BAIO | All-In-One Combo Assembly



  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    @bucminhdo said:

    Ok if my word is too harsh with you. I am so sorry. Because I could not use OK9, AIO. So I had to buy BAIO, and it fail too. That pissed me off. Please fix soon, and add Combo (Blink, EB, Dagon then make 2 razes)

    It's fine, I understand the frustration. I actually just found a work around for that problem. I just pushed an update to script. Can you please test the EUL combo and report back?

  • @beminee said:

    It's fine, I understand the frustration. I actually just found a work around for that problem. I just pushed an update to script. Can you please test the EUL combo and report back?

    Everything is perfect now. But can you adjust Combo Key stack with EB and dagon? (SF will blink near (not closest to enemy), eb, make 2 raze and dagon). At now, when I have Eb, your combo key will not work (Only blink and EB, no raze, no dagon)

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    @bucminhdo said:

    Everything is perfect now. But can you adjust Combo Key stack with EB and dagon? (SF will blink near (not closest to enemy), eb, make 2 raze and dagon). At now, when I have Eb, your combo key will not work (Only blink and EB, no raze, no dagon)

    Yeah, I can implement that soon.

  • @beminee said:

    Yeah, I can implement that soon.

    Cant wait it, love u

  • VacantVacant Posts: 99

    SF raze indicators seem to be broken. They're just stacked on my hero.

  • @beminee SF combo with eul no longer exactly. Please fix

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    @Vacant said:
    SF raze indicators seem to be broken. They're just stacked on my hero.

    Should be fixed.

    @bucminhdo said:
    @beminee SF combo with eul no longer exactly. Please fix

    Since admin pushed a patch for modifier problems, my workaround became broken. I reverted the change and it should be fixed.

  • @beminee said:

    Should be fixed.

    Since admin pushed a patch for modifier problems, my workaround became broken. I reverted the change and it should be fixed.

    SF combo with Eul's Scepter is fixed now. But when SF have EB + Dagon (no use dagon) and raze 1st most of missed. Then exactly the second. But the third one is impossible

  • SF ulti combo + eul, we still have to time for ulti? I tried yesterday each time I pressed combo hot key sf will do one action like D(Blink) + D(Eul) + D(Ulti).

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    @bucminhdo said:

    SF combo with Eul's Scepter is fixed now. But when SF have EB + Dagon (no use dagon) and raze 1st most of missed. Then exactly the second. But the third one is impossible

    Yeah, I know it doesn't use dagon currently, I will add it soon. What do you mean by "1st most of missed. Then exactly the second. But the third one is impossible"

    @bakajoker said:
    SF ulti combo + eul, we still have to time for ulti? I tried yesterday each time I pressed combo hot key sf will do one action like D(Blink) + D(Eul) + D(Ulti).

    What do you mean?

  • I mean the combo hot key I dont remember it's D or Space. When I pressed it sf blink to enemy but he did nothing I need to press again to make him use eul then press one more to make ulti. Not sure it's supposed to be like this or only need to press once and he will do everything.

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    @bakajoker said:
    I mean the combo hot key I dont remember it's D or Space. When I pressed it sf blink to enemy but he did nothing I need to press again to make him use eul then press one more to make ulti. Not sure it's supposed to be like this or only need to press once and he will do everything.

    You need to hold down the key.

    @bucminhdo I just added this combo. Can you test and report back please?

  • @beminee said:

    You need to hold down the key.

    @bucminhdo I just added this combo. Can you test and report back please?

    love u so much. That can make SF go a new level =))

  • @beminee said:

    You need to hold down the key.

    Oh nice thank you, I just bought this assembly to support you.

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    @bakajoker said:

    Oh nice thank you, I just bought this assembly to support you.

