O9K // Farm



  • captain199xcaptain199x Posts: 11
    edited October 2018

    what is the best time for last hit? @IdcNoob

  • @IdcNoob bro can we have an option to cancel toggle by moving like the previous version? now we have to click the button again to cancel, when your in the middle of a gank like in mid, its hard to juke when you click to retreat and the assembly tries to cs/deny/harrass and go back in lane. I like to previous one when its safe to toggle, then i press it, but when enemy is aggresive i just click my left mouse clicker and it cancels it. It was great to just harrass and cs, but if enemy is aggresive its hard to focus holding my alt+key, for my items, and skills, and hero tries to go infront to get cs. thanks!

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @captain199x said:
    what is the best time for last hit? @IdcNoob

    It depends, if it misses last hits then decrease it to -50 or more.

    @anonymouse said:
    @IdcNoob bro can we have an option to cancel toggle by moving like the previous version? now we have to click the button again to cancel, when your in the middle of a gank like in mid, its hard to juke when you click to retreat and the assembly tries to cs/deny/harrass and go back in lane. I like to previous one when its safe to toggle, then i press it, but when enemy is aggresive i just click my left mouse clicker and it cancels it. It was great to just harrass and cs, but if enemy is aggresive its hard to focus holding my alt+key, for my items, and skills, and hero tries to go infront to get cs. thanks!

    Ill add it later.

  • @IdcNoob said:

    It depends, if it misses last hits then decrease it to -50 or more.

    Ill add it later.

    Thanks man!

  • Is it possible to have an add move mouse to creep position for last hit ? sorry but i'm just have been interested in your script for a long time

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @Puzhing05 said:
    Is it possible to have an add move mouse to creep position for last hit ? sorry but i'm just have been interested in your script for a long time

    Why ? There is mouse spoofing which already does that.

  • @IdcNoob said:

    Why ? There is mouse spoofing which already does that.

    Hah? What do you mean? That's I mean when spectator watching game they're see our mouse nothing wrong right?

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @Puzhing05 said:

    Hah? What do you mean? That's I mean when spectator watching game they're see our mouse nothing wrong right?

    Kind of.

  • staypstayp Posts: 56

    Last hit doesnt seem to be working well after the update, the timing seems way off then before. Is there a way you can fix this?

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175
    edited November 2018

    @stayp said:
    Last hit doesnt seem to be working well after the update, the timing seems way off then before. Is there a way you can fix this?

    Unfortunately, there is no "magic" timing which will work for everyone, because there are too many factors which affects prediction and thats why there is option to manually change it.

  • ramzesbgramzesbg Posts: 249

    @stayp said:
    Last hit doesnt seem to be working well after the update, the timing seems way off then before. Is there a way you can fix this?

    works just fine for me.

  • staypstayp Posts: 56

    Alright cool i'll tweak it and see how it goes thanks

  • ramzesbgramzesbg Posts: 249

    Might also need an update because of the Armor Mechanics being changed. I played 1 game as a support in 7.20 and Deny was working kinda ok but it was only this one game and it ended too quickly so I couldn't do any proper testing. Anyone else tryed playing as carry or mid and got some results?

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @ramzesbg said:
    Might also need an update because of the Armor Mechanics being changed. I played 1 game as a support in 7.20 and Deny was working kinda ok but it was only this one game and it ended too quickly so I couldn't do any proper testing. Anyone else tryed playing as carry or mid and got some results?

    Armor calculations were updated in core.

  • ramzesbgramzesbg Posts: 249

    @IdcNoob said:

    Armor calculations were updated in core.

    Wow, that was fast. Nice!

  • MidnMidn Posts: 180

    сделайте что бы он не бежал к крипу когда добить или денаить надо. А то например меня два ренжавика бьют, а я на свене добиваю и он такой побежал к ренжавику крипу что бы добить и на валяли мне. сделайте что бы в приделах ренжи все добивали, не бежали.

  • genuine trash unless there is no enemy hero in the lane, in which case you don't even need the script in the first place.

  • BlitzBlitz Posts: 60

    @Komnos said:
    genuine trash unless there is no enemy hero in the lane, in which case you don't even need the script in the first place.

    It does work to a great extent but it has its flaws:

    • Wont last hit under tower
    • Miscalculations when we have DD rune

    Hopefully they will be rectified.

  • when playing ranged hero , how to make the hero only doing last hit and dont run to my mouse

  • I am thinking about assembly to stack creeps, maybe u can realize it.
    When stack mode is on, All controlled units which are fighting with neutral creeps will start moving at the stack time to stack creeps.
    It's useful when using a hero to kill a neutral creep spot from 7:50 and assembly makes an auto stack at 7:54 or 7:55.
    When using multi-control heroes/ illusion heroes, simply attack units to different neutral creep spots and they can do multi creep stacks

  • ramzesbgramzesbg Posts: 249
    edited November 2018

    @Blitz said:

    It does work to a great extent but it has its flaws:

    • Wont last hit under tower
    • Miscalculations when we have DD rune

    Hopefully they will be rectified.

    @Blitz Actually it does lasthit under tower and it also prepares the creeps if needed :) Not sure why it's not working for u.

  • Last hit doesnt seem to be working well after the update, played Arc and Huskar.

  • Did you increase the range of the last hit? it feels so shit now when Im holding the key, it would walk hella far to get the last hit resulting my hero going too agressive to get farm

  • AyushAyush Posts: 356
    edited December 2018

    @FkNiggers said:
    Did you increase the range of the last hit? it feels so shit now when Im holding the key, it would walk hella far to get the last hit resulting my hero going too agressive to get farm

    yea +1,Happened To me as well

  • @Ayush said:

    yea +1,Happened To me as well


  • ramzesbgramzesbg Posts: 249
    edited December 2018

    @markxiaoan said:


    sometimes tries to walk in and denie lasthit the ranged creep or harass the enemy from 600 range when I'm playing a melee hero, resulting in me dying or loosing lots of HP while laning.

