Можете добавить на зевса добивание крипов с помощью молнии ? И отрисовку круга ренжа скилов ?
И на скаймага сделать птичку по нажатию кнопки Q и авто кидает 1 скилы на врага ?
Again, your list says Tusk is fully supported. But bloodthorn, nullifier and scythe not available in combo menu.
Fully supported doesnt mean that ive added all items which no one buys on that hero.
Then maybe you should put that as a disclaimer. Honestly i bought your scripts based on the fully supported hero list you gave only to find certain single target items like scythe, blood thorn and nullifier are not even available in combo. I hope you realize the pros of using a script is doing an action automatically that includes casting clickable items with ease. Its not whether a hero buys it or not
The free slardar and lion scripts supports single target items like nullifier, bloodthorn, dagon and scythe while yours that requires unlocker doesnt. Maybe you should remove the unlocker for heroes which doesnt support single target items.
Hello, I just bought your O9K. Evader and O9K. AIO. Unlocker. I'm a Chinese who don't understand English very well. I hope you can add some translations into Chinese. I hope your script can make me use it very smoothly. I hope you continue to work hard!!
Thank you, thank you for your work, thank you for your generosity.
To be honest, I can only afford the amount of one week now, so I buy a week of play in my spare time, but I have to say, you are a very generous gentleman, I often see your reset, hope I can work in the future (now I am a student), then I can buy all your scripts.
By the way, I hope there will be a writer who specializes in producing farm script.
(Lasthit and o9k.farm doesn't work very well)
Можешь для нового героя mars сделать комбо, как у tusk с аганимом( запрыгивает за спину дагером и отталкивает первым скиллом в сторону союзников, башни).
@xeper said:
Можешь для нового героя mars сделать комбо, как у tusk с аганимом( запрыгивает за спину дагером и отталкивает первым скиллом в сторону союзников, башни).
Ну а что потом ты будешь делать среди вражеских героев ?
@xeper said:
Можешь для нового героя mars сделать комбо, как у tusk с аганимом( запрыгивает за спину дагером и отталкивает первым скиллом в сторону союзников, башни).
Ну а что потом ты будешь делать среди вражеских героев ?
Ну для случая использовать это , если противников не 5 а 2-3, его пассивка позволяет впитывать урон долгое время
Ваши скрипты не подключатся. Бывает вылетит дота и приходится по 3 раза перезапускать доту ! А в это время враги фармят, а я получаю репорты. Крайне не доволен данной проблемой и требую срочно ее устранить
@Welkinds said:
Ваши скрипты не подключатся. Бывает вылетит дота и приходится по 3 раза перезапускать доту ! А в это время враги фармят, а я получаю репорты. Крайне не доволен данной проблемой и требую срочно ее устранить
Эта проблема энсаги, так что я не могу её устранить.
Hello all, new member here. Looking for a script that can tell me visual information. Such as hook range and enemy hero movement prediction for pudge (because nowadays I am hearing that Dota 2 is detecting unusual auto item/ability use, so I figure visual things are safest bet). Looking through this, this assembly seems to be the best out there for this purpose (plan to use in ranked as well). Can anyone tell me how much risk is involved in using this and if this does have what I am looking for?
@phillipgrc said:
Hello all, new member here. Looking for a script that can tell me visual information. Such as hook range and enemy hero movement prediction for pudge (because nowadays I am hearing that Dota 2 is detecting unusual auto item/ability use, so I figure visual things are safest bet). Looking through this, this assembly seems to be the best out there for this purpose (plan to use in ranked as well). Can anyone tell me how much risk is involved in using this and if this does have what I am looking for?
This is a aio what automates atk and ability/item usage of most heros/items.
@phillipgrc said:
Hello all, new member here. Looking for a script that can tell me visual information. Such as hook range and enemy hero movement prediction for pudge (because nowadays I am hearing that Dota 2 is detecting unusual auto item/ability use, so I figure visual things are safest bet). Looking through this, this assembly seems to be the best out there for this purpose (plan to use in ranked as well). Can anyone tell me how much risk is involved in using this and if this does have what I am looking for?
This is a aio what automates atk and ability/item usage of most heros/items.
@IdcNoob hello bro, i have just played with drow, in combo first spell is not working at all except huricane pipe & magnus blink and take hero away also not working.
Как насчёт идеи сделать в профилях в комбо баффы своими юнитами (медведь ЛД или копия Арка, например) ИЛИ их самих?
Чтоб вовремя кинуть там лотус на мишку или засейвить себя эзериалом с копии Арка одним нажатием ну и тому подобное.
I bought three of your scripts and they're all high quality ones. Good job and keep going on it :)
Could you please add Wraith King as a fully suported hero pls? Actually it's only use the first spell, could you just add the possibilities to add the third one when we're in combo?
Edit: Oh and for this hero, it's really important to keep some mana for the ult, is there an option to stop using first skill to keep enough mana?
@Qual said:
I bought three of your scripts and they're all high quality ones. Good job and keep going on it :)
Could you please add Wraith King as a fully suported hero pls? Actually it's only use the first spell, could you just add the possibilities to add the third one when we're in combo?
Edit: Oh and for this hero, it's really important to keep some mana for the ult, is there an option to stop using first skill to keep enough mana?
@asim463 said: @IdcNoob hello bro, i have just played with drow, in combo first spell is not working at all except huricane pipe & magnus blink and take hero away also not working.
@cs75369 said:
Как насчёт идеи сделать в профилях в комбо баффы своими юнитами (медведь ЛД или копия Арка, например) ИЛИ их самих?
Чтоб вовремя кинуть там лотус на мишку или засейвить себя эзериалом с копии Арка одним нажатием ну и тому подобное.
