BAIO | All-In-One Combo Assembly



  • FeelsGoodMan Ill vote for LC SCRIPT

  • AyushAyush Posts: 356

    @shijunyan0088 said:
    FeelsGoodMan Ill vote for LC SCRIPT

    I don't understand why people here ask for heros which already have scripts functioning for them and that too when available for FREE!

  • @Ayush said:

    I don't understand why people here ask for heros which already have scripts functioning for them and that too when available for FREE!

    Because free versionhas no gurantee of updating and paid version r usually more optimized :sisi3:

  • AyushAyush Posts: 356
    edited November 2018

    @shijunyan0088 said:

    Because free versionhas no gurantee of updating and paid version r usually more optimized :sisi3:

    Well if you would have tried it out you would have realized that the present FREE LC script is fully functional and is working like a charm last i tried it!

    And also developers have to maintain their free assemblies as well, correct me if i'm mistaken but i think it is a rule that if any problem arises they have to fix it, they can choose not to add on any more features in future for that free assembly but it will be fully functional and maintained by the dev, with all the features that are there right now.

  • JerffellyJerffelly Posts: 198
    edited November 2018

    @Ayush said:

    Well if you would have tried it out you would have realized that the present FREE LC script is fully functional and is working like a charm last i tried it!

    And also developers have to maintain their free assemblies as well, correct me if i'm mistaken but i think it is a rule that if any problem arises they have to fix it, they can choose not to add on any more features in future for that free assembly but it will be fully functional and maintained by the dev, with all the features that are there right now.

    Yes u are right., (Image below from
    Just wanna add. Not all can afford paid assemblies so that user base also should be happy what they are getting for free.

  • @beminee
    can you added option turn bladefury off while combo ? or have altenetive option please?
    cause in mid-late game bladefury use only debuff/escape not for combo anymore

  • @beminee can you do a clinkz or broodmother script pls?

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    @decorous said:
    can you added option turn bladefury off while combo ? or have altenetive option please?
    cause in mid-late game bladefury use only debuff/escape not for combo anymore

    I will add it when ensage gets fixed.

    @iichigoz said:
    @beminee can you do a clinkz or broodmother script pls?

    I have some plans for broodmother.

  • Thanks @Beminee. Appreciate it lots.

  • BlitzBlitz Posts: 60

    @beminee said:

    I will add it when ensage gets fixed.

    I have some plans for broodmother.

    Release BM scripts seperately please as a standalone script. I already have AIO Unlocker and will buy brood if its standalone.

  • @beminee, now that ensage has been updated, will broodmother be added in the hero list soon??? :) thanks man!

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    @iichigoz said:
    @beminee, now that ensage has been updated, will broodmother be added in the hero list soon??? :) thanks man!

    I never said I'll add it here :kappajail: but don't worry, I will add new heroes here as well

  • I cannot use BAIO, when I use it and enter the game hall, it will pop up"Core time out", etc. In a word, it cannot be loaded normally, please fix it, before that, I may have wasted this trial, can you reset it?

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    @z1997826w said:
    I cannot use BAIO, when I use it and enter the game hall, it will pop up"Core time out", etc. In a word, it cannot be loaded normally, please fix it, before that, I may have wasted this trial, can you reset it?

    That error is coming from Ensage therefore I can't do much. I think it's related to your internet connection. I still reset your trial, you can go discord to get help about it or can try to solve it yourself and grab one more trial when you fix it.

  • @beminee said:

    That error is coming from Ensage therefore I can't do much. I think it's related to your internet connection. I still reset your trial, you can go discord to get help about it or can try to solve it yourself and grab one more trial when you fix it.

    Why don’t you reset your trial every now and then like most assemblies do???
    Sorry not most , all of them actually.
    People will still buy it.

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    @maccertimur said:

    Why don’t you reset your trial every now and then like most assemblies do???
    Sorry not most , all of them actually.
    People will still buy it.

    Well, Ensage was outdated for almost a month and before that, I reset around 10 times for everyone. I almost always reset when I add a new hero or fix bunch of stuff. Anyways, you are partially right though, since ensage got out of a long outdated status, I reset everyone's trials and everyone can grab one more trial now.

  • New heroes will be added weekly.

    i think is this a joke ?

  • asim463asim463 Posts: 6
    edited February 2019

    Its not working at all can you help me out ? i have installed it for trial but its not showing in menu in game

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    @asim463 said:

    Its not working at all can you help me out ? i have installed it for trial but its not showing in menu in game

    Are you sure you are picking a supported hero?

  • @beminee will there be any new updated heroes soon? Huge thanks!

  • asim463asim463 Posts: 6
    edited February 2019

    @beminee Yes same heros which you listed in very first page and plz resolve and reset my trial i haven't tried your working plugin. i want to buy either yours or idc one.

  • RODULFO999RODULFO999 Posts: 13
    edited February 2019

    about clockwork, no option for auto rocket to push lanes, it only launch for kill steal

  • Can you reset the trial? I want to test before buying
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  • dast12dast12 Posts: 8

    waow so good script that never works

  • NeeDforKillNeeDforKill Posts: 1,976

    @dast12 said:
    waow so good script that never works

    what not works? screens/video ?

  • dast12dast12 Posts: 8
    edited March 2019

    nvm bro just needed to redownload script

  • birkabonbirkabon Posts: 7

    can you added option turn bladefury off while combo ?

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566
    edited March 2019

    @birkabon said:
    can you added option turn bladefury off while combo ?