    Appreciated :feelsgoodman:

  • bucminhdobucminhdo Posts: 87
    edited August 2019

    @beminee Can you make combo Eulu Dagon + Raze based on situation? I meant some times I got haste rune, I ran into enemy but the combo still blink, eb dagon + raze. That's a little bit awark
    1) Case one: Blink + Eb + Dagon (problem solved)
    2) Case two: When Sf is close to enemy, EB + Dagon + raze 3 then raze 2 or raze 2 then raze 1 or even raze 1 then I will click SF backward to make raze 2,... depend on the situation. SF no needs to use blink

  • bucminhdobucminhdo Posts: 87
    edited August 2019

    And if you have time, please add combo for riki. Blink into enemy then nulifier, Diffu, smoke and ulti.

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    @bucminhdo said:
    @beminee Can you make combo Eulu Dagon + Raze based on situation? I meant some times I got haste rune, I ran into enemy but the combo still blink, eb dagon + raze. That's a little bit awark
    1) Case one: Blink + Eb + Dagon (problem solved)
    2) Case two: When Sf is close to enemy, EB + Dagon + raze 3 then raze 2 or raze 2 then raze 1 or even raze 1 then I will click SF backward to make raze 2,... depend on the situation. SF no needs to use blink

    It calculates movement if you don't have dagger or your dagger is on cooldown. I think it's not really awkward to use blink even if you have haste since it guarantees perfect combo.

    I think Case two is also there. It currently blinks to a range that it can utilize 2 razes, uses eb+dagon and then razes.

    Also about riki, I might add it later.

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    Been pushing some QoL improvements whole night, guess I can make a proper change log


    • Added orchid/bloodthorn to clockwerk combo.
    • Fixed clockwerk rocket damage.
    • Added option to disable blink in SF, improved raze priority a bit (when you can hit more than 2 razes).
    • Winter Wyvern will now chain Curse + Blast
    • Winter Wyvern won't use Curse on stunned targets anymore (to avoid Curse in the middle of blackhole, RP, Ravage Pepega moments).
    • Added option to use heal out of combo for Winter Wyvern.
  • Also about riki, I might add it later.

    Riki is only for noob, better spend time to do other heroes than this cancer.

  • @bakajoker said:

    Riki is only for noob, better spend time to do other heroes than this cancer.

    @beminee said:

    It calculates movement if you don't have dagger or your dagger is on cooldown. I think it's not really awkward to use blink even if you have haste since it guarantees perfect combo.

    I think Case two is also there. It currently blinks to a range that it can utilize 2 razes, uses eb+dagon and then razes.

    Also about riki, I might add it later.

    I did try the new version, but here are the problem. After EB+Dagon+ 2raze (z and x), if I go back to make raze 3 (c) then SF automatically blink awark

    I think the best solution is that you should remove blink dagger function. User will have to blink in then make your combo.

  • @bakajoker said:

    Riki is only for noob, better spend time to do other heroes than this cancer.

    Only noob say that =)). Everyone has a different perspective and maybe you are the bossy person

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    @bucminhdo said:

    I did try the new version, but here are the problem. After EB+Dagon+ 2raze (z and x), if I go back to make raze 3 (c) then SF automatically blink awark

    I think the best solution is that you should remove blink dagger function. User will have to blink in then make your combo.

    There's an option under item menu to disable blink.

  • jeanvs80jeanvs80 Posts: 67
    edited August 2019

    in shadow fiend , I press the key F and make the ultimate combo but don't use the eul, just use blink dagger next to the enemy and use ulti @beminee

  • @bucminhdo said:

    Only noob say that =)). Everyone has a different perspective and maybe you are the bossy person

    If almost all of heroes are done, I don't mind but there are many better heroes need combo than riki.

  • jeanvs80jeanvs80 Posts: 67

    pudge cancel ulti in combo , I have the option to stay still in combo, but it still doesn't work

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    @jeanvs80 said:
    in shadow fiend , I press the key F and make the ultimate combo but don't use the eul, just use blink dagger next to the enemy and use ulti @beminee

    @jeanvs80 said:
    pudge cancel ulti in combo , I have the option to stay still in combo, but it still doesn't work

    None of those happen to me. I will need more info. What items you have? Ping/FPS? And make sure this key: is not the same with BAIO combo key.