Можете добавить на зевса добивание крипов с помощью молнии ? И отрисовку круга ренжа скилов ?
И на скаймага сделать птичку по нажатию кнопки Q и авто кидает 1 скилы на врага ?
Then maybe you should put that as a disclaimer. Honestly i bought your scripts based on the fully supported hero list you gave only to find certain single target items like scythe, blood thorn and nullifier are not even available in combo. I hope you realize the pros of using a script is doing an action automatically that includes casting clickable items with ease. Its not whether a hero buys it or not
The free slardar and lion scripts supports single target items like nullifier, bloodthorn, dagon and scythe while yours that requires unlocker doesnt. Maybe you should remove the unlocker for heroes which doesnt support single target items.
Hello, I just bought your O9K. Evader and O9K. AIO. Unlocker. I'm a Chinese who don't understand English very well. I hope you can add some translations into Chinese. I hope your script can make me use it very smoothly. I hope you continue to work hard!!
Фарм не будет сюда добавлен. Ренж может показывать o9k.hud. В авто кидании Q не вижу смысла, можно и кнопку нажать.
Можете тогда добавить EUL ? для Скаймага, когда враг включается blade mail при прокасте
Это делает o9k.evader + modifier counter.
Why isnt Mars fully supported yet!? Wtf you are such a bad developer, plz give Mars now or full refund!

Added simple combo for mars, but since i didnt played that hero (and not going to xD) in real games, it probably will require some tweaking.
Thank you, thank you for your work, thank you for your generosity.
To be honest, I can only afford the amount of one week now, so I buy a week of play in my spare time, but I have to say, you are a very generous gentleman, I often see your reset, hope I can work in the future (now I am a student), then I can buy all your scripts.
By the way, I hope there will be a writer who specializes in producing farm script.
(Lasthit and o9k.farm doesn't work very well)
Можешь для нового героя mars сделать комбо, как у tusk с аганимом( запрыгивает за спину дагером и отталкивает первым скиллом в сторону союзников, башни).
Ну а что потом ты будешь делать среди вражеских героев ?
Ну для случая использовать это , если противников не 5 а 2-3, его пассивка позволяет впитывать урон долгое время
Could you please add Rod of Atos to Pugna's combo pls ?
And use dagon after decrepify ?
А можно на ио скриптик (((
Disruptor combo doesn't really work for me, it uses his skill and teleports away enemy from whole combo stuff.
Ваши скрипты не подключатся. Бывает вылетит дота и приходится по 3 раза перезапускать доту ! А в это время враги фармят, а я получаю репорты. Крайне не доволен данной проблемой и требую срочно ее устранить
Эта проблема энсаги, так что я не могу её устранить.
Hello all, new member here. Looking for a script that can tell me visual information. Such as hook range and enemy hero movement prediction for pudge (because nowadays I am hearing that Dota 2 is detecting unusual auto item/ability use, so I figure visual things are safest bet). Looking through this, this assembly seems to be the best out there for this purpose (plan to use in ranked as well). Can anyone tell me how much risk is involved in using this and if this does have what I am looking for?
This is a aio what automates atk and ability/item usage of most heros/items.
If you look for visual things like range circle or Item Overlay and much much more try this: https://www.ensage.io/discussion/2078/o9k-hud
Sand King Ulti dont work properly, he cancel it with his Burrowstrike.
it work perfect for me never cancel it, make sure you dont use other scripts wht may cancel it.
Or do you just try with o9k.aio?
gotcha, thanks for referring me to that thread. However, I still wonder, how safe is all of this stuff (specifically the visuals)?
Morhpling please :)
Can you add earthspirit blink+kick to ally.. coz roll+kick to ally missed alot and please add more range to ally.. thanks
I'd also appreciate these changes/improvements
Раньше при вылетание союзников , они сразу включался в скрипт и можно было одно кнопкой давать комбо из 2х и более героей. Скажите почему это сейчас не доступно ? Или это из-за того, что я использую эту версию загрузчика https://data.playsharp.com/releases/loader/1531397614919-update-
@IdcNoob Can u please reset my trial.. It was down due to Ennola update and could not try it out.
Можете сделать учёт нетворса медведя у друида?
nvm bought it already
Это нужно включить в меню "Units"
Ну если ты про o9k.hud, то исправил.
I have use 1 day trial but the script dont work. i dont see your script in the menu.
Can u help my?
Well, i dont see o9k.evader in ur profile, so make sure u installed and enabled it. Also u can post screenshot of ensage console.
Not o9k.evader. But o9k.aio
Yeah, i meant o9k.aio xD
works thx
@IdcNoob hello bro, i have just played with drow, in combo first spell is not working at all except huricane pipe & magnus blink and take hero away also not working.
Как насчёт идеи сделать в профилях в комбо баффы своими юнитами (медведь ЛД или копия Арка, например) ИЛИ их самих?
Чтоб вовремя кинуть там лотус на мишку или засейвить себя эзериалом с копии Арка одним нажатием ну и тому подобное.
I bought three of your scripts and they're all high quality ones. Good job and keep going on it :)
Could you please add Wraith King as a fully suported hero pls? Actually it's only use the first spell, could you just add the possibilities to add the third one when we're in combo?
Edit: Oh and for this hero, it's really important to keep some mana for the ult, is there an option to stop using first skill to keep enough mana?
Ill add him.
Its working for me.
Чёт слишком сложно xD
Could you add Nullifier and Shiva's Guard to Brewmaster?
My O9K has no effect
Look at the red message...
You need to install/enable o9k.aio
хотел спросить почему при триале O9K.AIO.Unlocker дало меньше чем 24ч а при других O9K дало 48? или всё так и должно быть?:
теперь всё обновилось и другие O9K 24ч
Still no effect