


  • PaoPao Posts: 4

    I dont know if it is only with me, but the combo with itens is not working anymore.

    Combo with skills yes, but itens no

  • JerffellyJerffelly Posts: 198
    edited May 2018

    @Pao said:
    I dont know if it is only with me, but the combo with itens is not working anymore.

    Combo with skills yes, but itens no

    You need to reload (default key f5) and it will work.

  • PaoPao Posts: 4

    @Jerffelly said:

    You need to reload (default key f5) and it will work.

    Well, it looks like its working, thanks for the speed answering me.

  • @YEEEEEEE Is it possible to add delays between spell casts in combos? I think the main reason other players catch us using this script is because they saw spells cast too fast. Maybe 100ms delay between cast to make it more human like? Thank you!

  • it auto casts all the spells when in range, how do i stop it?

  • @igodlike auto combo

  • @markxiaoan said:
    @igodlike auto combo

    it's disabled, always been. i've tried now again but it doesn't even cast combo, not automated not when i press. When i press i see the Combo Off/On turn blue but it doesn't cast anything

  • zookotzookot Posts: 12

    Skywrath Сам кастует заклинания, хотя я отключил "autocast" В чем проблема? Я сижу и прячусь в деревьях, противник мимо пробегает, а в него летят скилы и меня вычисляют! Почините пожалуйста!

    Skywrath casts spells myself, even though I turned off 'autocast' What's the problem? I sit and hide in the trees, the enemy runs past, and the skills fly to him and I am calculated! Please fix it!


    @zookot said:
    Skywrath Сам кастует заклинания, хотя я отключил "autocast" В чем проблема? Я сижу и прячусь в деревьях, противник мимо пробегает, а в него летят скилы и меня вычисляют! Почините пожалуйста!

    Skywrath casts spells myself, even though I turned off 'autocast' What's the problem? I sit and hide in the trees, the enemy runs past, and the skills fly to him and I am calculated! Please fix it!

    It works correctly and there is no autocast!
    also some other assembly can do this for example AutoUsage

  • Can you fix please nullifier vs eul?

  • AyushAyush Posts: 356
    edited December 2018

    @YEEEEEEE said:

    It works correctly and there is no autocast!
    also some other assembly can do this for example AutoUsage

    @YEEEEEEE i have played a game yesterday with this script in match it auto starts the combo( i have disabled auto usage(of idcnoobs) as well as auto cast (of your script as well)), and also i have noticed that when i manuall blink and hold the combo button , after it had used the second and atos as well it isnt using the ulti (even when target in atos) (what i meant to say was there was a huge delay in using ss after atos ) this script isnt working as it was working before

    ill try to upload the console when i play with it again

    EDIT: it automatically starts spamming skills whenever enemy in range its so annoying


    @Ayush said:

    @YEEEEEEE i have played a game yesterday with this script in match it auto starts the combo( i have disabled auto usage(of idcnoobs) as well as auto cast (of your script as well)), and also i have noticed that when i manuall blink and hold the combo button , after it had used the second and atos as well it isnt using the ulti (even when target in atos) (what i meant to say was there was a huge delay in using ss after atos ) this script isnt working as it was working before

    ill try to upload the console when i play with it again

    EDIT: it automatically starts spamming skills whenever enemy in range its so annoying

    the assembly itself does not break if EnsageCore is not broken,
    I checked the code and did not find anything to use everything automatically.
    отклучите O9K.AutoUsage

  • over and over it bugs out to where i cant see towers shooting me, enemy skills when they use them, animations when casting.. have to restart like 50x a game

  • VacantVacant Posts: 99

    @wtfyea said:
    over and over it bugs out to where i cant see towers shooting me, enemy skills when they use them, animations when casting.. have to restart like 50x a game

  • @wtfyea said:
    over and over it bugs out to where i cant see towers shooting me, enemy skills when they use them, animations when casting.. have to restart like 50x a game

    Over and over youre stupid and will get banned OmegaLUL

  • jamezinjojamezinjo Posts: 11

    I somehow random turn on Auto Arcane Bolt, what do I press for it? Sometimes I can't turn it off.

  • cakecake Posts: 54

    when i hold combo key he just walks down mid and suicides and i'm sure i havent my key binded to anything else


    @cake said:
    when i hold combo key he just walks down mid and suicides and i'm sure i havent my key binded to anything else

    fix soon from admin

  • cakecake Posts: 54

    fixed yet?


    @cake said:
    fixed yet?


  • cakecake Posts: 54

    Script is broken. randomly forgetting to use hex or silence, lost me a 70 min game

  • qwe12qwe12 Posts: 2

    yes i can say, the script not perfect, some times it doesnt use hex or silence..
    or sometimes, doesnt do combo at all if i just press combo key.

    but, it will perfectly cast combo if i manually use hex first or atos, or silence..
    also, in the middle of clash, if we try to run with shadow blade, script ruin it. it will auto cast skills.. and break shadow blade.

    overall. not bad for free script.

  • qwe12qwe12 Posts: 2

    add: sometime ulti placement is missed.

  • cheatercheater Posts: 42

    @qwe12 said:
    yes i can say, the script not perfect, some times it doesnt use hex or silence..
    or sometimes, doesnt do combo at all if i just press combo key.

    but, it will perfectly cast combo if i manually use hex first or atos, or silence..
    also, in the middle of clash, if we try to run with shadow blade, script ruin it. it will auto cast skills.. and break shadow blade.

    overall. not bad for free script.


  • oakkyoakky Posts: 1

    combo key now need to hold to active (previous just click and it will case all combo)

  • can i ask why the auto farm remove?

  • im paid user and i want to know is there any alternative script for auto skill when low hp crips

  • i mean auto lasthit creeps ? whhy remove ? any other alternative


    @iletoreyes I did not understand you at all
    what exactly do you want?
    you have Divine.Sky?

  • in the middle of game, sky follow mouse cursor. However, in the beginning of the game i control sky normally. how to cancel hero follow the mouse cursor ? please help


    @milanyftw said:
    in the middle of game, sky follow mouse cursor. However, in the beginning of the game i control sky normally. how to cancel hero follow the mouse cursor ? please help

    Combo => Orbwalker == NoMove

  • @YEEEEEEE said:

    Combo => Orbwalker == NoMove


  • ampexampex Posts: 39

    Assembly is out of loader, what happends?

  • NeeDforKillNeeDforKill Posts: 1,976

    @ampex said:
    Assembly is out of loader, what happends?

    soon it will comeback

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