  • owennhtowennht Posts: 118
    edited August 2019

    Hi Beminee, layely I got detected by GosuAi for using scripts and often called a cheater during a match by others. Do you have this problem? Is there anyway to bypass this (ie turning on any function in Ensage?)

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    @owennht said:
    Hi Beminee, layely I got detected by GosuAi for using scripts and often called a cheater during a match by others. Do you have this problem? Is there anyway to bypass this (ie turning on any function in Ensage?)

    Don't really know, sorry.

  • @owennht said:
    Hi Beminee, layely I got detected by GosuAi for using scripts and often called a cheater during a match by others. Do you have this problem? Is there anyway to bypass this (ie turning on any function in Ensage?)

    Always turn on Enable Enola Logging. Never use block creep, body block + maphack (Zoom in or out). And final is that when you use hack, dont show off too much. (For instance: Use crit hack PA, auto spam ward notification, or Zues automatically use Nimbus to cancel enemy's TP,...). Because when use overdose, they will post your gameplay to Gaben or even they will make a clip to expose you. And tons of people report your profile that you used to use hack/script -> Ban

  • @beminee. Please make a script for Riki.

    Use riki's blink to disable linken, then use Nutifier, diffu, smoke and final use ulti (I mean please make a list to choose which items, which ability to use first)

    Can't wait you to do that...

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    @bucminhdo said:
    @beminee. Please make a script for Riki.

    Use riki's blink to disable linken, then use Nutifier, diffu, smoke and final use ulti (I mean please make a list to choose which items, which ability to use first)

    Can't wait you to do that...

    I already teased it a little on Discord, soon I'm bringing a huge update, dynamic combos. BAIO will support almost every hero (at least partially) after update. This is how riki is looking in newest update:

  • Minor bug of storm spirit, escape doesn't use tp automatically, travel boots works fine.

  • owennhtowennht Posts: 118

    Hi Beminee, would be nice if you can add Pangolier. Pressing hotkey (like "D") would cause the hero to use Q to nearest enemy (and move Pango to the mouse position). This would be OP as hell :D

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    @bakajoker said:
    Minor bug of storm spirit, escape doesn't use tp automatically, travel boots works fine.

    Will be fixed with next update.

    @owennht said:
    Hi Beminee, would be nice if you can add Pangolier. Pressing hotkey (like "D") would cause the hero to use Q to nearest enemy (and move Pango to the mouse position). This would be OP as hell :D

    I might later

  • @beminee. Please make a script for Riki.

    Use riki's blink to disable linken, then use Nutifier, diffu, smoke and final use ulti (I mean please make a list to choose which items, which ability to use first)

    Can't wait you to do that...> @beminee said:

    I already teased it a little on Discord, soon I'm bringing a huge update, dynamic combos. BAIO will support almost every hero (at least partially) after update. This is how riki is looking in newest update:

    That's grate. Please add solar crest, nulifer, heaven harbourd too. xxx

  • @beminee suggestion please add AM to check counter spell and use E instead of manta if available to avoid wasting it.


  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    @Mathdarkmoon said:
    @beminee suggestion please add AM to check counter spell and use E instead of manta if available to avoid wasting it.


    It doesn't use Manta to dodge abilities, uses it to get illusions to deal more damage. Defensive abilities must be handled by Evader

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566
    edited August 2019

    Big Update, please make sure you read it all:

    • Price of the assembly has been increased to $30 :jew:
    • Added Dynamic Combo. Will load for every hero. Note: It might not work for some heroes and some abilities might not work properly or not at all. There's a list of heroes I tested and options for them. Test in lobby before playing a hero.
    • Added unit controller only for Dynamic combo. If it's working fine, will be implemented to supported heroes as well.
    • Added pudge eul hook.

