
edited September 2017 in Assemblies

Full Combo for Enigma in Good Logic.



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  • SwamttertSwamttert Posts: 169

    Video still not finished? Kappa


    @Swamttert said:
    Video still not finished? Kappa


  • SwamttertSwamttert Posts: 169

    @YEEEEEEE said:

    Full Combo for Enigma in Good Logic.



    As i see in the video, the script has a logic that EVEN if the MINIMUM number to ult is 1, it will try to ulti more people. So it will not be wasted, right?

    edited August 2017

    @Swamttert said:

    As i see in the video, the script has a logic that EVEN if the MINIMUM number to ult is 1, it will try to ulti more people. So it will not be wasted, right?


  • KatsumiKatsumi Posts: 38

    Can u make contorol of eidolons pleaase? so if eidolon has low hp he will move back, its not that important but it would be really awesome.

  • JetJet Posts: 171

    @Katsumi said:
    Can u make contorol of eidolons pleaase? so if eidolon has low hp he will move back, its not that important but it would be really awesome.

    • This would be awesome for flash jungle farm/pushing lanes as new eidolons get created. Some logic to move from enemy if it's visible within a certain range
  • makanielmakaniel Posts: 95

    @YEEEEEEE can you make alchemist too sir.

  • lolkhaxlolkhax Posts: 363

    @makaniel said:
    @YEEEEEEE can you make alchemist too sir.


  • si_jisi_ji Posts: 38

    good job!!! Looking forward to MagnusPlus


    @si_ji said:
    good job!!! Looking forward to MagnusPlus

    MagnusPlus coming soon :)

  • si_jisi_ji Posts: 38

    @YEEEEEEE 说道:

    MagnusPlus coming soon :)

    Oh! That's Great! It's just Ult, or Ult + Skewer?

  • demonz22demonz22 Posts: 77

    @si_ji said:

    Oh! That's Great! It's just Ult, or Ult + Skewer?

    and blink skewer , it would be great

  • badbreathbadbreath Posts: 172

    @YEEEEEEE can you add same logic for axe call and Magnus ult

    edited August 2017

    * Made some changes https://streamable.com/5f37q

  • SwamttertSwamttert Posts: 169

    @YEEEEEEE said:

    MagnusPlus coming soon :)

    Holy moly. You should put this in an AIO: AIO+
    With an unique thread and all its features
    Btw sometimes enigma in game it waits a bit before blinking and doing the combo, sometimes it could be a problem sometimes not

  • zpwallezpwalle Posts: 12

    Когда делаю комбо,блекхол отменяеться и начинает энигма бить цель,как убрать?

  • zpwallezpwalle Posts: 12

    @zpwalle said:
    Когда делаю комбо,блекхол отменяеться и начинает энигма бить цель,как убрать?


  • @YEEEEEEE написал:

    MagnusPlus coming soon :)

    Hello bro!
    Sounds AMAZING!
    Thank you!


    @zpwalle said:


    И чем проблема было?

  • SwamttertSwamttert Posts: 169

    @zpwalle said:
    Когда делаю комбо,блекхол отменяеться и начинает энигма бить цель,как убрать?

    ME TOO

    @YEEEEEEE said:

    И чем проблема было?

  • zpwallezpwalle Posts: 12
    edited August 2017

    @YEEEEEEE said:

    И чем проблема было?

    Убрал атаку в Ensage.SDK-->Orbwalker--->Settings

  • Dolche11Dolche11 Posts: 24

    Veil of Discord not used in combo

  • badbreathbadbreath Posts: 172

    Use item manager for that. Better question is why you want veil on enigma. 99% of his damage is pure.

  • KatsumiKatsumi Posts: 38

    @zpwalle said:
    Когда делаю комбо,блекхол отменяеться и начинает энигма бить цель,как убрать?

    У меня тоже самое было, оказывается в настройках почему то автоатака стояла(думаю скрипт включил как то автоатаку), уверен у тебя так же было.


    ребята если хотите я просто уберу OrbWalker и все

  • zpwallezpwalle Posts: 12

    @YEEEEEEE said:
    ребята если хотите я просто уберу OrbWalker и все

    Не в орбволкере проблеме,в идеале просто я поменял комбо на кнопку Z и все отлично стало работать

  • Naz1337Naz1337 Posts: 10
    edited March 2018

    i was using enigmaplus in this one game thinking it would ulti everyone when it see it can ulti 5 people. and then it blinked and used my bkb and then it open the ulti black hole to 5 heroes.i am fully aware that the assembly is doing everything for me right here.. and then black hole vanished.... and this happened a lot of time in that match then we lose the game it was a long fight, and now im hoping to know why did the blackhole was cancelled? plz somebody tell me

  • MinpoJkeMinpoJke Posts: 47

    Just try to stop holding combo key) You don't need it while BH. Or try to disable evader or like that assembly, it can try to avoid smth...

  • Naz1337Naz1337 Posts: 10
    edited March 2018

    @MinpoJke said:
    Just try to stop holding combo key) You don't need it while BH. Or try to disable evader or like that assembly, it can try to avoid smth...

    yeah you probably right

    EDIT: i watched my replay of that enigma again to see what happen myself and saw that while i was ulting there was a enemy creep and a usable midas in my inventory, so it went like this, i ulti'ed then enemy creep come, and midas was used leading to canceling my black hole. gg would remember to put midas in backpack when comboing

    EDIT2: 2nd time using enigma, i avoided midas this time, now its soul ring that cancel my ulti. just disable item manager when you use this hero next time haha

  • у кого отменяется BH - мне помогло отключение скрипта Evader. После этого BH больше не отменялся. Видимо Evader пытается что либо задоджить и имеет больший приоритет чем комбо.

  • MinpoJkeMinpoJke Posts: 47
    edited March 2018

    Trying it without any other assemblies, and its real, blackhole stops after 0.1 sec cast. Think script is broken

  • ensei89ensei89 Posts: 9

    @MinpoJke said:
    Trying it without any other assemblies, and its real, blackhole stops after 0.1 sec cast. Think script is broken

    yeah just tried it today.
    i need to buy BKB first and press it manually before holding combo key so blackhole wont be cancelled again
    i hope YEEEEEEE can fix this awesome script

  • NeeDforKillNeeDforKill Posts: 1,976

    you sure you not have enabled two orbwalkers ?

  • ensei89ensei89 Posts: 9

    @NeeDforKill said:
    you sure you not have enabled two orbwalkers ?

    pardon me, what is this two orbwalkers?

  • NeeDforKillNeeDforKill Posts: 1,976

    @ensei89 said:

    pardon me, what is this two orbwalkers?

    to use this script, you need disable combo in Ensage.SDK -> Orbwalker -> Combo

  • Братан, мне пишет Target Disabled. Как исправить?

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