BAIO | All-In-One Combo Assembly



  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566


    Tomorrow I'm going to add Snapfire and support to new items. I had to update Ensage.SDK today so enjoy boys :feelsgoodman:

  • Can you reset my trial please. Thanks

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    @eehjay01 said:
    Can you reset my trial please. Thanks


  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566


  • xaNexaNe Posts: 35
    edited November 2019

    @beminee please fix hero count on all supported heroes,
    you can make an orb towards the fountain on puck sniper mode

  • Snapfire works amazingly! Really great work with the cookie skill, really helps with assists (though I was curious about how it determines which unit to feed it to - does it prioritize heros or just go for the best unit period?).

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    @xaNe said:
    @beminee please fix hero count on all supported heroes,
    you can make an orb towards the fountain on puck sniper mode

    Fixed it, thanks for the report.

    @3zHkfc said:
    Snapfire works amazingly! Really great work with the cookie skill, really helps with assists (though I was curious about how it determines which unit to feed it to - does it prioritize heros or just go for the best unit period?).

    Thanks, glad it works good. It pretty much gets all units that can hit a stun and picks the closest one to your hero (which technically prioritize your own hero). Because cookie has a projectile and it's travel speed is 800. Longer it travels, lesser the chance of a correct prediction.

  • im excited to test the void spirit can u reset trial so that i can test snapfire and void spirit tnx in adv. after i test i buy the script of urs ty mate

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    @makebibi said:
    im excited to test the void spirit can u reset trial so that i can test snapfire and void spirit tnx in adv. after i test i buy the script of urs ty mate

    Done, enjoy ^^

  • @beminee said:

    Done, enjoy ^^

    your the man.... ty bro

  • Reset trial pls ! i want test voild or snapfire Thx sir

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    @vespanolc said:
    Reset trial pls ! i want test voild or snapfire Thx sir

    Done, enjoy ^^

  • awww thx sir ! love u <3

  • @beminee said:

    Done, enjoy ^^

    Reset trial pls ! i want test voild

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    @lab185 said:

    Reset trial pls ! i want test voild

    I reset all just yesterday, your’s should be fine

  • gabbygabby Posts: 15

    Will Rubick be ready soon? :D

  • xaNexaNe Posts: 35

    @beminee hero count work so bad on all heroes
    and puck sniper mode orb towards the fountain dont work

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    @xaNe said:
    @beminee hero count work so bad on all heroes
    and puck sniper mode orb towards the fountain dont work

    Hero count should be fixed. Can't see Puck video.

    @gabby said:
    Will Rubick be ready soon? :D

    Rubick has been ready for some time now :1437lappa:

  • gabbygabby Posts: 15

    Didnt see Rubick in the supported hero list :O

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    Should be fixed. I tested orb and it's working as intended. If the orb position is too close to enemy fountain, it won't jaunt.

    @gabby said:
    Didnt see Rubick in the supported hero list :O

    It's in Dynamic Combo ^^

  • Snapfire is not using rod of atos. Also it breaks ult early by moving if target get out of range

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    @Mrazish said:
    Snapfire is not using rod of atos. Also it breaks ult early by moving if target get out of range

    Snapfire ulti can't be broken by moving.

    You can test it as well if you want. It's probably Item Manager using phase boots since to redirect ulti, you need to give "Move" order and auto phase boots triggers when you give Move order to a long distance. I told IdcNoob about it, he will probably fix it soon. I also just added Atos.

  • @beminee said:

    Snapfire ulti can't be broken by moving.

    You can test it as well if you want. It's probably Item Manager using phase boots since to redirect ulti, you need to give "Move" order and auto phase boots triggers when you give Move order to a long distance. I told IdcNoob about it, he will probably fix it soon. I also just added Atos.

    Yes, you are right abot phase boots. Thanks!

  • Also, is it possible to make switching ult targets on mouseover?

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    @Mrazish said:
    Also, is it possible to make switching ult targets on mouseover?

    Yes but isn't it better to lock to a target? I don't know to be honest.

  • @beminee said:

    Yes but isn't it better to lock to a target? I don't know to be honest.

    I'm sorry i dont try that, can you reset again? =(

  • @beminee said:

    Yes but isn't it better to lock to a target? I don't know to be honest.

    Well, in teamfights not always. Just got into akward situation chasing timber with ult when there was two enemy cores locked in a chronosphere nearby

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    @lab185 said:

    I'm sorry i dont try that, can you reset again? =(

    Just did, enjoy

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    @Mrazish said:

    Well, in teamfights not always. Just got into akward situation chasing timber with ult when there was two enemy cores locked in a chronosphere nearby

    Okay, I will change it to dynamic targetting.

  • @beminee said:

    Okay, I will change it to dynamic targetting.


  • owennhtowennht Posts: 118

    Hi @beminee , does Void Spirit's Q will be used with prediction by enemy's movement? Meaning his Q will automatically cast in prediction area that guarantees to hit the target.

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    @owennht said:
    Hi @beminee , does Void Spirit's Q will be used with prediction by enemy's movement? Meaning his Q will automatically cast in prediction area that guarantees to hit the target.

    There’s a prediction but there’s no guarantee to hit

  • owennhtowennht Posts: 118

    @beminee said:

    There’s a prediction but there’s no guarantee to hit


    I also have a little suggestion for Ember: making his combo to use Remnant as per number set in option. Currently he will "leave X amount of Remnant not to be used", is it possible to change to "number of Remnant will be used in combo".

    For example, if I set the number to "2", Ember will only use "2" of his Remnant during combo, and if I wanna use another Remnant, then I have to re-press the combo key.

    Thank you! :D

  • Lycan add pls

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    @owennht said:


    I also have a little suggestion for Ember: making his combo to use Remnant as per number set in option. Currently he will "leave X amount of Remnant not to be used", is it possible to change to "number of Remnant will be used in combo".