    Notes about Dynamic combo:

    • Make sure you disable any ability on the menu that you don't recognize and please report them here.
    • Make sure you disable situational abilities (disable invis abilities, abilities can only be cast on creeps etc.)
    • Heroes that tested and working with information:

    Abaddon (Disable ulti)
    Bounty Hunter (Disable invis)
    Centaur Warruner
    Chaos Knight
    Crystal Maiden
    Dazzle (disable grave)
    Death Prophet
    Doom (Disable Devour)
    Faceless Void
    Legion Commander
    Lone Druid (Disable bear)
    Monkey King (Disable tree jump)
    Nature's Prophet (disable TP, disable ulti for optimal use)
    Night Stalker
    Nyx Assasin
    Ogre Magi
    Phantom Assassin
    Queen of Pain
    Sand King
    Shadow Demon
    Shadow Shaman
    Skywrath Mage
    Sniper (Disable Shrapnel)
    Spirit Breaker
    Terrorblade (Disable Ulti)
    Treant Protector
    Underlord (Disable ulti)
    Vengeful Spirit
    Templar Assassin
    Visage (Buy bemVisage for best experience)
    Weaver (Disable ulti)
    Witch Doctor
    Wraith King
    Zeus (Disable ulti or it will use it all the time)

    Random videos in action:

    Spoiler Skywrath Mage Enigma Tiny Gyrocopter Axe Centaur with different priority settings Lycan with unit controller and body blocker

    Roadmap by order:

    • Improve Dynamic combo (smarter usage) and fix bugs. (I need suggestions and reports for that)
    • Make units use abilities.
    • Add alternative combo key/setup.
    • Add killstealer.
    • Add custom combo option. So you can pretty much create your own unique combos.
    • Make Rubick use stolen abilities, make Invoker use invoked abilities, make Morphling use Morphed abilities.
  • owennhtowennht Posts: 118

    ^ How do I update the script? And I already paid for it, do I have to pay any extra now?

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    @owennht said:
    ^ How do I update the script? And I already paid for it, do I have to pay any extra now?

    Just update from loader and you should be all set. You don't have to pay any extra for now.

  • owennhtowennht Posts: 118

    @beminee said:

    Just update from loader and you should be all set. You don't have to pay any extra for now.

    Mind giving a brief instruction to update the script from Loader? Sorry I don’t have any experience doing that :)

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    @owennht said:

    Mind giving a brief instruction to update the script from Loader? Sorry I don’t have any experience doing that :)

    Right click the script, press update.

  • owennhtowennht Posts: 118

    ^Big thank bro! Your scripts are amazing! Waiting for Pangolier : D

  • If we own do we need to pay again? We should be grandfathered since we loyal day 1 hahaha

  • bakajokerbakajoker Posts: 55
    edited August 2019

    I test Axe but he doesn't use ulti to kill. Also you can add force staff + blink combo.
    Tiny doesn't toss and there is a chance that he throws 1 tree first then blink in and combo, so the throwing tree skill break.
    I wonder in Ability Priority Changer what are the numbers on them? At first I thought they will use from 0-1-2-3... but later I realise it works from left to right.

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    @ralph_repato said:
    If we own do we need to pay again? We should be grandfathered since we loyal day 1 hahaha

    It's included in the main script so if you own BAIO, you get it as well but I can't promise for the future :gaben:

  • Take my money brotha you're one of the best out here! XD

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    @bakajoker said:
    I test Axe but he doesn't use ulti to kill. Also you can add force staff + blink combo.
    Tiny doesn't toss and there is a chance that he throws 1 tree first then blink in and combo, so the throwing tree skill break.
    I wonder in Ability Priority Changer what are the numbers on them? At first I thought they will use from 0-1-2-3... but later I realise it works from left to right.

    Fixed Axe ulti and Tiny not using Toss. Dynamic combo is pretty much a spam combo. It will use every possible ability as soon as possible (with few exceptions like Alchemist stun, Visage soul assumption etc.). So if you don't want it to throw the tree asap, you can disable it in menu and can throw it yourself when you want it to be thrown.

  • demonz22demonz22 Posts: 77

    Nice update! bodyblock for units its amazing but some units dont atack enemy ( beastmaster wild boar for example).

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