDK prediction.
  • Decrepify usage.
  • Nether ward placement if enough enemy in range.
  • Ulti.
  • Items.


  • Base is from my ODSharpSDK assembly.
  • This Pugna version is originally written by ihatevim.
  • Fixed and improved by me to match latest SDK update.



  • First kappa

  • tawannupinwtawannupinw Posts: 138
    edited September 2017

    Hold combo key but Pugna didn't move or do anything.

    Got error on console

  • I have this error too

  • Hi thank you for the script. We can't change the combo key to other than space.

  • @samsah написал:
    Hi thank you for the script. We can't change the combo key to other than space.

    you can, change combo key in Orbwalker SDK

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566
    edited September 2017

    Should be fixed soon

    Edit: fixed, thanks to @YEEEEEEE for pointing my stupid mistake XD

  • TimeTime Posts: 27
    edited September 2017

    Can you add Q for farm when available 2 or more creeps.

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    @Time said:
    Can you add Q for farm when available 2 or more creeps.

    I will add it later

  • tawannupinwtawannupinw Posts: 138
    edited September 2017

    Nice fix! Script now work as intended.

    However I found some bug(?). If you decripify enemy outside your atk range, it spam you with "Target can't be attack" and won't move or cast spell until you manually move yourself closer to target, even if the target is within spell range.

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    @tawannupinw said:
    Nice fix! Script now work as intended.

    However I found some bug(?). If you decripify enemy outside your atk range, it spam you with "Target can't be attack" and won't move or cast spell until you manually move yourself closer to target, even if the target is within spell range.

    Should be fixed ^^

  • @beminee said:

    Should be fixed ^^

    It's fix now, but what's wrong with his Q and R? He doesn't cast Q and R outside his atk range.

  • JerffellyJerffelly Posts: 198
    edited September 2017

    Just did few fast fixes, since developer is offline atm

    *fixed that it dont use items.
    *fixed that it used items after using ulti
    *created two versions, one with sdk blast prediction and other with mouse position blast prediction. (sdk prediction was very bad that way i created other version with mouse)

    since i dont code in c# but in other languages there might be some poor code, but still you can test it out.


  • WOW a Pugna Assembly. Thank you. Looking forward to this.

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566
    edited September 2017

    @Jerffelly said:
    Just did few fast fixes, since developer is offline atm

    *fixed that it dont use items.
    *fixed that it used items after using ulti
    *created two versions, one with sdk blast prediction and other with mouse position blast prediction. (sdk prediction was very bad that way i created other version with mouse)

    since i dont code in c# but in other languages there might be some poor code, but still you can test it out.


    ^^ all should be fixed in original version.

  • PennyPackerPennyPacker Posts: 102
    edited September 2017

    I think there's something wrong with Pugna. Unless it's another assembly.
    For some reason, Pugna just starts to run somewhere on the map.
    I was in middle lane, without my control. Pugna started running to the top lane. Also did the same for bot lane.

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    @PennyPacker said:
    I think there's something wrong with Pugna. Unless it's another assembly.
    For some reason, Pugna just starts to run somewhere on the map.
    I was in middle lane, without my control. Pugna started running to the top lane. Also did the same for bot lane.

    It probably wasn't my assembly but I still added some more range checks on killstealer.

  • Oh I know what it's doing now. It's running off trying to heal allies.
    I tried to combo on pudge in mid lane, but instead it ran bottom to heal CK.
    I just put heal allies to '0', hopefully that fixes it.

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    @PennyPacker said:
    Oh I know what it's doing now. It's running off trying to heal allies.
    I tried to combo on pudge in mid lane, but instead it ran bottom to heal CK.
    I just put heal allies to '0', hopefully that fixes it.

    Pushed a fix for that too. You can set a heal value now to use the feature.

  • His Q and R is still not cast at max range. You need to be like super close to target. At least make it the range of decripify.

    The rest work great now.

  • lol yes it happened with me too.. I tried to combo and Pugna started running elsewhere it actually made me laugh lol..

    Btw it does use decrepify before running away.. I don't know if that helps.

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566
    edited September 2017

    @tawannupinw said:
    His Q and R is still not cast at max range. You need to be like super close to target. At least make it the range of decripify.

    The rest work great now.

    If you have every skill enabled, it will try to cast the Ward > Decripfy > Blast then Ulti. For it to cast Blast it needs to get close (cast range is small and delay is big).

    @samsah said:
    lol yes it happened with me too.. I tried to combo and Pugna started running elsewhere it actually made me laugh lol..

    Btw it does use decrepify before running away.. I don't know if that helps.

    That error should be already fixed :amk:

  • This also happened to me, his ulti keeps on getting canceled since he keeps on running even after he used his ulti when I hold the combo button leading to his ulti got canceled every time.

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    - castpoint to blast prediction. (it was calculating delay from 0.9, now it's 0.9 + 0.2 - Don't know if it would help with missing Blast)
    - 50ms delay after ulti for IsChanneling to return true. (it was returning false sometimes and causing ulti to cancel)
    - IsChanneling check on items so it won't break ulti to use items.

  • toxicspazztoxicspazz Posts: 43
    edited October 2017

    This is an automated bot reply.

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    @toxicspazz said:
    Is this assembly not working for anyone else? I press the combo button and he doesn't move at all or uses any spells.

    Try good'ol restart trick :1437lappa:

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    * Fixed a kill stealer error which caused using Blast for nothing.
    * Added Hero Toggler for healing. (You can choose which heroes to heal now)
    * Some random fixes here and there too.

  • не работает...возможно починить?

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    @trash52585456 said:
    не работает...возможно починить?

    What is not working?

  • @beminee написал:

    What is not working?

    комбо вообще не работает...при зажатии клавиши ничего не происходит

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    @trash52585456 said:

    комбо вообще не работает...при зажатии клавиши ничего не происходит

    Any errors on console? Is Ensage.SDK orbwalker is enabled?

  • reliconrelicon Posts: 42
    edited May 2020

    @beminee said:

    Any errors on console? Is Ensage.SDK orbwalker is enabled?

    great script! thanks beminee

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