    For example, if I set the number to "2", Ember will only use "2" of his Remnant during combo, and if I wanna use another Remnant, then I have to re-press the combo key.

    Thank you! :D

    I will consider, thanks for the suggestion ^^

    @Withza007 said:
    Lycan add pls

    You need BAIO.DynamicCombo for that.

  • good day, u have a greatwork on voidspirit bro @beminee but when i press combo key he doesnt use MJOLLNIR, and if u have time can add etherial blade cast on enemy so that i can combo wth dagoon. tnx bro if u dont mind reset trial after if its ok. tnx bro more powers to u. xpect on me to purchase ur script wthin a week after u put that etherial and mjollnir tnx

  • Could you make toggle for void spirit script so it wont double ult on combo, its not that high dmg rather use it to close the gap on another target or escape after kill.
    also that random dissimilate feature is not really practical and just makes it easy to spot scripters.

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    @makebibi said:
    good day, u have a greatwork on voidspirit bro @beminee but when i press combo key he doesnt use MJOLLNIR, and if u have time can add etherial blade cast on enemy so that i can combo wth dagoon. tnx bro if u dont mind reset trial after if its ok. tnx bro more powers to u. xpect on me to purchase ur script wthin a week after u put that etherial and mjollnir tnx

    @banaani522 said:
    Could you make toggle for void spirit script so it wont double ult on combo, its not that high dmg rather use it to close the gap on another target or escape after kill.
    also that random dissimilate feature is not really practical and just makes it easy to spot scripters.


    • Added Ethereal blade, Mjollnir to Void Spirit.
    • Added option to disable randomly jumping in Dissimilate. (Will still pick portal that will hit if you have a target or closest to your mouse position if you don't have a target)
    • Improved ulti usage. Now, it will always save 1 stack of ulti. Will only use it if distance to your target is greater than 400 range (to gap close).
  • @beminee said:


    • Added Ethereal blade, Mjollnir to Void Spirit.
    • Added option to disable randomly jumping in Dissimilate. (Will still pick portal that will hit if you have a target or closest to your mouse position if you don't have a target)
    • Improved ulti usage. Now, it will always save 1 stack of ulti. Will only use it if distance to your target is greater than 400 range (to gap close).

    TY bro great work, can we ask last time reset the trial? if yes A big THANK u

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    @makebibi said:

    TY bro great work, can we ask last time reset the trial? if yes A big THANK u

    Just did. Make sure you pick it up when you can play though

  • @beminee said:

    Just did. Make sure you pick it up when you can play though

    tnx much bro xpect me to purchase this coming week tnx alot

  • @beminee said:

    Just did. Make sure you pick it up when you can play though

    tnx much bro xpect me to purchase this coming week tnx alot

  • owennhtowennht Posts: 118

    @beminee said:


    • Added Ethereal blade, Mjollnir to Void Spirit.
    • Added option to disable randomly jumping in Dissimilate. (Will still pick portal that will hit if you have a target or closest to your mouse position if you don't have a target)
    • Improved ulti usage. Now, it will always save 1 stack of ulti. Will only use it if distance to your target is greater than 400 range (to gap close).

    Thanks for the update.

    But in my opinion, you should leave the Astral Step from Void Spirit to cast at any range and not only when further than 400 unit away from the target. With the level 25 talent (+200% crit) it is very powerful for bursting down the target. So just use 1 charge is nice but please allow it to cast at any range (as long as it can hit the target).


  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    @owennht said:

    Thanks for the update.

    But in my opinion, you should leave the Astral Step from Void Spirit to cast at any range and not only when further than 400 unit away from the target. With the level 25 talent (+200% crit) it is very powerful for bursting down the target. So just use 1 charge is nice but please allow it to cast at any range (as long as it can hit the target).


    Maybe I can add a "Sniper Key" kind of mode which will use everything and 2 charges of ulti as well. But will use last charge in direction of your fountain so it will be like burst down and run away :roto2_think:

  • owennhtowennht Posts: 118

    @beminee said:

    Maybe I can add a "Sniper Key" kind of mode which will use everything and 2 charges of ulti as well. But will use last charge in direction of your fountain so it will be like burst down and run away :roto2_think:

    My bad, it has a range "slider" in option and I forgot to check it. No worries, I have your script bound to "D" when I wanna leave 1 charge to escape later, and use O9K.AIO script bound to "F" when I wanna use both charge of Astral Step :)

  • VacantVacant Posts: 99

    Can you fix Drow's E? Instantly casts and cancels it whenever it's off cd atm. Maybe an option to use it if it will hit multiple heroes? Also it only takes 1.3s to release all the arrows so you can cancel the channel in the last 0.45 seconds and not lose out on any arrows for maximum efficiency.

  • Ven0mQTVen0mQT Posts: 2
    edited December 2019

    drow ranger don't control multi unit when i build manta with BAIO

  • bemineebeminee Posts: 566

    @Vacant said:
    Can you fix Drow's E? Instantly casts and cancels it whenever it's off cd atm. Maybe an option to use it if it will hit multiple heroes? Also it only takes 1.3s to release all the arrows so you can cancel the channel in the last 0.45 seconds and not lose out on any arrows for maximum efficiency.

    @Ven0mQT said:
    drow ranger don't control multi unit when i build manta with BAIO


    • Experimental Unit Controller is enabled on BAIO too. So, you can use it on supported heroes now as well.
    • Fixed Drow Multishot. It will now also cancel channel once it releases all arrows.
  • @beminee Could you add the toggle for auto quill spray for BB? similar to how Ogre can toggle on and off blood lust. This will save us from spamming quill spray while fighting.

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