The basis was taken the script "Tinker Air13" from Air13
Credits: Air13, ObiXah
Here all bugs are fixed and some function is improved
2) Rocket spam Key.
3) March spam Key.
4)Auto killsteal enemy.
Advanced calculation all of your skill and items dmg. And use all of it instantly in right sequence if u can kill enemy and enough close to enemy.
Supports lens, int, veil, ethreal multiplification for calculation, fast kill by ethereal + dagon and many other.
ps: this feature so awesome OP, Just try it ;)
5)Auto disable/counter enemy.
Disable/counter enemy by hex, eul, ghost, laser automatically.
6) Ranges and drawings.
Show Range of Blink Dagger, Laser(650 = Laser Range = No blink Range(watch video under spoiler, its usefull info) ), Rockets + Draw vector of face direction of your hero while u channel (Needs for instant blink by situation (like gif below))
Also show incoming TP blink dagger range on allyes.
7) UI calculators
Show different calculation of your dmg and mana. (pic under spoiler)
8) Auto SoulRing
Auto use soul ring before ulti, rockets, march.
9) Hit+rockets counter
Counts hits of basic attacks and rockets to instant kill by all tinker's spells and items
10) Target Lock mode
-free mode - instant update closest to mouse target
-lock mode - lock 1st closest to mouse target when starting combo
Now we can turn off the blink!
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thanks, bro! VERY GJ!
(06.05.2017) Update:
* Added Rearm Blocker. "It does not allow double-cast rearm"
What is the COMBO mode in Orbwalker? Is it supposed to be set to the same key as your scripts combo? I have both set to spacebar... but the orbwalker is canceling Tinkers abilities.
I'm sorry, I did not understand, This script has its own OrbWalker! Does not require another OrbWalker!
(06.05.2017) Update:
* Fixed Chase Mode.
I may be doing something wrong but for the line pusher helper where it blink to safe spot and spam march, would it be possible to bind this to a key so when you hit that keys it goes into push mode. This would prevent you from porting to join a fight and have your tinker start blinking in trees and start spamming march.
A hotkey that you could trigger when cursor is overing a creep you want to teleport to so it would do it's stuff and port back to fountain it does right now.
(07.05.2017) Update:

* Added No Block Rearm in Fountain.
* Added No Block Rearm with Teleporting.
* Added Fast Rearm Blink.
* Added Some Improvements.
shit this script is even better than the original. only thing is yes there is sometime problem with auto push where the hero doesnt safely blink to the trees for safety when he march. it does 7/10 times but again you can manually do this with march spam but ya the auto push mode with safe blink to trees would be great xD
If there is time I will improve auto push
I love you yee chan.
It's still using blink for me even when i have it unticked. Blinking me right into teamfights and dying right away, sadface
why is the script using blink on rocket spam ???? i directly blinked into the enemy team even if i turned blink dagger off in item list :/
how can i disable this safeblink after tp ? i want to blink were i want !
Try disabling
What are u talking about
This blink dagger helper in item manager is not using dagger by it self.
(11.05.2017) Update:
* Fixed Fast Rearm Blink.
* Fixed Rocket Spam.
* Fixed March Spam.
* Fixed Combo Mode.
* Improved Combo Mode Item Soul Ring.
* Significantly Improved Rocket Spam.
* Significantly Improved March Spam.
* Added Combo Mode Item Rod of Atos.
* Added Rocket Spam Item Glimmer Cape.
* Added Rocket Spam Item Ghost.
* Added Rocket Spam Item Ethereal Blade.
* Added March Spam Item Glimmer Cape.
* Added March Spam Item Ghost.
* Added Menu Setting Rocket Spam, Items and Skills.
* Added Menu Setting March Spam, Items and Skills.
* Improved Menu Setting Combo, Items and Skills.
* Added Setting Linken Breaker, Items and Skills. (force staff, cyclone, lazer)
* Fixed Other Errors.
* Added Some Improvements.
Now we can turn off the blink!
Oh fuck yeah! Ty bro! XD great work
Great update!
This script is awesome , Can u create a script for invoker too, it would be great, current invoker scripts are buggy, it would be jee ce if u can create for invoker, thanks in advance
Oh, what about when ur pc is fixed and good ( I know it might take a while) but I hope there is a good invoker script in this forum, as I see now tinker and arc warden are the best scripts to spam right now, but if invoker would be also as good as these two, it would be very good, hope ur pc gets fixed... and @Goldenfroze what happened to Moones
Yah me too I'm looking forward to have a perfect smart invoker script like "tinkerfastcomboplus"
This is an automated bot reply.
Use Item Manager
Use Item Manager
This is an automated bot reply.
ty for script,ez 150 pts!
not working after the dueling fates, pls u can update? i love this script
combo not working
not working too
"Update for 7.07" 03.11.2017
Can u add one more function that tinker will auto recharge when in base? I mean just 1 key so that Tinker automatically drop items out, use bottle and take back items to maximum the time
Yes, that would be only on the basis of the rearm did the skills and Sol ring was proximal, and when jumping on the enemy from a distance with laser, not in focus, and the focus of the enemy to put and it is not clear whom to beat.
What did he say?
я говорю, сделать так что бы на базе он сам реармил и прожимал сол ринг, но когда лечу линию толкать, не влючалась помощь при пуши и не прыгал в кусты итд, и когда врага бью он влитал на расстояние лазера, по фокусу одной цели. или если есть где то отключить скажите отключу.
Use Item Manager, pretty useful with Tinker
Whether it is possible to add automatic farm on lines as in a script arc warden. Choose a line he flies to creeps - blink in the trees - cars - recharge, etc.?
Script doesn't compiling today. All was OK yesterday, but now compile loading is holding.
fix pls against anti-mage with aghanim's scepter (autohex and aghanim's breaker like linken breaker)
this script is not showing up in the menu after this last update today,
Update 24.11.2017
Hi YEEEEEE, is it possible for you to check on the orbwalker in your script? After the combo is executed, it's supposed to orbwalk and attack but it just jitters forward and doesn't attack. Especially before I have my blink, it just jitters forward without attacking. Not too sure if I'm clear in my explanation. Can kindly check pls??? Thanks for all the great work man.
I blame Ensage.Common.
I think I can not fix this.
I will have to completely remake
Any chance you will be remaking it? I really like this script and was going to have some fun with Tinker.
not showing on menu
Work for me
stopped appearing after the morning update (in the script)