  • AyushAyush Posts: 356

    @ramzesbg said:

    sometimes tries to walk in and denie lasthit the ranged creep or harass the enemy from 600 range when I'm playing a melee hero, resulting in me dying or loosing lots of HP while laning.

    yea happens only with melee heros, ranged heros its perfectly fine

  • BlitzBlitz Posts: 60

    @ramzesbg said:

    sometimes tries to walk in and denie lasthit the ranged creep or harass the enemy from 600 range when I'm playing a melee hero, resulting in me dying or loosing lots of HP while laning.

    @ramzesbg said:

    sometimes tries to walk in and denie lasthit the ranged creep or harass the enemy from 600 range when I'm playing a melee hero, resulting in me dying or loosing lots of HP while laning.

    Remove aggressive deny in options.

  • Can you please add option of min orbwalk distance for each controlled units?

  • ferkyferky Posts: 18

    I noticed that sometimes "O9K // Farm" misses creeps due to the fact that the hero is not turned into a side of creep.
    Is it possible to add a function to calculate such situations?

  • hleshles Posts: 23

    Today O9K Farm seems to lock up Dota.

  • jinzojinzo Posts: 11

    @ferky said:
    I noticed that sometimes "O9K // Farm" misses creeps due to the fact that the hero is not turned into a side of creep.
    Is it possible to add a function to calculate such situations?

    This would be a huge improvement. +1

    Also add an option when you press and hold the last hit key it's gonna last hit the lowest hp creep within attack range, instead of following the mouse which can sometimes lead to missing a cs as the hero is turned away and timing is messed up.

  • BlitzBlitz Posts: 60

    It's not working well after the update. Could you look into it?

  • xaNexaNe Posts: 35

    @IdcNoob add kunkka tidebringer to deny pls :D

  • Can anyone explain why the hero moves towards where my mouse is and if there is any way to cancel that? I have it set on hold but when i hold the hero follows where my mouse is

  • Is there a way to include the "turn" time into the script? Sometimes if the hero is walking away or perpendicular to the creep, the turn time is enough to miss out on the Last Hit.

    AGRO - DE Agro

    Is it possible to program IN to automatically DE-AGRO creeps after a harass? This would be insane.

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @ForNewerth said:
    Is there a way to include the "turn" time into the script? Sometimes if the hero is walking away or perpendicular to the creep, the turn time is enough to miss out on the Last Hit.

    AGRO - DE Agro

    Is it possible to program IN to automatically DE-AGRO creeps after a harass? This would be insane.

    It already includes turn time. Auto deagro will not fully prevent from damage anyway, but maybe ill add it.

  • @IdcNoob said:

    Auto deagro will not fully prevent from damage anyway, but maybe ill add it.

    ohhh please do. would be perfect.

  • what else would be awesome - a GUI toggle switch to switch between last hit only and push with last hit. that way you only need to dedicate a single hot key to last hits.

  • staypstayp Posts: 56

    Doesnt seem to work well recently, the bot just refuse to last hit at all

  • cheatercheater Posts: 42

    every game we have to activate the marker

    does not seem to save the option on the console...

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @cheater said:
    every game we have to activate the marker

    does not seem to save the option on the console...

    Settings are saved for each hero individually.

  • @IdcNoob can you share optimal settings for range and melee heroes or the settings that you recommend thanks xD

  • cheatercheater Posts: 42

    @IdcNoob said:

    Settings are saved for each hero individually.


    add Harras

  • paultesppaultesp Posts: 2
    edited May 2019

    This has come a long way in the last few months. 9/10 A+ thanks :)

    Is this still a matter of "P.S. I hate this assembly, so no further improvements are promised."?

    Please add common last-hit spell support i.e PA Dagger, Lina Dragon Slave, TS Whirling Death etc and will happily pay $10.

    Or, can you change it so that casting a spell doesn't end the toggle farm? But rather, only mouse clicks ends the toggle. I.E Hero is in lane, toggle farm is enable and toggled on - indicator shows that "Q" can secure the CS so player presses "Q" - currently this will toggle farm off. Please add the option so that a mouse click is the only thing that breaks/ ends the toggle on. This will also mean that salve, tango (quick cast) will not break the farm.

    Thanks :)

  • dengrui0423dengrui0423 Posts: 60

    Are u going to add skill last hit cuz I desire to it such as PA STIFLING DAGGER

  • TheSnowmanTheSnowman Posts: 12

    This was working incredibly for me yesterday, today, it sinks my game from my usual 160fps to 20-30fps and complete stutters in team fights.

    Hope it's on my end, but might warrant a quick look to see...

  • hotatchanhhotatchanh Posts: 17

    I love O9K so i bought almost his script ( full evade, AIO ). But O9K Farm is not satisfied me due to lack of features. So i bought LastHit Rage althought prefer O9K

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175
    edited June 2019

    @hotatchanh said:
    I love O9K so i bought almost his script ( full evade, AIO ). But O9K Farm is not satisfied me due to lack of features. So i bought LastHit Rage althought prefer O9K

    Well, its free because it lack features xD

  • PennyPackerPennyPacker Posts: 102

    This is really good, it would be great if you could have a second farm key. So if I'm supporting I can just use "c" to deny only and harass enemy.
    If I'm farming I can use "x" to last hit and deny, instead of using only the one key and having to go into options to change the settings, it's not a big deal but more convenient.
    If you make this paid I hope you can add an extra key or two.

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