    I will

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    @birkabon said:
    can you added option turn bladefury off while combo ?


    • Added option to disable bladefury on jugger combo.
    • Possible fix for sometimes sf not casting items in Eulless ulti combo.
    • Also reset all trials, anyone can go and grab a fresh 24 hours of trial once more.

    I have been working on a new assembly on the side for some time now and it's close to completion. I will add 2 fully supported, new heroes here when I release my new assembly.

  • ждём :)))

  • MagnetoMagneto Posts: 66


    Clockwerk is not working. Here is the error:

    18:30:30 | WARN | System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    at Ensage.SDK.Orbwalker.Orbwalker.Activate()
    at Ensage.SDK.Service.ControllableExtensions.TryActivate(Object target)
    at Ensage.SDK.Service.ServiceManager`2.get_Active()
    14872| 4| BaseHero| OnActivate| System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    at Ensage.SDK.Orbwalker.Modes.AttackOrbwalkingModeAsync.OnActivate()
    at Ensage.SDK.Orbwalker.OrbwalkerManager.RegisterMode(IOrbwalkingMode mode)
    at BAIO.BaseHero.OnActivate()

    I am unable to use combo

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    @Magneto said:

    Clockwerk is not working. Here is the error:

    18:30:30 | WARN | System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    at Ensage.SDK.Orbwalker.Orbwalker.Activate()
    at Ensage.SDK.Service.ControllableExtensions.TryActivate(Object target)
    at Ensage.SDK.Service.ServiceManager`2.get_Active()
    14872| 4| BaseHero| OnActivate| System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    at Ensage.SDK.Orbwalker.Modes.AttackOrbwalkingModeAsync.OnActivate()
    at Ensage.SDK.Orbwalker.OrbwalkerManager.RegisterMode(IOrbwalkingMode mode)
    at BAIO.BaseHero.OnActivate()

    I am unable to use combo

    I answered you on discord as well, you disabled orbwalker in Ensage.SDK menu. You need to reactivate it in order to use the assembly :sisi3:

  • @beminee any update? XD Huge fan here ty

  • bi2r2bierbi2r2bier Posts: 10

    Grimstroke use Stroke of Fate in the air
    Not to the enemy :(

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    @bi2r2bier said:
    Grimstroke use Stroke of Fate in the air
    Not to the enemy :(

    I will check, thanks for feedback

  • NoBuNaGaNoBuNaGa Posts: 2


    • Added option to disable bladefury on jugger combo.
    • Possible fix for sometimes sf not casting items in Eulless ulti combo.
    • Also reset all trials, anyone can go and grab a fresh 24 hours of trial once more.

    I have been working on a new assembly on the side for some time now and it's close to completion. I will add 2 fully supported, new heroes here when I release my new assembly.

    So, I should wait till you finish your new assembly to make a purchase so I don't endup having to pay for 2?

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    @NoBuNaGa said:

    So, I should wait till you finish your new assembly to make a purchase so I don't endup having to pay for 2?

    My new assembly will be a different one (different theme) and won't contain any hero that is featured here. So, if you see a hero here that you want to play with, you can still buy it.

  • iichigoziichigoz Posts: 37

    @beminee said:

    My new assembly will be a different one (different theme) and won't contain any hero that is featured here. So, if you see a hero here that you want to play with, you can still buy it.

    Are we expecting the new assembly soon or it will still take a while?

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    @iichigoz said:

    Are we expecting the new assembly soon or it will still take a while?

    It will take a while though I will release something else in the meantime, stay tuned :1437lappa:

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566


    • Updated for 7.22 (fully support new aghanim skills)
    • Added Drow Ranger, yes I know she's trash now but deal with it :kappa:
  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566


    • Decided to add a meta hero for a change, Added Dark Willow. Supports everything except Terrorize cast. I don't know how to make it work, let me know if you have a suggestion about her. Please test in lobby first. No aghs combo Aghs combo

  • Alvin92Alvin92 Posts: 48

    @beminee does it include Bramble maze prediction? :D

  • iichigoziichigoz Posts: 37

    Thanks beminee> @beminee said:


    • Decided to add a meta hero for a change, Added Dark Willow. Supports everything except Terrorize cast. I don't know how to make it work, let me know if you have a suggestion about her. Please test in lobby first. No aghs combo Aghs combo

    Thanks beminee!

  • JerffellyJerffelly Posts: 198
    edited May 2019

    @Alvin92 said:
    @beminee does it include Bramble maze prediction? :D

    Yes, it tries to cast q so target hits brambles.


  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    @Jerffelly said:

    Yes, it tries to cast q so target hits brambles.


    Fixed, thank you FeelsGoodMan

  • ralph_repatoralph_repato Posts: 135

    Awesome addition!!! Can you please check on Grimstroke? Q is not accurate. AIO has him and even fakes out throwing Q spell and has good accuracy. Just a suggestion. Fan of both. Great developers!

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    @ralph_repato said:
    Awesome addition!!! Can you please check on Grimstroke? Q is not accurate. AIO has him and even fakes out throwing Q spell and has good accuracy. Just a suggestion. Fan of both. Great developers!

    Sure, I will add a fail safe for that (will stop if going to miss), thanks for your nice comment ^^

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    @ralph_repato said:
    Awesome addition!!! Can you please check on Grimstroke? Q is not accurate. AIO has him and even fakes out throwing Q spell and has good accuracy. Just a suggestion. Fan of both. Great developers!


  • ralph_repatoralph_repato Posts: 135

    Thank you @beminee

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