O9K // AIO



  • Night Stalker No combo.

  • Night Stalke which key should I press to activate the combo?

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @liruojie824 said:
    Night Stalke which key should I press to activate the combo?

    Spacebar as u set it to ? xD

  • owennhtowennht Posts: 118

    Hi bro, any plan of discount for upcoming Black Friday / CyberMonday? Tested and really love this script but $40 is kinda too much for me :(

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @owennht said:
    Hi bro, any plan of discount for upcoming Black Friday / CyberMonday? Tested and really love this script but $40 is kinda too much for me :(


  • @IdcNoob 说道:


    Can you answer my question

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @liruojie824 said:

    Can you answer my question

    I already did...

  • @IdcNoob 说道:

    I already did...

    lina and Night Stalke.it doesn't work when i press the Space.

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @liruojie824 said:

    lina and Night Stalke.it doesn't work when i press the Space.

    Then u disabled control of these heroes in unit settings.

  • @IdcNoob 说道:

    Then u disabled control of these heroes in unit settings.

    I see. Thank you

  • pls reset the trial for me need testing more hero

  • @okky1402 said:
    pls reset the trial for me need testing more hero

    still waiting for reset trial

  • aoliveirapavanaoliveirapavan Posts: 1
    edited October 2019


  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @okky1402 said:

    still waiting for reset trial

    Usually i reset trials, im just too lazy to write about it.

  • What does that mean

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @liruojie824 said:

    What does that mean

    It will decrease ur chances of getting banned.

  • can you add the icon or something marking , if the hero is sure to die with kill stealer?like dagon stealer :)

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @buluzin said:
    can you add the icon or something marking , if the hero is sure to die with kill stealer?like dagon stealer :)

    It has green line under hp.

  • @liruojie824 said:

    What does that mean

    This will block skills that you do outside of your screen, like if you use assembly like arc warden, tempest will not teleport or use skills unless you put your screen on the target.

  • I am very grateful to the author for the development, I will buy support, but whether it can be more teaching, it is too difficult for me to use.

  • @IdcNoob Does this not save your settings? I keep having my settings reset for each new game.

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @genjiakp said:
    @IdcNoob Does this not save your settings? I keep having my settings reset for each new game.

    It saves settings for each hero separately.

  • nyx assasin combo is not working properly. No kick from vendetta is used - impale is used immediately. Correct order - hit auto-attack ---> impale ---> mana burn

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @madapollon said:
    nyx assasin combo is not working properly. No kick from vendetta is used - impale is used immediately. Correct order - hit auto-attack ---> impale ---> mana burn

    Disable ignore invisibility in combo settings.

  • birdybirdy Posts: 13
    edited October 2019

    Life break doesnt cast from distance while pressing the combo key after taking +400 life break distance... @IdcNoob

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @birdy said:
    Life break doesnt cast from distance while pressing the combo key after taking +400 life break distance... @IdcNoob

    Ill fix it.

  • @IdcNoob Will you add custom priority for skills and items in the future? like a slider? Sometimes you have to adjust in the game, so it would be best to customize priority for skills and items.

  • Been playing around with Chen recently, the multi unit control is awesome for creeps, been dominating.

    Is there anyway to improve centaur stun though to stagger better? When using 3+ centaurs, the 2nd set of stuns go off at the same time after first

  • master @IdcNoob , faceless void doesn't seem to orbwalk while in chronosphere. Pls check thank you

  • yungcheezyyungcheezy Posts: 12
    edited November 2019

    Killstealer tries to work on abaddon even when his ult is up. Really made me look like a dipshit playing necro

    Edit: thanks for fix

  • @anonymouse 说道:
    @IdcNoob Will you add custom priority for skills and items in the future? like a slider? Sometimes you have to adjust in the game, so it would be best to customize priority for skills and items.

    @anonymouse 说道:
    @IdcNoob Will you add custom priority for skills and items in the future? like a slider? Sometimes you have to adjust in the game, so it would be best to customize priority for skills and items.

    This is necessary

  • liruojie824liruojie824 Posts: 18
    edited November 2019

    Skywrath Mage Ban game? 2038 QAQ

  • Верни инвок как был, играть невозможно, дай хоть выбор включен инвок в комбо или не включен

  • abnabn Posts: 4

    Hi, I've been using the unlocker version only for a day. Already paid for it because it's working fine. Last night, suddenly stopped working during late game as Kunkka and Skywrath Mage. Am i doing something wrong? It only happened during late game.

  • @IdcNoob

    The timing on Bloodseeker's cyclone into aoe silence is a bit slow. Was wondering if you could fix the timing on it so the silence hits right when enemy lands from cyclone. Thanks.

  • owennhtowennht Posts: 118

    Hi @IdcNoob - Any plan to add logical combo for new heroes Void Spirit and Snapfire?

  • can you reset my trial please. thanks

  • Reset trial pls ! i want test voild or snapfire Thx sir

  • Shadow Fiend Ultimate skill ,EUL Cyclone maintains a 24 collision blocker at the base, Can you consider the 0 collision blocker of phase boots,09kaio!!!! :yum:
    Perfect ULT , EUL + PHASE BOOTS ! @IdcNoob

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @xakaer1008 said:
    Shadow Fiend Ultimate skill ,EUL Cyclone maintains a 24 collision blocker at the base, Can you consider the 0 collision blocker of phase boots,09kaio!!!! :yum:
    Perfect ULT , EUL + PHASE BOOTS ! @IdcNoob

    It will not work. Eul collision is like building.

  • invoker no esta usando poderes , que pasa? ya no funciona?

  • акс дает ульту в щит антимага
    пофикси пожалуйста

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @Welkinds said:
    акс дает ульту в щит антимага
    пофикси пожалуйста

    Все норм там с ультой.

  • SveysSveys Posts: 16

    Item usage on Lone Druid bear if possible :)

  • **Good day all! My post is a request. I request that Brewmaster's panda's automatically switch, once one of them uses there attack. Can you make this adjustment IdcNoob? **

  • I can't use this..

  • @IdcNoob said:

    Usually i reset trials, im just too lazy to write about it.

    Reset trial, Please

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @misterwilliams1 said:
    **Good day all! My post is a request. I request that Brewmaster's panda's automatically switch, once one of them uses there attack. Can you make this adjustment IdcNoob? **

    I dont understand what u mean.

  • owennhtowennht Posts: 118

    Hi @IdcNoob , can you please add an option for Void Spirit to only use 1 of his Astral Step (R)? Sometimes I need to kill one target then use the R to escape but the combo always use 2 charges. Thanks.

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