Item Manager (AIO Utility)



  • mentxdmentxd Posts: 1

    how does this script work, do i need to press a hotkey? what hotkey isit?

  • Sir @IdcNoob can you fix the phase boots? cause even I've already disabled it, it always using auto phase boots and also if i'm using shadow blade it's always break the invisibility because of the auto phase boots or even invisibility rune....

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @dstrout111 said:
    Sir @IdcNoob can you fix the phase boots? cause even I've already disabled it, it always using auto phase boots and also if i'm using shadow blade it's always break the invisibility because of the auto phase boots or even invisibility rune....

    Its other assembly, most likely overlay information. Disabling phase boots is working and its not breaking invis.

  • @IdcNoob said:

    Its other assembly, most likely overlay information. Disabling phase boots is working and its not breaking invis.

    Okay sir thanks for the info yeah maybe the overlay information...

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @JoyPink said:
    Does the Snatcher dont pick up runes anymore?

    It picks for me.

  • @JoyPink said:
    Does the Snatcher dont pick up runes anymore?

    New core update I guess. Just play awhile ago and many assemblies were broken, but after the #703 update it's fine now.

  • hampa312hampa312 Posts: 2
    edited August 2017


  • badbreathbadbreath Posts: 172

    Possible to add auto satanic use when low health?

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    Added satanic to off items. Because it uses default settings, i recommend to change them for satanic specifically, and set delay to 0.

    Also added option to defensive items to always use when selected enemy is range.

  • badbreathbadbreath Posts: 172

  • Can you disable tread switching when under AA ult? You lose health every time you swap off strength treads.

  • @Vacant said:
    Can you disable tread switching when under AA ult? You lose health every time you swap off strength treads.

    U turn it off manually btw.

  • @Goldenfroze said:

    U turn it off manually btw.

    Yeah, but I want it on in every case except for when under the effect of AA ult.

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @Vacant said:

    Yeah, but I want it on in every case except for when under the effect of AA ult.


  • TimeTime Posts: 27

    Can you please add Auto EUL for when enemies like axe blink call it auto EUL's them.

    Or like Cronos when he E's then Cronos it EUL's before he can crono

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @Time said:
    Can you please add Auto EUL for when enemies like axe blink call it auto EUL's them.

    Or like Cronos when he E's then Cronos it EUL's before he can crono

    Use evader.

  • SamplaerSamplaer Posts: 172

    pls add nulifier

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @Samplaer said:
    pls add nulifier

    It already uses nullifier.

  • teewar4teewar4 Posts: 108

    fix midas fix phase bots

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @teewar4 said:
    fix midas fix phase bots

    Problem was probably in outdated core. Check it again.

  • lolkhaxlolkhax Posts: 363

    I'm having trouble getting the recovery abuse to work - it won't drop items or heal. I've messed with the thresholds to no avail, there is also no console error which made me think it was the settings/thresholds. Maybe I'm doing it wrong

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @lolkhax said:
    I'm having trouble getting the recovery abuse to work - it won't drop items or heal. I've messed with the thresholds to no avail, there is also no console error which made me think it was the settings/thresholds. Maybe I'm doing it wrong

    Default threshold should be ok. Also it wont do anything if u have full hp/mp.

  • lolkhaxlolkhax Posts: 363
    edited November 2017

    @IdcNoob said:

    Default threshold should be ok. Also it wont do anything if u have full hp/mp.

    Yeah I sorta figured that would be the case - I don't have any screen recording software on my pc to make demonstration video (like you Guys do when showcasing new features and stuff - what should I use in future?). Should I try removing it and re-installing it, with its' accompanying cache file?

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @lolkhax said:

    Yeah I sorta figured that would be the case - I don't have any screen recording software on my pc to make demonstration video (like you Guys do when showcasing new features and stuff - what should I use in future?). Should I try removing it and re-installing it, with its' accompanying cache file?

    You can use OBS to record video.
    I dont think reinstalling would help if other item manager stuff is working. Maybe you just unticked "Enabled" in recovery abuse :kappa:

  • lolkhaxlolkhax Posts: 363

    @IdcNoob said:

    You can use OBS to record video.
    I dont think reinstalling would help if other item manager stuff is working. Maybe you just unticked "Enabled" in recovery abuse :kappa:

    Oh Dude I wish haha, when I get around to it I'll show you what it's doing - thanks for the suggestions Boss! :y:

  • Can you add an option to disable Auto Magic Stick/Wand while invis?

  • jccy91jccy91 Posts: 14
    edited January 2018

    Excuse me gentlemen, i tried to play with the auto items for tango function, it ain't working for me :(

  • crscrs Posts: 24

    I have the same problem with tango function, can u fix it please ?

  • myzonemyzone Posts: 135

    When i play as nyx and when im invis near an enemy sentry ward and enemy is near and can see me, It will auto use mana boots while im invis with ult can you fix this please.

  • gznstergznster Posts: 202
    edited January 2018

    is it possible to swap without leaving an empty space in the inventory

    This works well if you're only swapping between 2 items or when you're 9 slotted.

  • have this hack?
    Rapier dissassembled

  • @megagarra said:
    have this hack?
    Rapier dissassembled

    old, old, old

  • akurosakuros Posts: 22

    Gold spender near death not work bro , plz fix it?

  • IdcNoob, you can fix this in this script or no?

  • sivagornsivagorn Posts: 85

    power threads switchs is not work anymore! how sad.

  • sivagornsivagorn Posts: 85

    power threads switchs not work on anti mage but sometimes is work

  • AyushAyush Posts: 356

    hey @IdcNoob if it all bottle in backpack auto swap to the 6 slotted(when at fountain only ) and when i teleport swap it back can u do it ? only for tinker makes really efficient bro.... can u pls do it ?

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @Ayush said:
    hey @IdcNoob if it all bottle in backpack auto swap to the 6 slotted(when at fountain only ) and when i teleport swap it back can u do it ? only for tinker makes really efficient bro.... can u pls do it ?

    Move bottle to stash and use recovery abuse key.

  • sivagornsivagorn Posts: 85

    bro please fix power threads switch with anti mage skill 2. its not change

  • IdcNoobIdcNoob Posts: 1,175

    @sivagorn said:
    bro please fix power threads switch with anti mage skill 2. its not change

    It works... You probably just set wrong settings.

  • sivagornsivagorn Posts: 85
    edited June 2018

    @IdcNoob said:

    It works... You probably just set wrong settings.

    its work only demo mode , im playing mmr and its not work bro. but mana void ulti its work fine.
    im using default settings.

  • ramzesbgramzesbg Posts: 249

    Uses dust on targets that have Slardar's Ult on them.

  • Auto buy near death resets itself every match for me. I generally take sentries, observers, dust, and smoke off if I'm playing core but they always toggle again after every new match. It also turns off quickbuy which I feel like should always be on.

  • madapollonmadapollon Posts: 190

    Make please the function of automatically shifting the blink dagger into stash and changing to another item after use. Also Black king bar auto swap after use.

  • ramzesbgramzesbg Posts: 249
    edited September 2018

    Using dust when puck's phase shift ends. Please fix.

  • @IdcNoob bro autobuy spams buying the item even if we dont have enough gold, so its spams “not enough gold” it’s annoying so I must turn it off.

  • @IdcNoob it's not working

  • myzonemyzone Posts: 135

    @IdcNoob I think this is semi working now, I am not able to get the recovery abuse to backpack items instead of dropping please check

  • It seems the PowerTreads do not work now, could you have a check? @IdcNoob

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